What's The Role Of The Church In An Extended Depressed Economy ?

There are multiple roles for the church.The major role is that of Leadership.We will come back to that topic (leadership) later...it should be obvious.
First let's get some definitions and/or assumptions out of the way.Just because the government,industry and the media refused to use or was afraid to use the "R" word,
does not mean it does not exist.We all know the "Ostrich"
story.My experience has been when American has a cold,
the Black Community has pneumonia.We have been suffering and if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck
We will need aggressive spirit based leadership, because it will take "super natural" power to take back what satan has stolen.With foreclosures rising for years,unemployment rate going thru the roof and b,we need an ecomiudgets being cut to the bone,we need an economic revival.
These "unsolved opportunities" (problems) will be solve with smaller church budgets.Tithes and Offerings will be reduced,substantially.We truly will need to be good
stewards of our financial blessings.Here are some suggestions,not in any special order.
1.Churches must combine efforts and resources to synergistically
attack "unsolved opportunities.
2.Support The church membership's businesses and service organizations.
3.When construction is warranted,look first to the membership's
sub contructors and for skilled,semi skilled and unskilled labor.Keep as much in house as possible...be good stewards.Use suggestion #1.
If church A needs a Plumber (don't have one) call church B.If planning a trip,why not use a member's agency or the church signs up as an agency to save the members money ..the saved,the more to be use elsewhere.
4.Create a Data base or directory of skills and providers of goods & services.It drives me crazy when a member says:Gee,Deacon Copeland,I did not know you were a broker.The could gotten a sales credit from me.
5.Form Co ops amoung the lower income families to buy in bulk and
achieve discounts.Sometimes it's not only what you earn,but what you save.
6.Teach this generation about the principles of wealth and money...with the emphasis on savings.Teach them early about the 8th wonder of the world..."compound interest".Show them what a savings plan at 18 can yield be age 30.
7.Teach them the importance of good credit and how to repair credit.There are experienced lenders who would be happy to teach these classes.Some are probably in your congregation or are known by members.
8.Hold job and home business fairs at the church,inviting successful
businesses and entreprenuers.Include governmental contacts and information.
9.Home buying seminars are a must.Show advantages of home ownership.Local "reputable" real estate people will stand in line to offer their talents.Place the emphasis on equity rich houses such as government owned,bank owned and short sales.
10.Demand your piece of the pie.Strongly solicit business and goverment for programs,grants,information and opportunities for economic benefits.We receive not because we ask (demand) not.
11.Create an economic committee (or other name) to take advantage of the "pending" climate in Washington and the country in general.
12. There is going to be a spirit of cooperation and volumteerism which the churh,not only needs to participate,but lead the charge.
13 And so on and So forth.Add your own ides and suggestions.

In conclusion,I don't have all the answers and I solicit your ideas,suggestions and even criticsm.We as prayer partners will lead the charge,however ,there is "MANNA" ready to be harvested.
I am first a Child Of God,a Deacon,a residential
Real Estate Expert, personal coach,a mentor,and professional fundraiser helping individuals,churches and other groups.(Free of charge)

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Comment by Leonard Copeland on January 21, 2009 at 3:17pm
Ok,I will email you.
Comment by Leonard Copeland on January 19, 2009 at 6:36pm
You're right my sister.God has many things for us.It is our job to look under the rock for the "nuggets".Even when his chilfren were in the wilderness...and he fed them ..they at least had to pick it up.He gave us brains and other attributes which gives dominion over all other living things.That's why the church must lead the charge,to take back what satan has tried to destroy..Some us are not equally yoke in creativity...etc.Remember the parable of the talents.
Comment by Leonard Copeland on January 19, 2009 at 12:14pm
Great idea..kind of like that "pay forward concept".We need spiritual food,how ever real food on the table is as important.You are a sister after my own heart.You might take that Accounting and business background a step further,by influencing some young people in your church.Some classes in home finance,tax preparation,&
The 8th wonder of the world.(compound interest).We need to teach entrepreneurship,because we all don't blend well in the corporate setting.I have been doing it for quite a few years,and it's not as easy as it seems..Please reply.
Comment by Leonard Copeland on January 19, 2009 at 8:29am
Amen Brother.Very enlightening.We also need programs to help people avoid prison.
Comment by Scott R. Newman on January 19, 2009 at 7:46am
How about finally doing the commands of Christ. Why is everything surrounding the church edifice, when we are the church. What is the duty and call of us who are followers of Christ? What is the true work? Why do we live? What is the mission of Christ? God is my provider, we must seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, His righteousness and then and only then will EVERYTHING be added unto us.

Heb 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; them that are illtreated, as being yourselves also in the body."

We have almost 2 million black folx languishing in prisons, the belly of the beast when too many and most black churches don't even have a "prison ministry". How do we explain that? If we don't care about them in taking the Good News of Jesus the Christ to reconcile them back to the Holy Father, who will?

Act 1:8 "But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

Seems like right after the death of Jesus on the cross, the disciples went back to their old jobs. Until Peter was confronted by Jesus on the beach, as He was frying up the whiting fish, and asked Peter a probing and deliberate question: "Do you love me?" and if you do then, "Feed my Sheep!"

Love is not a DECLARATION, its an ACTION. For the very next book was the book of Action, called Acts. It wasn't until the disciples saw the resurrected Christ when they gave up all to follow Christs mandate to "Go Ye Therefore........" even to their deaths. They went from Disciples (students) of the Gospels to Apostles (sent ones) as ambassadors to speak the Good News of salvation to a lost and dark world. To seek and to save that which was lost. That is why we still live and breathe, everything else is.......VANITY!

God Bless

In His Grip

Comment by Leonard Copeland on January 18, 2009 at 9:16pm
You have a good point,however I think community gardens are just a small step.Food coops is a good idea.Bulk purchasing to achieve lower prices.
Comment by Minister Robbin Swinger Otey on January 18, 2009 at 8:47pm
The Church needs to get the reveleation that we HAVE to become moor self-sufficient. You know, community gardens and the like.
Comment by Leonard Copeland on January 18, 2009 at 7:32pm
You're a brother after my own heart.I did not know how it would be received.I'm a little tired of these mega churches giving scriptures to people who need scriptures and a check,or a job.I emphacized the fundraising because those bake sales and fish frys get old.
Comment by Eric Hancock on January 18, 2009 at 7:25pm
This is a good educational topic for life itself,,I was teaching on this subject and I feel this is what the church should be teaching ,,Not just bring in us the MONEY

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