The Five-Fold Christian Ministries International

Dear Fellow Ministers,

Once again, I am inviting you to join me and other Ministers (in the Five-Fold Christian Ministries) for fellowship and for eventual conferences to be held in the five Continents at least once every year, to share God's Vision to each one of us and to protect each other from eventual heresies.

Sadly, I noticed that there's a spirit of "competition" in the BPN groups! It seems that as someone starts a group, others will start their own groups similar to the others! They just change a few things, but it's evident that the idea came from the previous group! This spirit it's not good! The Apostle Paul tells us to seek as in a race the best gifts, but that has nothing to do with competing against each other to get more members in our own group than the others!

Yet we also know that there are other trustworthy Ministries which deserve our respect, and I am not mentioning them here because I am sure I would live some out, but eventually we will get all together as "One Body", because we need to be a team of God's Ministers working together for His and ...very soon "our" Kingdom as well! :-)

So, I am calling every "True ...Called of Christ Minister" ...(No self appointed ministers please!) ...If you desire to be an Elder, you desire a good thing (1 Tim. 1:7 and Tit. 1:5-9), but you need to know that the ministry of Eldership is not part of the Five-Fold Ministries reported in Ef 4:11-16. While the Five-Fold Ministries are given directly by Christ, Helders are chosen by the Ministers according to their requiremants. Unfortunately, there are too many "self - Appointed ministers around, and especially Apostles and Prophets! If you want to serve God, you need to recognize that unless Christ put you in that position, you are in the wrong place and you need to step down and submit your position under a "True Minister"!

The Church needs to be directed by Ministers lead by the Holy Spirit, and Christ has set Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, in His Church, to teach it and to guide it.

We all know that we are living in the "last days", and we see that the Church is becoming prey of the enemy! ...Yes, we all know that the gates of hell will not be able to destroy it, but Apathy, Sexual and Financial sins are getting into the Church and spiritually speaking, the Church is being made captive by the enemy, through sicknesses and deseases, though lost jobs, lost homes and financial bankrupsy! And sadly, many of their Pastors were found asleep instead of watching over the "flock"!

We live in the last days and this is evident to everyone of us, so let's wake up, shake up, get together and see how we need to move and have a clear message from God to pass to the churches. Let's blow the trumpet and sound the alarm, as God commands us in Ezechiel 3:16-21 and 33:1-11.

As I said, Apostles and Prophets are those whom Christ has called to lead the Church and to give them direction through the leading of the Holy Spirit, but Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers have to catch the same vision and pass it to the local churches. Once we have heard from every true Minister, so that there's Unity in the Ministerial Body, we will then start blowing the trumpet in every continent and in every nation.

Since as I assume, that for this first Conference, the largest number of Ministers are in the USA, the first Conference could be held in one of the "central" Cities with Airline Hubs, which could be either Chicago, St. Louis or Dallas. This is to avoid to many, of having to take more flights to get there. Once we are all together, we will better evaluate where it would be better to hold the next Conference.

So, please hurry up in joining us at the Five-Fold Christian Ministries International, by clicking on the following link:, so we can start sharing the visions God gave to each one of us and decide as soon as possible the place and the date for our first Conference..

I pray that you will be as entusiast as I am to see God working among us.

Apostle Abel Aureli

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