What most of our brothers and sisters do not do, is go into the etymological dictionary when looking up the roots of words. So when eye say, GOD MEANS GHOST, they say, “it doesn't mean that, that is just something your teacher made up” as eye have heard since my posting this 9 knowledge liberation information among my kith and kindred. Here, we will see the root of the word GOD and GOSPEL. As to show and prove that GOD=GHOST and GOSPEL= GHOST SPELL.

.... god .... O.E. god "supreme being, deity," from P.Gmc. *guthan (cf. Du. god, Ger. Gott, O.N. guð, Goth.
guþ), from PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" (cf. Skt.
huta- "invoked," an epithet of Indra), from root *gheu(e)- "to call, invoke.
" But some trace it to PIE *ghu-to- "poured," from root *gheu- "to pour, pour a libation" (source of Gk. khein "to pour," khoane "funnel" and khymos "juice;" also in the phrase khute gaia "poured earth," referring to a burial mound).
"Given the Greek facts, the Germanic form may have referred in the first instance to the spirit immanent in a burial mound" [Watkins]. Cf.
also Zeus.
Not related to good.
Originally neut. in Gmc., the gender shifted to masc. after the coming of Christianity. O.E. god was probably closer in sense to L. numen. A better word to translate deus might have been P.Gmc. *ansuz, but this was only used of the highest deities in the Gmc. religion, and not of foreign gods, and it was never used of the Christian God. It survives in Eng. mainly in the personal names beginning in Os-.
.... ghost .... O.E.
gast "soul, spirit, life, breath," from P.Gmc. *ghoizdoz (cf. O.S. gest, O.Fris.
jest, M.Du.
gheest, Ger.
Geist "spirit, ghost"), from PIE base *ghois- "to be excited, frightened" (cf. Skt.
hedah "wrath;" Avestan zaesha- "horrible, frightful;" Goth. usgaisjan, O.E. gæstan "to frighten"). This was the usual W.Gmc. word for "supernatural being," and the primary sense seems to have been connected to the idea of "to wound, tear, pull to pieces." The surviving O.E. senses, however, are in Christian writing, where it is used to render L. spiritus, a sense preserved in Holy Ghost. Modern sense of "disembodied spirit of a dead person" is attested from c.1385 and returns the word toward its ancient sense. Most IE words for "soul, spirit" also double with ref. to supernatural spirits. Many have a base sense of "appearance" (e.g. Gk. phantasma; Fr. spectre; Pol. widmo, from O.C.S. videti "to see;" O.E. scin, O.H.G. giskin, originally "appearance, apparition," related to O.E. scinan, O.H.G. skinan "to shine").
.... spell (n.) .... "incantation, charm," O.E. spell "story, speech," from P.Gmc. *spellan (cf. O.N. spjall, O.H.G. spel, Goth. spill "report, discourse, tale;" Ger.
Beispiel "example;" see spell (v.1)). Meaning "set of words with magical powers, incantation, charm" first recorded 1579.
Spellbound is attested from 1799, from bound "fastened.
" .... .. "The term 'spell' is generally used for magical procedures which cause harm, or force people to do something against their will -- unlike charms for healing, protection, etc.
" ["Oxford Dictionary of English Folklore"].. ..

.. ..

So here, we see undeniable evidence that the word God is Ghost. Every time you use it, as you can see by definition, you are “invoking” GHOST FORCES. As explained, this Ghost force is 3 Ether which is the death of 6 Ether as 6 Ether is the death of 9 Ether. In Nature, the Caucasian is the personification of this GHOSTATIONAL FORCE. So when you hear people saying “God help me” he/she is inadvertently conjuring up Ghost Forces. These Ghost forces are the death in the universe as explained in the earlier blogs. Every time you hear a 5%er says that “he is god”, he is possessing himself with these 6 Ether Forces. This makes the adherent of this doctrine sound silly to those who know their forces, those meaning Caucasians. So in that, one knows the nature of god by knowing the nature of Caucasians. And in their Holy book which is the book of the dead called the BIBLE, God does more destructiion than Satan. God lies to Adam and Eve in the garden, it is the first lie told in a book of many lies.

The etymological and original name of JESUS is GASES – CONSCIOUS FIRE GASES. In other words, Jesus is SIX ETHER, and was called Bal, Elyon, Marduk, Dagon, Bel, et cetera, in western Asia; Amen Ra, (not Re), Osiris, Harmachis, Horus, Sobek, et cetera, in Egipt; Sol, Jupiter, Zeus, Lord, Bacchus, et cetera, in Europe; Buddha, Krishna, Rama, et cetera, in other parts of Asia. Jesus (Leviathan) in its Moon, that is, Ghost manifestation is called Thoth Anubis, Hermes, Sin, Siva, God, Christ, et cetera.

Jesus (Six Ether) produces Ghost (God) and this is why it is written that Jesus is the way to God, because without Jesus to produce Ghost, meaning through worshiping this force named JESUS, there would be no god, meaning, there would be no GHOST SPIRIT to represent 3 Ether in this cycle on the Space Matter and Time circle that we are in now. Originally and spiritually, Jesus is the spirit creator of the Phoenician People and, physically, it is the Phoenician People – this is one reason why most Jews disclaim and reject Jesus.

Most other Caucasians accept Jesus because (1) They found out it produces Ghost and Ghost is their sustainer and creator (2) Jesus gave the other Caucasians a chance to get back at the Jews for refusting to share riches and universal knowledge with them (3) Jesus, (as Phoenician People or their spirit Six Ether) is not friend of Woolly-Haired People, and this is why Africa today above the Sahara Desert is mostly in the hands and control of people other than the Woolly-Haired Africans and (4) the man called Jesus was the saviour of the Caucasian Race, because they saw him as someone God had sent them as THE GOAT GOD (Pan) by whose sacrifice would keep Caucasians in ruling power by deflecting justice from the guilty until the end of the Moon Cycle. Therefore, Jesus is not friend of the Woolly-Haired ETHER UTOPIAN Race and the first major slave ship was called THE GOOD SHIP JESUS. So remember, everytime you say god or Jesus, you are opening up a vortex of all types of spirity beings to enter you and cause you to think in adverse to Nature knowledge and your own 9 Knowledge forces.


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Comment by Muta Ali on April 21, 2009 at 10:43am
Its Not Doing, This is What Given To me So Iam Giving It to You...Be Your Judge & Judge Not.

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