I have heard it said that if you repeat a lie to yourself long enough, it becomes your truth. So how long have you told yourself that you were trying to follow Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha and yet continued to do you? You speak about love but don't even look (much less speak) to the person sitting across the aisle from you. But you're following Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha. You say all of the right words at the right times but mock people who you think are less than you and 'your kind'. But you're following Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha. You give a "Praise the Lord" to the 1st Lady but hitch your skirt up during your weekly 'counseling' session with the Pastor/Imam/Rabbi. But you're following Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha. You are a faithful church goer but you support no Ministry, lend a hand to no projects, arrive late ALWAYS and leave before the benediction. Plus ya been giving that same $5 tithe since ya joined the church in 1999. (although GOD has tripled your net income) You always start the 'meeting in the ladies room' or have a complaint about the Pastor during the Men's Meeting. But you're following Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha. I don't know about you but I'm sick of the mess. If I didn't know for myself, I would think it was better in the streets than it is in the church/mosque/synagouge, At least my experience is that what you see/hear in the street is the real deal. In the church/mosque/synagouge.... well I'll close by saying 'Take your time; try the spirit by the Spirit; and trust the Spirit to lead and guide you into ALL truths.... even truths about yourself! Oh pick up your cross and follow HIM!!!

Thanks for reading these randomly selected comments and may GOD continue to bless you and yours.


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