Good morning and Greetings;

Well this will be short and to the point! Just wanted to add a few more facts about why you must be aware of during the times and the seasons ahead:

  • Government, Economics, Church Corporate Bail Out?--- I found myself reflecting on the word that God spoke so clear which was, "I shall not bail them out!"--Now almost a year later, I am watching God shut every door of this nation and demanding us as a nation to repent. From the car industries to the current oil spill, what many thought was God is now proven to be of man's own way of trying to play God and or attempting to help God, as if God needs carnal bails outs of men to prove Himself. One by one corporations are failing inspections, losing money, or monies resended because of lack of integrity, character and more. While the church is still praying on its knees to keep the doors open. Each entity (secular & spiritual) trying to convince the people to still have faith in them, not understanding that some of these closures are due to their own swindling practices and mistreatment of people, and thus many closures are judgment calls! Yes, who wants to hear truth in chaos and uncertainties? Sin has run so rampant and can no longer be hid (but exposed), so now preachers are preaching the scapegoat sermons (we all have fallen short or we are just human like you). Yes, these are true facts and true word, and no man can judge. However, we've become so sin sick that no one wants to ask why are these exposures happening now? The same reason why these sermons are becoming more popular, EXPOSURE! What's sad is that these confessions from politics to pulpits had no more remorse than the sin they committed! ONLY because many could no longer get away with their mess, which led to their exposure; so now because God got sick of the apostasy, sorry is all they can say? Forget the lives ruin, forget the babies and elderly that have been turned away, as long as you get the attention of the people again (which is the real reason in many cases). We are so needy and afraid not to be controlled by some living walking person that we say nothing but stomach everything!-- We don't even demand that the leadership sit down until healing can begin or continue. We remain in silence because one hand washed the other, covering is what we call it!--From a military standpoint I understand the importance of leadership and authority more than most, but I am not so sedated by religion that I can't smell the aroma of vomit that reeks from God's kingdom. Thus, our Apostolic Voices arise and will not apologize! Whether myself or others, I shall expose every whitewashed lie that is hindering God's people in this nation. If God says WE need to repent as a nation, then that's what we must do, all of Us! So I will not be silent, nor shall I scratch the backs of friends that sin and cover it up with lies that provide false securities, not because I am anything better myself, but because a generation is seeing the truth of our walk, which exceeds our talk, and they (sons, daughters whether natural or spiritual) will do as we did, and will also repeat the same hypocrisy, and justify their sins just as they have seen, so why are we shocked at this nation of youth? They are following what they have seen in homes, communities, and sad to say PULPITS!----Economics-- From Katrina, Chilie, Haiti, Oil Rigs, and more! There shall be no bail out! Do you really think that these things are not all from the same vein? This nation left a 85% black city alone, for three days while dead bodies lay stinking in the street. We sent half behind prayers that were more out of personal fear than actual help; only to say we couldn't get there in time. Not even a few days later the bars re-opened, selling hot beer, but none cared! Now, a few years later the same region has now taken their greatest hit in history, seafood monies lost!---Tears streaming down the faces of so many! I heard the many stories of how family business' of past generations gone in just a matter of moments, however, once the camera was off, they immediately rose the prices to get all they can before their ship goes down. Rallies are protesting government for more help and bail outs to save the seafood industry, but who saves the spender or the customer?--So we are bleed the poor, sedating them with cheap fixes and hope, because that paper is needed to keep the big people afloat, but the big people are not thinking of the little people, thus why every time Mother nature/Act of God's Creation (best term to use) hits this land, we raise prices to bleed all we can get, but call it help!--You see, propaganda says we are help, but truth must have the ability to see what the natural eyes are refusing to see, thus why many shall be sedated by this world and the spirits that governed them.
  • Racial & Racist Hatred- I will not hold nor bite my tongue on this, so hold on!----Racist CHURCHES have been exposed!--God IS not going to hush on this issue, esp. in this nation! We have turned into the biggest supporters of racism than the media(CNN, Fox News).....For too many years, religion has told us that we're one in Christ, but in just one election we have torn down a fellow brother in Christ and Of The Kingdom Of God!--- We have found fault with his name, his background and even deported a family member just to prove what point?-- In the name of Jesus Christ open your eyes, every-time you drink the kool-aid of propaganda, you're now apart of the problem and offer no solution. This same God that said all authority is from him, and to pray for them that have role over you is now no good? So out of 43 Presidents prior to this one were all called or chosen for their mission, but this one is not? Foolish people, who has bewitched you?---When this man ran, no one thought he had a chance, even preachers were calling him a coward, not strong enough to lead, etc; at the same time Fox News had a contract with the Republican Party to host the debates and give the FINAL approval and nomination, so the hate was displayed all over the TV's, YouTubes and more, only for CNN to be the capitalist behind it all....nobody said a word! 2 million people have been protesting on the White House lawn from day one! How many knew this? How many so called Christians were on the lawn as well? Kim Clement when he announce that this man would win was told to back off and reuse the term he did, so he wouldn't appear to be on a side or backing this man chosen of God. CBN immediately attacked him without ever knowing really who he was nor to took the time to find out, but by the millions Christians watched and said nothing! TBN arenas torn down the middle, each hosting shows that tried not to offend anyone, but all behind the scenes are aware of the division and hate, but no one wants to take a stand! We are more afraid of losing government money then helping and standing for truth!---The Church is saying that God is not a Democrat, Republican etc, so why are we on the sly trying to tell the people where and how to vote? ----- KKK rallies have so ignited that what has been dormant in past years is now ready for exposure and confrontation! Sarah Palin is a product of this nation's hate! On one hand all these protesters are saying "we are the people's choice, we represent the voiceless". How can this be when true, when the PEOPLE VOTED? Who was the people's choice?---I thought it proves itself?---No, lets take off the mask!---Because the GOP lost to a black man, they have got to do something and do it fast! So now all the votes didn't mean anything? I guest this was a CHAD (don't know, go study and research) win? So now that one side didn't get its way, we now have resorted to the Tea Party Method?--This means to create an "atmosphere of confusion and chaos," build our own following and take over the CURRENT SYSTEM OF RULE, AND ENFORCE YOUR POSITION ON THE PEOPLE, TAKING AWAY THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE/SPEECH, WHICH IS TELLING THEM THAT THEY ARE STUPID AND INCOMPETENT!---I thought this was called COMMUNISM? The same way that Hilary Clinton never reseeded her electoral votes (holding on to them because they were hers(her words), but kept them and then stated that anything could happen, such as the death of ML King Jr. It is this hate that has ignited for so long, that the cap is about to blow with a civil war already in the making and ripe for the picking!
  • The Greatest Deception- We speak lead by example, authority etc. The problem with all this is simple: They (younger generation and current) have not heeded your actions of examples, but they have even harden their hearts the more just as the former generations before them. From the highest office to the lowest (crack house), disobedience and rebellion are at such an all time high, that I even wonder how we're going to make it (my carnal mind does).How do we really worship God in truth, when we refuse to accept any truth outside of our own. What stands before us in this nation is not the product of a single mother and father, nor Adam and Eve, this mess right here, is our doing as a people and a nation.
  • Political Genocide- (It may help to see what Genocide means in Websters)--These outbreaks, sudden sickness', diseases, wonder drugs, miracle cures and more, are all apart of a much bigger picture, to kill of not just godly or spiritual people, but just as in the days of old (referring to the captivity), we are becoming to many and growing strong. Thus, why systematically so many are dying through the same hands that were meant to heal (doctors, preachers), are now killing generations off. Babylon is alive and is now trying to take the young because they are strong and visionaries, but not before they attempt to kill off or enslave the rest---Are You Watching?
  • Greed Vs Purpose-We as the Body are ringing every prophets phone seeking a word, and some even visiting psychics to get some kind of answer as to what is going on. Well, again lets keep it simple!-- Every time God sent His voice of choice to speak, you ignored it, because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. You ignored it because it didn't so call agree with your SPIRIT. You attached yourselves to people that would tell you what you wanted to hear, and if there was and preconceived negative tone that came with the word, you rejected it because it didn't tickle your flesh. It didn't tell you how wonderful you were, and how awesome you were going to be, thus you remain sick and growing sicker, and even now still don't want to receive any truth, then so be it, let death testify on your behalf!----You didn't want God's purpose, you wanted your greedy ambitions to be fulfilled! Thus, when things didn't go your way, or change wasn't the true intent, God said and still says nothing! If you truly within your heart want GOD'S plan and purpose, you are going to have to die to what you want. Stop using God's word for self promotion and acceptance! YOU CAN'T CON GOD! Yes, men can be coned, and you can convince people just about to believe anything, but God knows that heart BETTER THAN YOU!
  • Prepare For Captivity!- Yes, you read it right!--Many will not want to hear what I have to say, and you can find all the scriptures you want to refute this statement, but I am going to tell you what God has said and shown, because this is my lane, and it has been proven tried, and remains true to Kingdom!--"The Church Is Going Into Captivity In Our Time & Season of Generations! --I wish I go tell it all now, but I can't, but you may want to prepare!--How do we do this in the 21st Century? What does this look like today?--Well, to be a captive to a thing, means to become oftentimes a slave to a thing for a period of time, or until a deliver is raised up like in the case of Moses. Oh, let me hit this real hard first!-----Before you say Jesus died for it all, I do agree and your right!--However, all throughout the bible God turned over nation upon nation into the hands of their enemy to show His hand strong, but also to shake a nation back on course, need I say more!--The playing fields of politics, religion, business, etc, are all being effected to awaken a nation before its too late. Judgment is inevitable, but so is the fact that many Apostles and all five-fold leaders will be right there in the midst of the people to walk and minister to them as they come out. Feels real good to preach behind those walls doesn't it, but things are about to change!---The only safe place in this hour will be the presence of God!-- However, take the natural and normal precautions as God leads you and your family (each path is different, but the end result is Heaven). If you don't know how or what to do, then reach out to me and or others that understand and have clear training in these areas, so you can become better equipped!--Don't be so religious that your pride takes you our before your time, because you weren't childlike enough to ask for help!
  • Apostles & Prophets- Woe unto you if you preacher not this Gospel (explain beyond history and text, but also exegesis the times and seasons so people can understand what is really going on, and then encourage and equip them to move forward). If your level of the Prophetic or Apostolic is not at the level of this magnitude or beyond, beware and come no closer, because this is where your life may be lost (in this world, but abide in heaven). This is not for the weak, the know it all, the high-minded, nor the lowly. This walk is not for the showing of a gifting, nor the offering we take from God's people. This is not for the want to be a big name, nor the timid, but this is the FULL TIME WALK OF ETERNITIES SECRET WEAPONS AND WARRIORS, TAKING GOD'S KINGDOM BY FORCE AND NOT AFRAID OF CONFRONTATION AND POWER SHIFTING FORCES.

Apostle/Prophetess SandyLove-Byrd

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