Matthew 7:7---Ask, and it shall be given you...In Biblical language, to ask is to claim you good, and then your subconscious mind will honor and validate your claim. Look upon God as a loving father, a kindly father, who watches over you, cares for you, guides and directs you, and provides for your welfare. As you make a habit of this you will discover you will always be prospered and guided, and you will find yourself in your true place doing what you love to do, divinely happy, and divinely blessed in countless ways. God is to you what you conceive Him to be. As long as man thinks that God is punishing him, testing him, or ruling over him with a rod of iron, or that He is a sort of cruel or capricious tyrant, he will be confused, muddled, perplexed, and in menal conflict. Such thoughts being chaotic, the result is chaos and misery in his life. It was Emerson that claimed: "Man is what he thinks all day long." Jesus states categorically, definitely, and unequivocally that God is our Father and that we are His children. Your relationship with God should, therefore, be on the most friendly and loving terms, that of fathter and son. Begin to believe only that which is true of God;accept that which is lovely and of good report. Believe in the goodness of God, in the love of God, in the guidance of God, in the wisdom of the Almighty. Believe and EXPECT all the blessings of Heaven here and now. You are here to express the joy of living and to express your divinity (the God in you)

so that the world is blessed because you walked this way.

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