Things that make me go "uummmm".

Church on every corner and dead bodies on the door steps

Churchs/mosques operating like businesses: 10am open 12-1 lunch 3-4 sweet hour of prayer 5 closed; see ya tomorrow

barbers come to work early to wash the blood off the sidewalk in front of the shop

gotta find my gun/knife/ice pick before I hop on the bus to run to the Giant

gotta put my paper money in a baggie, put it 'up there' and leave a couple of $$ out for the robbers; don't want them to shoot me 'cause I don't have any money except .50.

gotta get some more 2X4s to board up that first floor bathroom window; they tried to come in that way yesterday

Gotta throw out my bed frames because we need to sleep as close to the floor as possible

Gotta walk my daughter to school every day ( she's 16!)

gotta send my son down south (Arlington) to school; THEN bring him back every other year so he won't get chopped up by becoming familiar to folks in the neighborhood

gotta work full time and part time to take care of things 'cause my children's fathers' GIRL FRIEND said she is going to bust me & my kids up if I take him to court

gotta hide my car every night..... No Sweetie, not the repo man: my husband's boy friend said he is gonna mess it up and then fire bomb it if he ever sees it; His 'man' paid for it but I have it

Gotta.................... sorry, I gotta go; don't want the landlord hear me clicking on the computer and know I'm home. I don't have all of the rent for April and here it is May already. Plus I gotta get ready for bible study tonight.

POWER????????????? COME ON PEOPLE! We need to find out that we 'have a pair' and work the power that's in us! But I'm excited to see what THE CREATOR is getting ready to do (as only GOD can do)!

In the meantime, I'm going to speed up in MY lane and do what I'm commissioned to do. Be certain to signal before you cross in front me. Better still, just let me pass before you change lanes 'cause right about now, if I hit you, (yes it would be an accident), but I'm not stopping!

I have to fulfill my purpose and slowing down/stopping is not in my plan. (I WILL call on some ministering angels/FOI and 911 with your location but I AIN'T STOPPING!!!!)

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