It is apparent that anyone who hasn't read the Holy Bible, to come to
such a conclusion.. But as we all have read in Genesis, Who was it that
tempted Eve, causing her to transgress against her Creator, along
with Adam? Was it a serpent or was it Satan in the form of a serpent?
In Revelation 12:9 The serpent is identified with Satan. It was
Satan, as we read that was the first transgressor, the first to seed
birth the origins of sin, and was placed on this earth when he
inspired to overtake the very throne of Almighty God. Satan is the
Master of lies and deception and in his rebellion against God and
mankind, he is very good at tricking people that he doesn't exist.
.When Adam and Eve fell into disobedience and
transgression, They helped to bring a curse not only upon them and
their offspring,but to this world as well..We understand that by the
fall of man, the very body, mind and soul of mankind is subject to
sin, sickness, depression, oppression, demon possession, physical and
spiritual death from Satan. This is why God, our heavenly
Father, sent Jesus Christ, so that mankind could be set free from
this curse and be adopted back unto God being cleansed from all sin
and to be anointed by Christ to rule and reign in His coming Kingdom
with power and glory as Christ Himself walked in..Now through Christ
we are heirs of God and joint heirs of Jesus. We have been given
power and authority over Satan, sin, sickness, disease. We have been
given power over demons, deceptions, falsehoods, and Satan no longer
has the power or the rights over those who come to Jesus by faith
believing. Satan has a time lease to this world, and his time is very
short. He knows that Almighty God has sealed his fate but in his
anger and hatred against God, he attacks the heart of God by having
God's own creation rebel and blaspheme the name of God..God in his
unconditional love of His creation have given mankind freewill choice
now to choose between Good and evil, Satan or Jesus, heaven or
hell..Those who come to Christ are made the very Children of God as
though they have never sinned, kings and priests to reign now and in
glory in which they are sealed by the Holy Spirit of God. Those who
refuse the Salvation of God by coming to Jesus and receiving his Holy
Spirit will not step one inch into heaven but will go to the placed
prepared of God for Satan and his fallen Angels, to the Lake of
Fire..Yet, if anyone has read my notes, we also understand that Satan
will at one last attempt, by sending his son, to be the Antichrist to
all the world, giving mankind the rights to sin and having rejected
Christ, will cause all to receive his mark of ownership in order to
buy or sell these world goods. Satan will unite both world
governments and world religions into a global "Oneness" and those who
rebell against this new world order will be jail, and eventually
killed for not identifying with it..These who do not bow their knee
nor receive his mark will have then understood that this Antichrist
is not their messiah but will die for the sake of Christ..(Rev. 5)
Satan will rally up all those who has received his leadership and
being possessed of His demons, God will bring such wrath and judgment
upon them as the world has never experienced before nor shall ever
see again. The plagues that God poured out upon Egypt will be nothing
in comparison to the plagues God will rain down on the world at
large, yet this world will be cleaned of evil and those who love
evil, preparing it from the coming of Christ' Kingdom on this earth
for 1000 years. Mankind then will experience a world without Satan
and sin, temptation or the threat of evil at all..Satan will be
bound, until the end of the 1000 years and let loose one more
time...And yes, as we know some think that there is no Satan,
and they need Jesus to deliver them and set them free, and to know that Jesus
will anoint them to be a king unto him..I
was set free and now I am no longer a child of the devil as I have
been washed in the precious blood of the Lamb and filled with the
Holy Spirit of God..Jesus is now my Brother and king and because of
his Sacrifice of unconditional love on the cross, I shall never see
death but shall see Satan put into a Bottomless Pit for 1000 years
and then to the Lake of fire. Does Satan fear? Yes, He fears God, He
fears Jesus Christ, and he also fears those who are born by the Holy
Spirit of God having been given power and authority over him and his
demons in Christ Holy Name..

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Comment by Prince Danny on April 2, 2009 at 2:19pm
Tara, When Jesus anointed me, He also spoke to me by the Holy Spirit of God and said, I could have taken you at an early age but I have a purpose and a plan for your life..To tell others of my love...Those words have been embedded in my soul.. I have been doing this ever since, yet with each passing day, the Holy Spirit also has given me wisdom concerning the coming Kingdom of Christ on this earth. We do not have to wait to reach the millennial kingdom in order to exercise our rights and authority as Kings and priests of God! We have the power within us as the Holy Spirit of God lives in us, He empowers the believers to put the devil underfoot and to release those who have been bound by him by the very anointing of Christ Jesus! You are right about weak willed Christians but usually those who are weak willed have not been anointed by Christ and the devil may be deceiving them in the area of the power of their kingship. Yet there are those Christians who teach against the gifts of the spirit and they are those who are making up the Apostate Church governed by the coming Antichrist for they are unwise virgins. They may have the form of godliness but deny the power thereof! Blessings..
Comment by Tara Robinson on April 2, 2009 at 1:35pm
I sense in my spirit you have been given divine authority by God to preach a message that will cause the body to come up in God and take their rightful place. I love what you said about our Priesthood and New Covenant plus Unbelief these are topics i am discussing all the time it is time for us as Gods children to operate off of the principles God has given us in his word to do as he called us there is no room for weak willed christianity we must allow the Holy Spirit to have his way.I sense the expectation that is upon you and i want to encourage you to continue in what God has birthed in your spirit awesome ministry.
Comment by Prince Danny on April 2, 2009 at 1:10pm
Tara, A on time message is what God has been quickening to my Spirit.. It is about Kingship and priesthood. Many Christians do not even know their God given rights as a king and a priest.. Many times we think on priests and priesthood as referring to the Catholic Church but I can tell you that even those who claim any type of priesthood, if they have not been personally anointed by Christ Jesus, with the sign of His Covenant upon them, they hold the Divine Office in vain.. I believe this was the very reason why the Catholic Church had a fallout with their Priests being caught doing the unthinkable. If they had the very anointing of the Holy Spirit upon them, they would have never brought shame to the Catholic Church. When I teach on kingship and Priesthood, I teach New Covenant doctrines that the very Apostles taught and I will not teach anything that isn't based on the word of God.. Christ was resurrected by the Holy Spirit of power and we are to walk in the same power and anointing that Jesus himself walked in but how many Christians are doing so? The number one enemy of our faith is not the devil but "Unbelief"..Yet when we walk in faith, it is the substance of things hoped for and words are the key to our having faith or having doubt. This is why believers are not experiencing the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit and this is why I believe the Lord has anointed me to teach the body of Christ to get back on their faith and believe God for the very signs and wonders that is to confirm the word of the Gospel of Christ! The world is tired of judgmental Christianity but when we go and cast out the devils, heal the sick, raise the dead to life, the world will come to Jesus and until the Christians get out of their own unbelief, God is either going to pass them by and he is going to use those who are walking in the God kind of faith! Blessings
Comment by Tara Robinson on April 2, 2009 at 12:07pm
This is an on time message that should be spoken about often. Thank you for shedding much insight about this topic God bless you and i pray others will be as blessed as i was when i read this.

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