The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell has a very intersting chapter entitled, Know When to Piss People Off. I'm loving it!!! Powell, the unfailingly polite gentleman and team player talks about change. He says, "Changing things inevitably makes some peole upset-even angry." He goes on to say, "Good leaders defy conventional wisdom. They constantly prod their people with 'what if?' and 'why not?' questions. They engender a climate of let's -try-it experimentation, demand innovative initiatives from people, and reward performance. And, yes, along the way they definitely piss some people off."

I know what that's like, believe me. The Apostle Paul knew about it, too. Nevertheless, after p---ing off (I ain't got no problem actually typing the word, but I don't wanna piss off my super saved readers...) as I was saying...after p---ing off some folks in Rome, he would say he was pressing on. This is where I am. I'm trying not too unnecessarily p--- people off, but change is certainly happening in my life and in this ministry the Lord has committed unto my hands and errbody ain't shouttin'. Yet, I press on and I encourage all my friends to do the same.

When is it the right time to p--- people off?

1. When you know you've prayed relentlessly to ascertain the will of God. Most people we're leading are not walking by faith. You cannot walk by faith without praying in order to ascertain God's plans and purposes for your life and the lives of the people you're leading. They can and will claim they want God's "will to be done" and walk in purpose and journey toward destiny, but I question whether or not most of them are willing to endure all that comes along with God's plans. I don't think most people want to forsake their desires to see God's desires satisfied. My desire is to satisfy God's desires for me, my family, and my fellow man. You have to be one sho' 'nuff secure motorscooter to live that. No better place to be secure than in His plans, purposes, will, desires, whatever you wanna call it. You can p--- people off when you're secure!!! You'll be called arrogant, insensitive, and all other kinds of stuff, but, believe me when I tell you, there's nothing like the security of knowing when you're doing what God intends for you to do!!!

2. When you know that pleasing people will p--- God off. Listen, I want to make people happy just as much as the next person, but not at the expense of displeasing God. I keep telling the folks I serve that I have to stand before Him and give an account for how I lead His people. I take that very seriously and I hope you do, too. Please God. It'll cost you sometimes, but you're better off pleasing Him than p---ing Him off. When God is pleased, you'll seize every Promised Land, slay every giant, and rise from every grave that the people you p--- off have put you in. I wish I had a witness!!!!

3. When pleasing people will cost you your vision. Vision always speaks of a better reality. Most people will want better things, but not want to change what is necessary in order for better things to manifest. If your vision is from the Lord, it cannot be forsaken in order to please people who don't give a doggone about the future God has called us to create that will definitely make things better for His people. Press on and make the vision a reality. If p---ing people off gets you off-track and makes you lose focus and make you wanna quit, then pray, take a break, get back focused and on-track and make that vision manifest. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses such as Moses, Joshua, Jesus, Paul, Peter, Martin Luther King, Jr. who stayed focused on their visions as they made people angry and we're much better off today. Make that vision manifest!!!

That's enough for now. Just wanted to share a little somethin-somethin. I'll share more at my Press On!!! Leadership Seminar I'm hosting (shameless plug) in Albany, GA on Saturday, March 1 from 9 a.m. -12 noonish. We will be at the Greater Second Mt. Olive Sports Complex. Admission is free and open to the general public. More details forthcoming. This is the first of numerous seminars we're taking around the country-San Diego, ATL, Beaufort, SC, and my hometown of Flint, MI. We'll keep you posted on dates.

Be encouraged and press on!!!

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Comment by Napoleon J. Harris V on January 23, 2008 at 12:55pm
Just so you know, I'm probably going to preach that just as sure as my name is Napoleon. I'll subtly slip two fingers on each hand up just before I begin and again before taking my seat , so that way I can still show some integrity by announcing that the whole sermon is a quote!
Don't worry I'll send you an offering, after each time I preach it...... 'tis the least I can do! lol

that was a great post!
Comment by Godson K Bodzah on January 22, 2008 at 12:15pm
Thanks for that, When one gets a vision people will not understand initially but with time they will as the vision begins to be unveiled but God will also understad and will lead the way and definately thare will be success. This is just on the "vision"
Comment by Vernon S. Williams on January 22, 2008 at 10:46am
I just want to be the Worship Leader!!!
Comment by NewDestiny on January 22, 2008 at 10:34am
Hello Pastor,

Please do not P--- me off, lol call me Sir, this was a good read... (What if) let's share our to speak!


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