Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, give me the power to engage my enemy the devil in spiritual warfare. In your word it is said that we sit in heavenly places with God the Father, and Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus from this Holy Place I engage combat with my enemy the devil. Before I engage the enemy, I release the blood of Jesus and warring angels around myself, my family, my home, my children and my territory in Jesus name right now. Now in the name of Jesus I release warring Angels to fight the enemy that has tried to hinder, delay or stop my prayers and blessings to destroy all of my spiritual enemy. I release the Destroyer Angel to destroy all of the works of satan and his kingdom right now in Jesus name. I release the fire of heaven upon my demonic enemy to detroy all of their works right now in Jesus name. I canel every curse that has attached itself to me or my family, from generational curses, cursed objects, or curse words that have been spoken over me right now in Jesus name. Jesus died on the cross as a curse so that I shall not be under any curse. Satan I take back my license from you and renounce you forever in Jesus name, and you shall not have any power over me or my family. I release anointed Guardian Angels to go forth and bring me back my health, children, prospierity, mind and everything the devil has stolen from me in Jesus name. I set warring Angels against the strong men over my family, home, city and church, and I bind these strong men by the blood of Jesus and render them harmless and weak in Jesus name. I claim and recieve healing in my body, my mind, and my ministry right now in Jesus name. I am debt-free, delivered, anointed, powerful, strong, brave, free and a new creature in Christ Jesus. Daily will a war against the camp of my enemy until they are completely wiped out in jesus name Amen.
Thjank you Jesus for the complete victory right now, amen.

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Comment by Ann Banks on December 9, 2009 at 11:05am
I do thank you dearly for posting this prayer. I felt the power of God being released as I prayed this prayer aloud. God knows just what we need and when we need it. Thank you for being a willing vessel to deliver this blessing releaser to those of us who need it.

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