You may be someone that God has set free from a bad habit. An habit that do not glorified God. Yet, the devil will come and ask you during a time of distress or fallen back; “Are you really sure you have been set free/delivered?" Are you really sure you are a new creature or you are just fooling yourself.
Sometimes it maybe issue of success, after many struggles, working hard and sweating, the devil comes to ask again, Are you really sure that God said you will prosper? Especially you particularly, (pointing you out among many others whom you believed are more successful than you. But never letting you realized you are more successful than some people).
Are you sure of what you are doing, working for God, giving your willing sacrifice to God, Paying tithes, offering and sowing seeds...? Are you sure, you haven't lost your mind in this whole Jesus thing.

There are 3 types of Christians and you need to figure out which one you are. Only one verse in the scripture sums up these 3's. That scripture is Matthew 7:7. It says Ask, Seek and Knock.
1. There are people who always asking for God to do.. and this is what a baby child does. Always asking.
2. There are those who Seeks, these are the adolescents. The seekers loves to seek the face of God, through service, fervent attendance in church services, studying, seeking solutions and trying to discern. The seeker has the strength and energy to seek. When you seek, you don’t stay in a particular position or look in one direct place but goes around looking so you might just found what you are seeking.
3. Finally, those who knocks. The knockers, are the mature adults who knows where the door is (unlike the seekers who seeks around). A knocker do not knock on an empty room. If you live in a house by yourself, do you knock on your own house door, bedroom or bathroom before you enter? A knocker believes he has access to the room and believes that he has authority, confidence and boldness to knock on to a door with a response, because he is sure there is someone behind the door. A knocker knows that when he knocks, there will be an answer. A knocker do not only knocks, they speak, JESUS, the living word. When you knock you knock proceeding by saying it is written, your word says… you take captives of thoughts and imaginations that want to super imposed their will on you, to act out an ungodly action.
The scripture itself says “Knock and it shall open unto you! Decree it and it shall be established. And it is guaranteed, that you will get a response because, whom you knocking unto never sleeps nor slumber.
The knockers, are the one who are most sure of what God says and who they are as people of God.

So let me ask you, Are you sure of who you are?

Be Blessed.

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