Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

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A while back, I learned a powerful and valuable lesson on forgiveness...after being done wrong by a individual whom, I held at high esteem. I remember receiving a word from the Lord that called for me to say a particular prayer for that person..and I questioned God..and flat out told the Lord..that person just did me wrong..why should I have to pray that prayer..now I wasn't againt praying for the person ..lol just had a issue with this particular prayer...I talked with a strong wise woman of God who said ..maybe that was the sole purpose for your being connected to this individual..because God's intent has always been that you would be a Intercessor by prayer for their life.

Talk about things that make you go Hmmm....but I prayed the prayer and I prayed until God gave increase to the prayer and the life of the individual. How do I know that my prayers was answered ..because this person came back and apologized and asked for my forgiveness for the things that they had done and then they told me and had proof of the change in their life,

How many know ...that God is able to do all things..that's not a myth or something you just heard or read about..it's a fact. I'm a witness. And for my faithfulness and obedience, I know and trust that God blessed not only this individual but me as well.

With the prayer came a release of the hurtful things that was done to me..with prayer came forgiveness and with the prayer came blessings from on high..so much so..I can't begin to tell them all..it would fill up several pages and I know as much as I could write them all you would get tired of reading. lol But simply put ..Our God is a awesome God and He is still in the Blessing business.

So I encourage you today..to let go of that stuff that has been weighing you down for some time now..start to praying for those that has hurt or angered you ..the one that could use the prayer most might just be you...there is a blessing in your praise and your obedience to pray.

God bless...

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