Obama says....Opponents of Socialism are breaking the Ten Commandment!!! What a Joke!

Obama says: Opponents of Socialism breaking 10 Commandments!
Thursday, September 3, 2009 7:51 PM
"Liberty Counsel"
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To:To Every Born Again Child of Almighty God!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

President Obama has thrown every Christian who dares to
oppose socialized healthcare "under the bus." Please see
below and share this message with your friends. --Mat

A few days ago I alerted you that President Obama and some
Socialist-Democrats have adopted a strategy of claiming a
"biblical mandate" for their government-run healthcare plan.

Tragically, it's much worse than I initially reported. Now
President Obama has even gone so far as to accuse his opponents
of breaking God's commandments!

While recently addressing a group of faith-based leaders,
President Obama said,

"There's been a lot of misinformation about this debate and
there's some folks who are frankly bearing false witness."

That was no accidental phrasing. It was an intentional reference to
the 9th commandment, equating those who oppose his plan as violators
of one of God's most fundamental commands. In short, he says
anyone who resists his lock-step liberalism is a liar!

+ + Obama "God's partner" in socialized healthcare?

In yet another recent address, a conference call with 1,000 Rabbis,
Obama again claimed the moral high ground for his socialized
healthcare plan, saying:

"We are God's partners in matters of life and death."

It is dumbfounding that these words came from a man who is so
radically pro-abortion that he even supports the gruesome
partial-birth abortion procedure! Some "partner" on matters
of life!

Every Christian should be outraged that the President dares to claim
the moral high ground for socialized healthcare -- while demeaning
his opponents as violators of God's commands!

+ + Obama to address the Nation on September 9

Next week, the Obama team will ramp up the pressure to pass
ObamaCare to new levels. On September 9 (next Wednesday), Obama
will address a joint session of Congress in a nationally televised

I want to make sure every congressional office is flooded with
phone calls and faxes to counter Obama's "God mandate" for socialized
healthcare. We simply cannot allow this hypocritical, outrageous
assertion to stand! "God's partner"? Hogwash!

+ + Fax Barrage of Congress

If you haven't done so already, please join with thousands of other
Liberty Counsel friends in a massive "Fax Barrage" of Congress that
will begin the day after Labor Day.

I want to flood every member of Congress with faxes beginning next
Tuesday. But to do so, I need your help right now. We have to
mostly finish our preparations this week since Monday is a national

Please go here to schedule your faxes for delivery as part
of Liberty Counsel's massive Fax Barrage that begins
next Tuesday when Congress returns:


We simply must counter President Obama's most recent effort to
cloak his government takeover of healthcare in a religious mandate.
The very thought of this brazen deception is repulsive!

How dare he claim that God is on the side of publically-funded
abortion, mandatory so-called "end of life" counseling, government
regulated "family planning," and the many other anti-life,
anti-freedom contents found in the ObamaCare legislation!

Thank you for standing with me, and may God bless you as we
fight for the very soul of America.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. If a freedom-loving American had ever claimed God's
"partnership'" in a legislative agenda or demeaned his
opponents as "bearing false witness," the liberal media would
have immediately launched a crazed and relentless outcry!
Apparently, President Obama gets a free pass from the media...
but, with God's help, NOT from our Nation's vigilant citizens!
Please schedule your faxes today:


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C.,
is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to
advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the
traditional family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 800-671-1776

Apparently Obama doesn't think that THY SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER! has anything to do with killing of the Millions of Innocent babies evry year, that surely will bring the divine judgment of Almighty God upon this Nation..

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