Hancock for President!
By David Anthony Clarke, Sr.

With the Presidential race getting closer to the finish line, I wanted to share my thoughts on why the United States of America need a President like Hancock. If you saw the movie, you may wonder why in the world I’m recommending a reckless and violent alcoholic who served time in prison to become President of the United States of America. Sounds like he fits the mold to me. Anyway, you can say what you want about Mr. Hancock, but he changed a lot as a person by the time the movie was over. Come to think of it, we need a person who can change for the better not only as President, but every position of leadership everywhere. I am nominating Hancock for President because I believe the best leaders not only affect change for their organizations, but personal changes within themselves. Let me share a few priceless leadership lessons I gleaned from watching the film.

Hancock learned how to control himself
Initially, Hancock had physical power, but no will power. But, with a lot of help from others, and I mean a lot of help, he developed a greater level of self-control by the time the movie was over. I think that would be a great testimony for all of us-by the time the movies of our lives are over and the credits are rolling, we’d increased in self-control and became better persons. No great leader can lead without self-control. Imagine how many scandals we could avoid if we would simply learn to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.

How did he do it? Well, aside from serving time in prison, he also had someone in his life who believed in him, showed him tough love, and held him accountable. Hancock also attended support group meetings to deal with his issues. It all paid off. His level of self-awareness was heightened and it empowered him to exercise real power-power over himself.

Hancock could make things happen
Remember Sen. Hillary Clinton’s old commercial about the phone call at 3:00 a.m.? Well, I’ll tell you who I’d call at 3:00 a.m.-Hancock! I don’t think Hillary could stop locomotives, drug dealers, and do the other things Hancock could do. When he showed up, you could depend on him to get the job done. Education, experience, and charisma can come in handy. However, if no one can depend on you to execute, you won’t last as a leader. How can we get better at executing and making things happen?

1.Prioritize and make sure you’re doing what really, really matters.
2.Focus. Don’t get distracted. Don’t take on too many projects at one time. This helps us finish what we start.
3.Be accountable. Who will check on you to ensure you honor your commitments? One thing that keeps us from accomplishing our goals is lack of accountability.
4.Articulate your action steps. Your goals need strategies as to how you will make them happen. Who will help you? What deadlines have you put in place?
5.Execute and make things happen.

Clarkehouse CD on Setting and Fulfilling Your Goals can help you greatly with this. Ordering information is the website: www.pastorclarke.net

Hancock could instill fear in young people
There was one scene in the movie where a tough kid called Hancock a name. He straightened that kid out real quick! I think Hancock could do more for the behavioral problems in our public schools than No Child Left Behind! And everyone working in the public school system said, “Amen!” Hancock for President! Call Paris Hilton. We’re ready to shoot the video!

Hancock learned how to thank others for a job well done
He literally had to learn how to thank others and tell them, “Good job!” This isn’t hard for great leaders to do. We can do nothing significant without the help of others. Be sure to thank those you lead for a job well done. When people are performing new tasks and the job was not done as well as you liked, be sure to thank them for trying. Appreciating the contributions of others does wonders for morale, level of performance, and our influence in leading others. This goes for Presidents, bosses, pastors, husbands, parents, and anyone else who leads. Needing to be appreciated and made to feel worthwhile is something all of us have in common.

Great leaders are constantly growing and evolving. Let others who know you well notice the changes in you. I pray that by the time the movies of our lives are over, we will have been transformed into the image of the greatest leader of all time, Jesus, the Christ. I’m David Anthony Clarke and I approve this message.

Copyright © 2008 by David Anthony Clarke, Sr.
All rights reserved

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