The Care and Providing of Warriors: Just like it used to be

This several weeks time, The Care and Providing of Players stories a turn. After 11 several weeks as fury, Matthew Rossi has modified devices and changed his part once more. Sometimes you can go home again.

I've given fury up for deceased. Not because it actually is deceased. You can do fantastic DPS with it if you have best in port devices in every port, which is par for the course with fury, really... I'm sure we'll see some nerfs going into spot 3.3 to smooth completely recast fury DPS to keep it below everyone else the same way we did going into Ulduar. But for me, it's not even the point that you have to devices with a worksheet and contest with every other actual physical DPS category for those few falls that actually have the research you want, it's the point that when you do this, you get to adhere to the similar stultifying spinning we've had since completely. Anger may or may not be fine, but seriously, it's gotten tedious.

Bloodsurge can only make up for so much. At least with an Arms specifications, while the DPS is a little bit less, you get to do fun things. And so my DPS specifications is now hands all the way since I have Test of the Crusader/Grand Crusader devices to back up it, a honking fantastic 2h blade (and so far I'm preference the retooled blade spec) and a lot of factors to move it at. Arms is efficient. You're regularly using capabilities, and while it's gradually almost as foreseen as fury when you get right down to it, it doesn't experience like it is. Between maintaining your Rend efficient (letting it drop off then reapplying it for maximum possible Overpowers), reaching Rapid Death Completes and Throw in between MS and Engulf seems less like a confusing, hit this key then that key then this key spinning and more like you're weaving in hits.

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