Ladies, we have been lied to, deceived - bamboozled even. We have been misinformed about what the true beauty of a woman is since we were little girls.

We are bombarded by the media with crude and superficial images of what a woman should be to be beautiful, worthy, and alluring to men that is straight up garbage and a LIE - and you know from WHO.

The media portrays women having to be pencil thin to be admired and make a statement - anorexic even - with a boyish figure, perfect facial features, youthful, lighter skin color, and with long straight caucasian hair - and if we don't have that, we better BUY some.

When we look at women in the spotlight, we see everything that a woman should NOT be striving for. When I flip through the T.V channels and catch a glimpse of these women in hip hop videos, it makes me sick. It's disgusting. But there are young girls at home watching this thinking, Man, I WISH I can be like HER.

Society's idea of what a woman's beauty is, is not God's idea. It is of the world and it's LUST. Like a force field, it pushes us back and retracts us from the blessings that - as God's adopted daughters - we should receive.

That's why we need to truly understand and practice the sacred act of abstinence, because it delivers us from all the nonsense that society jams into our heads and makes us believe.

The dynamics of abstinence is truly amazing. It isn't just about NOT having sex outside of marriage, and not sinning, it is also about fruitfulness in our lives as a result of living Holy, experiencing abundant life (not just hearing about it), and the favor and hand of God over our lives that causes us to prosper in all things, and have a hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11)

It is why - when practiced - you are MORE attractive than Beyonce.

So how is this so? The reality is, this whole concept of beauty that the world holds, is nothing but the portrayal of LUST.

As you know, there is nothing HOLY about lust. It is the opposite of God's nature and function. For we know that the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes come from this world, and not the Father. (I John 2:16)

True beauty in the eyes of God - for a single woman - is one who fears and serves the Lord, who presents her body a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God. (Rom. 12:1)

For charm is deceptive and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears the Lord, she will be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)

THEREFORE what truly attracts a man of God to you, is living this life! This is truly what will cause a man to commit to you and marry you.

Do you think Ruth had to thrust her hips like Beyonce while picking up stalks of grain in Boaz's field?

No, it was her Godly integrity, humility, and hard work that caught his eye. It had nothing to do with what she was wearing (or not wearing), her dress size, her heels, her facial features, or her skin tone. Ruth was light. A city on a hill that could not be hid. (Matt 5:14)

Is your light shining? Living holy and abstinent attracts REAL men, REAL men of God. It is an attraction that is the opposite of lust. If a man is lusting after you my sister, that is NOT a good sign. It is DANGER and a FORBIDDEN ZONE. PUSHING you back from your BLESSINGS.

Sadly, most women interpret lustful glances and approaches from men as true attraction - in which it is not. It is DECEIT from the devil. You can look at it almost as an insult, the guy could care less about who you are in God, and who God is in you. His care is just to defile you.

The irony with Beyonce's hit song and music video, "Put a Ring On It" is that it sends the message to women that you need to be LUSTFUL like her in order for a man to put a ring on your finger.

That's detrimental and poisonous to our soul and spirit and walk in God. No man, that is no man of God, will ever respect us and consider us for marriage with ourselves carrying on like that.

Abstinence also keeps US from lusting as well, which is our sinful nature too, as the spirit is willing to live Holy, but the flesh is weak. (Matt 26:41)

The beginning of living abstinent may be a HUGE adjustment for some, where prayer and fasting and worship and studying the scriptures are all critical to remaining faithful to God.

But if you faint not, God will give you no more temptation that you can bear (I Cor. 10:13), and will keep you steadfast, and allow you to reap the benefits of living an abstinent life.

Everyday, you will attract people to you. An attraction that is inevitable, indestructible, everlasting, and fruitful. You will receive Favor, and the Light and Glory of God will shine upon you, and wherever you go.

At the right time, the right man will NOTICE, he will commit himself to you, marry you, and dedicate his life to loving you - not lusting after you which does not last.

I heard this line in a movie once (in not so many nice words), wherever you see a beautiful woman, there is a man tired of having sex with her.

Woman of God, you are not of this world, you're set aside as a Royal Priestess, as a help-meet for your future husband whose RIB you are WALKING around with (Gen. 2:22). He will give you all the attention and focus and love you need.

Even in your pajamas.

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