Isn't it funny that those who we love and trust end up hurting us to the point that it is hard to forgive them. Many times we feel so victimized by their negative words and/or actions that we want to grind them to the point where we literally want them to pay for the hurt they have caused. Face it that is our human nature. But the bible tells us that ought not to be so but how can God expect us to forgive them especially in the heat of it all when your heart and soul is in agony? I believe this is the time when we make a conscious and deliberate decision to cast down every negative thought, transform our minds by the word and adopt the mind of Christ (sounds spiritual doesn't it ... and it's easier said than done). But truly we have to learn to forgive because in forgiving others we can also be forgiven.

Matthew 6:12 says "forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors" and Luke 6:37 says "forgive and you shall be forgiven". We basically hold ourselves hostage when we keep persons on our black list and refuse to forgive them. It takes a heart filled with the love of God to forgive. Jesus while dying on the cross for our sins was mocked, scoffed, beaten, insulted, persecuted, criticized and treated in one of the most inhumane ways yet he forgave those who did it to him and forgave us our sins because we have all have fallen from grace and fell short of the glory of God. Now our sins have been pardoned and God has forgotten our sin as though they never occurred now we have favour with God and can walk in his grace and his love. The love of God passes all understanding according to Eph. 3:19. The human mind cannot fathom the love of God but when we come into the knowledge of the love of God we begin to see things differently. 1 John 4:7-11 tells us that everyone that loveth is born of God and he that loveth not knoweth not God. God's love was manifested when he sent his only begotten Son to be the propitiation for our sins. If that is not love then I don't know what loves is. So let's give no place to the devil but abide in faith, hope and love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

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