Pastor, Why Do You Have A Steeple On Your Church?

The Steeple and the Asherah Pole

The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible tells us that an Asherah pole was always erected at the altar of Baal. In fact, absolutely every single alter of Baal had an Asherah pole beside it, which was an upright, denuded tree! This type of phallic pole has always been associated with sun worship. (Interestingly, nearly twenty different tribes of American Indians performed the “Sundance” around a “sun pole.”)

There are many supposedly Christian traditions that have suspicious origins. Most people never consider where the tradition of having a steeple on top of a church comes from....Do churchgoers ever wonder why almost every church has a steeple on top of it? Read from The Customs of Mankind by Eichler, “There are still in existence today remarkable specimens of original phallic symbols... steeples on the churches ...and obelisks ...all show the influence of our phallus-worshipping ancestors.” Baal worship involved phallus worship, so it is no surprise that all of Baal’s churches would have a phallic steeple.. The stone obelisk was another phallic symbol. “The word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or Baal's organ of reproduction'.” (Page 341 Masonic and occult symbols illustrated. Dr. Cathy Burns) “Baal was a very common name of the principal male god...Among the Babylonians, he was called Bel” The obelisk is associated with sun-worship. According to Babylon, Mystery Religion, The erect upright pointed column represents the phallus, the male sex organ, of Baal (Nimrod).

God specifically told Israel not to put a phallic pole next to his alter. Deut 16:21 “Do not set up any wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build to the LORD your God...” God didn’t want it because this upright “steeple” tells you that you’ve just located an alter of Baal.

Baal worshippers practiced many perverse sexual rites.

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Comment by Tara Robinson on February 15, 2009 at 5:24pm
Thank you for posting this you just answered a question i asked the lord about God is good when you want to know the truth Amen my sister your always such a blessing to me.
Comment by Anna on February 14, 2009 at 7:50am
Here is another article that I did not post:

"Pagan origins of the Church Steeple"
Comment by Dr.Tony V Lewis on February 14, 2009 at 4:12am
Excellent research and you are correct, this is very thought provoking. I going to repost this on the Preacher's Corner.

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