Growing up, My Granny, Katherine, would make sure she had her usual cup of coffee a day, for as long as I can remember. My Dad, my Mom, drank coffee too! They would say old pharses like " somebody didn't get their coffee today", or you probably know this one, " Wake up and smell the coffee". Although I was, young, cause I will always be 21. LOL(smile). I kinda caught on that this meant something about the truth, or telling the truth and stop living in a fantasy or maybe you are sleep in reality. Here's the thing I would like to get at, let me know what you think. I believe that Christian's are not drinking alot of coffee straight up anymore, they like a lot of fluff in they coffee. My Granny said to us (her grandchildren) that coffee made our lips turn black and would only sometimes, the youngest of us, would be able, not often, to sip the saucer. I look at the mordern world today and it's coffee chronicles, Starbucks,BIGGY, etc, even fastfood, McDonalds, Burger King you name it it's there, They all got fluff. Is fluff design to make it more of a social event, or maybe to take on the traditions of foriegn cultures. Its been around along time, but it's real fluffly now. The church has tooken on some of the similar fluff like the coffee has, They want fluff-n-stuff in the worship experience. Weak coffee is really defeats the purpose of even drinking it.Is that why truth is very faint in the body of believers, weak truth,no strength? Are we adding to many enhancements to our truth, so that it can't even be identified as the truth because it doesnt even sound the same or taste the same every time we tell it? Is It that hard to just say what the Lord says?Are we letting fluff dominate or pulpits because we want truth but we just can't seem to be truthful? Are we at the point of being serviced only leaving tips, and forgotten that we are the servers. Expecting to be honored like a big celebrity in the world at the table and you leave bad tips there.Haven't even anything noticable about yourself in the church, but that title you wear as if it's your passport to the Kingdom. Let me know, if I'm serving coffee straight up or fluff?

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