Matthew 5:6} Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!

Those of us who follow Jesus Christ must always be mindful of the fact that we have an enemy, Satan, whom the Bible describes in the book of John chapter 10 verse 10 as, “a thief that has come to steal, kill, and destroy.” What has Satan come to steal, kill, and destroy ? Satan’s main objectives are to steal your faith, your hope, and your passion; to kill your dreams and goals before they are achieved, and to destroy your relationships with other people, and your relationship with your Heavenly Father. He begins this attack by first pulling you away from the body of Christ so that you are alone and vulnerable. The Body of Christ is our protection and we need to recognize that.

*A spiritually complacent person is an individual who neglects prayer and regularly avoids conversing with GOD in order to draw strength from their Heavenly Father on a regular basis.

*A spiritually complacent person is an individual who has abandoned consistently studying and meditating on the word of GOD, and whose spiritual development and growth has been hindered tremendously, causing them to fall into Satan’s various temptations, and to no longer put their faith and their trust in the promises of GOD.

*A spiritually complacent person is an individual who no longer actively pursues the goals, the aspirations, and the dreams that GOD has placed on their heart to accomplish, instead they have given up on them or believe that they are impossible to achieve.

A person who possesses any of these spiritually complacent characteristics will not be able to stop the enemy (Satan) from accomplishing his objectives to steal, kill, destroy, and to create turmoil in their life.

Complacency will open us up to easily fall into temptations and sins. Below are some examples of what can overtake us and what we can operate in.....

*To fall into the temptation to sin by becoming sexually immoral through fornication, adultery, watching pornography, and engaging in pre-marital sex. We have many Christians today who are living together out of wedlock.

* To fall into the temptation to sin by lashing out in anger (through words and actions) towards others. Our spirit man is deprived of spiritual food and most times we don't allow God to deal with those things which do not please Him and so therefore we live by our emotions and not by the leading of the Spirit.

*To fall into the temptation to sin by harboring unforgiveness and refusing to let go of personal grudges and feelings of resentment. The core cause of this many times is jealousy and pride. We need to remember that if we don't forgive others, God will not forgive us.

*To fall into the temptation to sin by becoming prideful and arrogant while feeling superior to other people. When we feel superior to others we will become rude and see others as lesser than ourselves. This goes against the Word of God. God tells us to see ourselves as lesser than others. We are to be the servant of all.

*To fall into the temptation to sin by becoming greedy and wandering away from the Christian faith. Many Christians, sad to say, today have stopped walking the walk and rather run after the material things in this world. God said to seek Him first and then all things will be added unto us. Most Christians have it backwards and have fallen away from their walk. They refuse to go to church, read or study their bibles and spend any quality time with God. How soon we forget that one day we will give an account of what we did and didn't do!

*To fall into the temptation to sin by becoming discontent and dissatisfied with what GOD has blessed us with. Too often we take God's blessings for granted. We need to develop a very grateful and thankful heart at all times. In the bad as well as the good. God deserves to be praised at all times.

*To fall into the temptation of allowing our discouragements and frustrations to stop us from pursuing our goals. Too many of us give up too easily. We easily become discouraged and frustrated instead of trusting God and developing a patience that will allow us to wait upon the Lord.

*To fall into the temptation to become anxious and fearful regarding our present life circumstances. If we are fearful about circumstances and situations that come up in our lives then our trust is not in God. Fear has become a god before our God. We need to realize that our spiritual walk has become complacent.

*To fall into the temptation to sin by backsliding out of our close relationship with our Heavenly Father. God put things in place for us to be fed, encouraged and built up. He gave us His word, the body of Christ and so much more. But it's our duty to follow through and persevere, not give up.

I urge you as a child of God not to become spiritually complacent, so that you will not open yourself up to become vulnerable to committing sin when Satan presents you with a temptation. It's time to step up to the plate and get our zeal back for God and for His Kingdom. When we hunger and thirst for righteousness God has promised that we will be fully satisfied. That means in every area of our lives. But remember also that our spiritual wellness needs to come first so that our bodies and lifestyles will represent God's kingdom. Really think on that and meditate on today's Scripture. I will be doing a bible study in the near future and placing it on my site ( and ( I pray you visit my sites often. God will bless you and feed you there. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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