Church Arise: Ready or Not End-Time Events Shall Come!

Isaiah, the statesmen and prophet gives some revelation that will open our understanding to Christ's divine purposes we are created to accomplish while in our earth suits. Isaiah 2:2-3 says, "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem". Sounds like through this prophetic utterance given by Isaiah, the reformation prophet is given us instructions of whose pattern we are to implement as a kingdom pattern for the ecclesia. There are some ecclesia are release the polluted and diluted words to captivate the sons of God into an erroneous direction and governmental advancement. Let’s be a generation be remember as pissing at the wind per se --- but a remember as a generation who facilitated the kingdom reign of Christ and leaving earmarks of His glorious government plan, purpose and provisions everywhere.

The Holy Spirit has been informing us about the prophetic events that will shake the nations and cause us trembling at the fear of the Lord. I strong believe it’s time for the church to move from complacency and shift from the posture of being a powerless edifice and become a fiery furnace for God, which is our loving Father desire for His church.

IT’S BREAKTHROUGH TIME IN NATIONS! IT’S TIME FOR MIRACLES & HARVEST! IT’S TIME FOR A SHIFT! It’s time for the church to arise in authority and take it’s God-ordained dominion – and bring transformation to individuals, neighborhoods, cities and regions.
Numbers 14:21 tells us in this illumination, “The whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.” It’s time for the Body of Christ to mobilize with fresh zeal and fresh passion for the harvest: reaching the lost – meeting needs – setting captives free – making disciples.

Acts 9:31 tells us, “Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied”.

Many believers take this scriptural promises in light of just church growth; however I am persuaded this divine multiplication is also attain dunamis power for the service we have been given the privilege to release in the earth. Throw out the instruction manual, that gives you strategies you to build a diluted and delusion activated church and firmly grasp hold of the government dominate of Jesus Christ in building a church that the gates hell cannot and will not stand a chance. Young Jeremiah, Joel, Joshua, Ruth, Deborah, etc are counting on us to impart and assist them with their prophetic destiny. Stagnating fivefold leaders are door stoppers to destiny to many -- God has no problem move the door stoppers so the pathway of destiny! Moses are being connected with the Joshua, they have been ordained to reproduction themselves and their grace upon their life and the works of their hands. Let the church arises and become what Christ's desires to bring forth His government in the earth.

There are many breakthrough events our loving Father wants to bring forth in the earth and He has been compelling us, the righteous of God to get involve and ignite our kingly authority to birth the mysteries of God in the earth. Like no other day, the major factor is we SEIZE, SUMMON and to attain the divine SUPPLY that’s comes from the womb of God instead of allow carnal resources and religiosity indoctrination has been utilizing to weaken the kingdom invasion opportunities the government of Heaven has given us.

Just last week I received a email from fivefold ministers and it was simply mockery and they could not see – if they had seen it, they would have established kingdom order and took kingly initiatives and provoke Jesus to come to activate His glorious and unshakable kingdom realities. You see, this email was promoting the agenda of the antichrist and not one of them addressed this demonic influence mission. We must not remain silent; we must let the fiery truths from God’s word be proclaimed purposefully. It’s very crucial the church (the living temples) begin to become the church that carry the heart of God and activate the furnace of His fire regardless others are releasing their kingdom fires everywhere or not. Too long, the church has been trying to be like the world instead changing the culture because our commitment to establish Christ culture and release resonated sounds of the Lion of Judah that will cause an earth shaking experience that will reform hearts, families, nations and only then we will witness and experience a global revival of God’s passion, purposes and provisions.

Joel 2:1 says, "Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord is coming. For its is at hand!" When we become who Christ willed us to be, the mountains will tremble at our presence! Again, let the church arise!!!

I have this dream and believers were in residing a Jewish temple and the end-time storms had accelerated and those who were apart of the end-time engagement on the wrong side of the road per se – were hunting for believers to persecute and eventually murder and these blood-washed believers were hiding and running because they lack the kingdom dominion stamina and did not know how to engage war through ways of using divine weaponry Apostle Paul spoke about in Ephesians 6. We see, this evil disease manifesting in many churches and sonship have been planted to assist, advance and administer Christ dominion government strategies do not have a clue because they have become stagnated and desensitized.

The cosmos of heaven is sound the alarm and declaring we must move into our rightful place in the fulfillment of the purposes of God. We cannot sit back and watch matters happen and shout “O, God”. If your service to the Lord and to mankind does not match the rhema word – lets reason together and step up to the plate and bring our Father what He has created us to do administer while in the earth.

Now when they had come and gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them, and that He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. (Acts 14:27)

Many ecclesia fivefold leaders are more concern about building large church, having an itinerary schedule that will enlarge their names and ministries vice being a furnace of fire that ignite fires everywhere they go for the sole purpose to bring glory to our King, Jesus. We must understand if the heart and if the leaders do not understand their authentic kingdom identity the members cannot either – temple worshippers become what they eat! It’s like that long childish game called “Follow the Leader”, the more you moved towards that leader – eventually you did what the leader you were following step-by-step. Follow the Leader, a hilarious copycat game in which people try to imitate one leader’s actions, and the person in the center attempts to identify who is the originator of the actions (the leader). The leader will eventually begin to do other movements, and everyone else mimics the leader’s actions, without being too obvious to reveal who the leader is. The leader can do just about anything he or she wants, such as: clapping, making a kicking motion with his or her leg, jumping up and down, singing a line from a song, patting his or her own head and a dance move. Instead of following the world let’s release the kingdom standard and decree a holy charge for the world to follow Christ’s kingly pattern. Lets reason together and follow Jesus’ pattern step-by-step and build His majesty kingdom and watch it reshape lives and birth His kingly perspective from heart-to-heart, sea-to-sea, until it reach the entire coastlands of the earth.

SOUND GOVERNMENT will release divine authority that will invade the land with Christ's reigning government.

There is a hunger being released in the earth and we must not allow our fleshy agendas and the mentality of the principalities and powers of devils to give us personalities that promotes his wick government. You see, kingdom governors are those who administer the jurisdiction of heaven and not moving in a sphere of being Satan’s marketing director. Are you willing to count the cost and lay a foundation that will cause a spiritual legacy to be carried out beyond your years? This is actually what God has always desired to bring to pass throughout the generations of the earth. Abraham mandate unlocked this anointing of empowerment to the entire generations throughout the history of the earth and our day is no different.

God wants to download and pour upon His children the great power to bring effectiveness of our kingdom services like no other time in history. The disciple of old revealed this and they inquire of Jesus to let them be in the earth in that sphere of time. We are that generation, they were desiring to participate in the kingdom performance during this end-time hour – our ultimate job is to bring heaven on the earth until the realities of heaven is moving and being witness through eyes made of dirt. I strongly believe every one of us, have arenas we need to perfect and move into an enhance sphere of service to our King, Jesus!

The Lord is calling for a mobilizing of His church in the nations, into kingdom focus and kingdom authority, winning the lost and bringing transformation to neighborhoods and cities. Let’s win the lost at all cost and release Christ’s kingdom to every kindred of people until the entire earth is full of His glory! Its the apostolic hour of kingdom invasion and we must SEIZE it and raise our kingly capacity to higher heights.

Have a dominion-activated, destiny-fulfilled, dream-advancing day in Christ!

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