The Word Of The Lord Regarding The Two Quakes (3/5/2010)

God Said, “He Spoke And I Replied!”

This blog for me is one of the most interesting blogs I think I have every written, because God showed me just how awesome He is the more. I pray that like me, God unveils himself even the more and that His manifestation continues to shine forth at such greater dimensions that the world would be forever changed.

Last Night-(3/4/2010)

Last night while just resting, I turned on and began flipping through the channels when I came across TBN’s fundraising event. One of my favorite Prophets was on, Mark Chirona. Not only was the whole word prophetic, it was so on point, more than anything I have heard any elder prophet speak over the last 3 years. It was so accurate and on-time that it was like the heavens opened up; a microphone was placed in eternity, and the value of revelation and refreshing waves came down like rivers to the earth. You may have to be a poet to get that image……lol. However, as the man of God was preaching, God gave me a greater insight into a question that I had asked Him at least a month ago regarding Haiti and where the world was as a whole, and this is where we begin.

I asked God why the quake hit Haiti in such a manner and to such an extent. At first He was silent, and then began to show me several images that I couldn’t reveal in the last blog posted here. I didn’t throw away what He showed, but I just allowed those images to stay in my inbox until needed, well, it was needed on last night, as this revelation hit me. I received not only a need Apostolic word from the speaker, but at the same time, God gave me the TRUE and DEEPER revelation of the Haiti event, and commanded me to speak it His people in the hopes that they will see clearer than ever before and follow suit. Below, is the manner in which this conversation took place, so read carefully-----

Our Conversation


“ You asked Me, why the Quake? I showed you a hand, grabbing Haiti underworld consuming the whole nation, and commanded you not to speak it forth to My people until the right time. This is that! You wanted to know why I allowed the President to live and allowed the life of the Archbishop to be taken? You asked me was this more about a judgment and why the church could only see the negative, now I show you a deeper revelation? It is not that judgment wasn’t a factor, but it was who was being judged that was missed and misunderstood. So declare all that I say………


Then what is it that we’re missing about this whole ordeal, and does this have to do with the quake in Chilie?


Yes! Do you remember Satan’s Call and My Response? This was that!

Side Note:

God is speaking about Isaiah 14:12-16 (Satan’s Call) and Ezekiel 28: 13-16 (God’s Response). In both cases the Prophet begins by talking to the kings of Babylon and Tyre. This means that the Prophet visited these kings to decree or confront their practices but if they didn’t repent, decree God’s judgment. However, as the conversation proceeds the prophet goes from talking from a third person to a first person conversation. Thus, what is happening in these two text. What every preacher knows already about these text is that one (Isa.) tells of what Satan’s agenda was and is made known, and the other (Eze) is God’s response and victory over him. This text, also reveals Satan’s beginnings before he became a fallen angel.


When I showed you the hand drowning the people and then told you I wasn’t done, I meant that! When I told you to tell them to evacuate I am serious, and am not playing! You see, you already understand the history behind this nation, and yes, many have been saved since then, but the root or the point of entry is what I am dealing with in this hour (The Gate Way). The reason the capital was split as you told them was because I am separate the wheat from the tare, I am separating the true from the false, but I am also giving the people a chance to decide whose side they are on, and who they belong too. I allowed the President to live to show him this -That the headship is not beyond my reach, to show the headship, I want that nation fully returned to Me, from the head down. I want this man to understand that I am God, and not Him. I want this nation as a whole to choose which God they will serve and no longer be divided. Thus, the real God stood up to Satan’s Call.

The pack that was made centuries ago is still in the soils of that land! Yes, don’t be fooled I have a people who love Me in that nation, even more than the soils you seat upon, so this was not a judgment in the sense that your nation’s sees, but it was a judgment of a different manner. What went goes in by authority must come out by authority! Satan’ had the legal right to this land and or real-estate! It was giving to him, he maintained the deed. Years passed with new leaders, but the point of entry or the gatekeeper wasn’t contended for, thus, Satan’ was returning to stake and call his claim over this area (Matt. 12). Satan understands his time is short and he’s coming to get his return on his investments, thus, Haiti was his portion.

What goes in by authority must come out by a greater authority, you understand this process (Acts 19). Even though a man (in your eyesight of understanding/mortals) dedicated this nation to Satan years ago, the spirit that was behind this was of a great power and NO Prophet could contend with this power! Thus, why I showed you those texts to recall, because this was not only Satan’s greatest throw but His last, coming for this return to retrieve this investment was a major thing for him at this time. So the hand you saw trying the people is still a threat, but they have a little more time to decide who they will serve, but it must come from the President of that nation, and that’s what makes this a judgment, however, the judgment was not the sole intent here, but that I was stepping out of ETERNITY to content with this Ancient Spirit NEVER contended with, in the hopes that My people would awaken and fight once again! And those that already know Me in that region are SAFE! Those that know Me are safe in Me, in life or in death, so mourn no more, they are safe! For those that knew Me not, are not, but weep no more! Glory not in what man has said and what man wants men to believe, they are safe, in death and in life(those that survived).


My thought was ….wow! Okay, can you explain why the priest had to die?


It was not the religion who stood for My people, but who led them to the slaughter! They have shut up My Prophets and Apostles, and hinder My daughters, and feed not the widows and children, while government systems took control, it is religion that stood by and said nothing! Never stepping into save My sheep, but saved themselves! This is the similarity of that image, need I say more?”

…………………………………………just silence

When the second quake hit, I of course knew that there was a connection, but didn’t see it, but yes, God says to Get the connection!

Chilie Quake

As I was still watching and listening to TBN, God continued to show a few images and speak, but the one image that He centered on was the one with Christ at the cross. This is where as soon as Christ says His last words, the ground began to shake! Now if you’re following me right now, you’re belly should be jumping, because you’re getting the bigger picture now (hopefully)!

I jumped up and began to give God praise, because I was seeing it oh so clear! While calling my son, I asked him to tell me just how fast sound waves traveled and to explain the effect of it (yup, I have prophetic kids). As he began to tell me the answer to this, I heard the tile “He Spoke And I Replied!” I was now ready for round two of this discourse.


“Do you see it? Do You see it? (yes, I responded)---In the first quake Satan took the lead, attempting to do what he did with the Kings of old, returning for an investment that he thinks he has right too. Legally, this would have been a great case for him to plead, but because all kingdoms are mine, and because My name is at stake, thus why I SPOKE to render him powerless! Chilie was My Response!

I spoke to overthrow Satan’s last throw! I spoke to show as did MY Prophets of old, that I am still God! I spoke by such sound waves that nothing was heard but felt! I spoke until the world took notice and confusion fell on their faces.

I spoke manifestations in the earth, so that My Apostles and Prophets would arise and be about their call. I sent out a massive wave of freedom and release! Thus, why My bride is feeling the spirit of laughter return unto them. I sent manifestations of healing hit that nations. I spoke manifestations, that I silenced ALL the demonic forces over the lives of My people, that have been hindering them for the last 8 years! I spoke life back into dead wombs, and told them bare babies of dreams lost. I spoke until hell had to stop(Eze.).

Tell them Sandy,---

Everything has been broken that has hindered them! Tell them to dream again! Tell them to seek Me again! Tell them to BELIEVE AGAIN IN ME! I AM STILL GOD!


To many of My leadership saw this as Me wanting to kill this people! Too many thought this was a judgment call as if I wanted to kill off a people that I created. But not one time did anyone just realize that I was redeeming time back unto my people so that the work can go forth and they could reap lost and stolen spoils? Did they not see nor understand that when I speak it will have an effect on the soils of men. Thus, my speech is putting everything in order even when they can’t understand My will nor trace My hand?---Stop—Write the rest in secret, because there is arising another generation that will hear, obey, and understand. Tell My People This: He Spoke and I God Responded!"

Thus Says The Spirit Of The Lord

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