As I was in Math class on Monday, we were discussing Rational and Irrational numbers, integers, etc. Then our teacher discussed whole numbers. For those who been out of school for a minute, whole numbers must begin with zero. When I seen this, I knew it had to be an epiphany or revelation to share with you, my facebook family.

If you want to experience the full or WHOLE manifest of what you're expecting or what God has for you, you must begin at an empty place. When beginning at an empty place, you're showing God that he has the full authority over whatever the situation is.

The woman with the issue of blood ran out of EVERYTHING: money, doctors, etc. and declared, "If I could touch his (Jesus') clothes, I shall be WHOLE..." (Mark5:28) Then when she pressed through the crowd to touch Jesus, he said to her "Daughter, thy faith has made you WHOLE..." (Mark 5:34) You must remember, she started with NOTHING.

So remember if you start with NOTHING you'll end with EVERYTHING. If the woman with the issue started with her issue and no money and ended with her healing, we can exercise our faith to that same degree!

Thanks for reading!!

Raymond Forte

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