My fellow good people of all religions and fellow good people of no religions and the children of God;

Do you want to find God? Do we want to serve God? You can do this by simply looking for someone less fortunate than yourself or even someone more fortunate than yourself and point them to the ROCK that is higher than you. In this day and time where the influence of Lucifer has gain a great hold on our society, there is need for the children of God to venture outside the confinement of our many church buildings. There is an enormous need to go to those Jesus sent us to serve. When we do we will discover that we are looking at the very image and likeness of God.

Centuries ago, the apostle Paul loudly declared in Acts 17 that God will not dwell in temples made by the hands of man. Today, the time has come for the church of God to finally heed the words of Paul and understand that God does not dwell in the many edifices, temples, and buildings we have foolishly labeled as the house of God. God is a spirit. God is not and will not be found in buildings made of bricks, stones, wood and mortar. In the beginning of time, he constructed buildings for him to inhabit. Genesis states that God created man and placed inside man a piece of his spirit. The Scriptures state loudly in Malachi to bring our tithes and offerings into the storehouse so there will be meat in God’s house. A storehouse is a place where something is stored. We are the place God has chosen to store His spirit since the beginning of time, therefore we, the human race, are the only storehouse or church of God not a man made building.

However, one of the saddest days in Christian history was the day when even the elect of God became fooled. The elect of God became fooled into thinking that God changed his mind and returned to live in the buildings that we constructed for the purpose of our Sunday meetings. Therefore we poured our money, time and attention into the bricks, stones, wood and mortar that surrounds us for only a few days each week. We hold these man made temples in greater esteem than the temples that God made and the lost souls we see each day.

The real temples of God, mankind, became fooled like Eve by listening to the untrue words of Lucifer. Galatians states that Jesus came to take down the walls that divide us from our fellow man. However, the servants of Lucifer hastened to teach the church of God that it is okay to neglect those lost along the way. They convinced us that God would be more pleased if we gave our tithes and offerings to construct buildings where we could come to worship. Therefore, the sad result is we now care more for a building than we do for the creation of God. If our buildings need something, we quickly sacrifice our time energy and money to provide for its every need. If our buildings calls, we quickly come running and pour upon these false temples of God our attention and care. However, when the real temple of God is hurting and in despair, we shake our heads, point our fingers and turn the other way. Some of us will sometimes stop and wrongly point the real temple toward the false temple where we worship. We do this because the day have come when even the elect of God has become fooled.

God did not commission church of God to venture into the seclusion of an enclosure where only those that join can come. Jesus commissioned us to go into the highways and the by way and compel them to come to the same understanding that spirit of God has brought us to. This understanding is simply we are the temple of God because inside us the spirit of God meant to forever dwell.

The current state of the body of Christ is not the proper representation intended by God. God is not divided. God is not a Methodist. God is not a Baptist. There is only one God and one church of God. This church of God is not denominational. However, we have been fooled by Lucifer into dividing ourselves in spite of the sacrifice of Jesus that brought us together. We have allowed the prophets of Lucifer to fool us into reconstructing the same denominational walls that Jesus died to break down. My question is this: If God is not a respecter of person and since there is neither Greek nor Jew, bond nor free, who has bewitched us into separating ourselves into the numerous denominations we cling to. This is not the gospel the disciples preached. They did not preach division of the body of Christ. The disciples spoke of the unity of the believers first with God then with each other. Therefore, since denominations are not the gospel of the disciples, it must be another gospel. Moreover, let anyone that preach another gospel except the gospel of Christ be damned.

As the people of God, it is important that we realize the truth and turn from the errors of our ways. There is a popular military tactic called divide and conquer. This is the purpose of denominations. They exist to divide the united body of Christ so Lucifer can conquer our world. If we take a look around our communities, it is evident the tactic has worked. The body of Christ is so busy competing against each other that we have forgot the reason we were saved. We have become fooled into thinking that God is all about the denominational agendas we develop. The truth is God is not in our agendas because he has his own agenda. God’s agenda is to seek and save the lost. Our denominational agenda is to control this world. God could care less about this world because he has told us he will throw this world and those that cling to it into the lake of fire which is the second death. Therefore it is our choice to make. We can come together as one body in Christ or we can die and be cast into the lake of fire with Lucifer and our denominations. Nevertheless, the time has come to make our choice, because the kingdom of God is at hand.

The kingdom of God is at hand and as the world tumbles and become engrossed in the abundant sins of our society, the call from God is going forward for the church of God to come out of many and often useless monuments, edifices, and religious buildings. The fields are white and ripe for the harvest. The things that mankind once put all of its faith into have been revealed to be nothing but a venomous deceitful Ponzi scheme. Our society chased after every thing but the truths and wisdom contained in the word of God. We forgot that the love of money is the root of all evil. Like Eve, our society listened to, agreed with and decided to act just like Lucifer. The stock market crashed and the global economy failed creating the fiduciary splash felt around the world. Now, the masses are running around like sheep with out a shepherd.

The kingdom of God is at hand and the time has come for the children of God to go to work in the fields of our broken and spiritually bankrupt society. It is time for us to heed the call of God and get to work. It is time for us to fully understand the parable of the unproductive fig tree. Like the fig tree, each of us has been examined by God. Each of us has been pronounced as unproductive and in sin. The call of God for our destruction came because the Scriptures states loudly, ‘The soul that sins, it shall surely die.’ God looked and saw our sin and pronounced ‘Cut them down. They are taking up space we can use for something else. However, the love of Christ responded, ‘Give them one more chance. I will give them my personal attention for three long years. I will fertilize them with your word. I will bear their sins on the cross. Then, I will fill them with your Holy Spirit. If they produce, it will be fine. If not, then we can cut them down.’

However, here is a necessary look into the reality that faces each of us. The kingdom of God is at hand and the Master Gardner has returned to examine our fruit. If we are found unproductive God will cut us down and throw us in to the lake of fire which is the second and final death. This reality comes with the dawning of the end of our days. The kingdom of God is at hand and all questions will soon be answered about the final destination that we have chosen.

Nevertheless, the answer is determined by the proclamation of our belief. Do we believe in that which even by the magnificent display in nature is but a reality? Do you believe that God has turned our society over to a reprobate mind or are we still of the opinion that our sins will be okay with God? The kingdom of God is at hand and never in the history of mankind has our faith and belief in God been test as it is being tested now. However, we will shiver even harder when we realize of the devastation that faces our society from coast to coast when the Master Gardner returns to check our work.

The kingdom of God is at hand and the shores of our nation are plagued with violence, despair, poverty, and shame. These plagues are but the return from the seeds of our past sown upon futile soil. They are the revealing fruit of our national character. Our nation in its infant beginning hurled these seed upon the futile soil of time and history. The pain and suffering that our once prosperous society is enduring is but a small portion of the enormous wage that will be paid. A wage paid for the abundant sins of denial, greed and disobedience committed by our actions and deeds. These unrighteous proclamations of our true character and belief were made in spite of the righteous words we proclaimed to believe.

The kingdom of God is at hand and the pain and suffer will not come to an end for a very long time. Mother and fathers will continue to cry out from shore to shore as the nation lie dissolute in the waste of the fall of our great economy. It wasted away because we refused to face the truth. The truth is simple and easy to understand. Our documents loudly proclaim in God we trust. The truth is the kingdom of God is at hand and now is the time to let God know exactly where you stand. It is time to stand up and be counted among the workers in the fields or with the multitude line up to be thrown into the lake of fire. The truth is where you spend eternity is your choice.

As always, may God bless each of us,
Pastor Reginald Levi Walker

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