Thank You for reading this! We need Prayers Immediatly!!! Since wed. my Mom, Suzy, has fell 5x the last in the shower sat. night. Her left side gave out while trying to get out of the shower when she used her left arm to balence herself it gave out and she fell back into the shower. Dad heard her and it took a few mins for him to get her out. My Dad is short and skinny with a bad back. Well she went to bed and my said sister had talked to her before she went to sleep telling her to go to the hospital. Sadie is a Medical Assitant. Well Sadie called us and we decided to take her in the morning when she gets up because Mom took her medicine that she has to take a bedtime cause it knocks her out. So next morning, straight to the hospital. Mom culd barely move her whole left side and severly bruised. We thought she had a stroke & so did the ER doc at first. They MIR'ed her head and found a large mass in the front right side of her head around forehead past hair line to abouve the ear. In that area but it's not in the brain itis beside it. BUT there are some small one's closer to the brain that might be in the brain and they may have to leave them if they are. I don't understand why you would leave any cancer in anyone unless it would kill them if they took a certain part. But Wont it grow right back by leaving some?? They did a cat scan on her head last night results around 10 this morning. They said they are 99.9% positive it IS a Cancer Tumor!!! Then they said if they do surgery they would have t leave a part of it as well where it is on the main nerve that controls the left side of your body!!!! That part leaving I can understand! But wont you have to have surgery again when it grows large again?? They did lots of tests still have a million more. They want a byopsy to see where it is coming from. If they is more tumors somewhere else her only choices is Radiation or Chemo. They are shaving almost half the right sides hair. Her hair is as long as mine, mid-rump. But who cares in comparison to cancer tumors in your brain!!! They said the large on is quite large for that area and at least the size of a golf ball or quite larger. They said they can't tell for certain cause the area looks larger because of the swelling and inflamation of her brain being pushed again the other side of her skull and the area it is pushing. There is only enough room in the head or body for the things that sre suppose to be there. She is going for a pet scan at 5 of her chest and belly to look for more. She had a skin canser tumor melonoma ( can't spell) on her chest/lower neck area almost 7yrs again. They said the byopsy will tell them if it is made of skin cancer or a different organ cancer. Cancer can travel through your blood stream and deposit on another organ and start growing there, but it is still the original cancer. Before We left the doc said to her and us that no matter if there is more or not or no matter which treatment they do, her condition is grave!!!!! That some people do survive but not many!!!! She could even be a vegetable or lose all her memory and not even know us.That age has nothing to do with it even though she is only 47. If you have the will to survive stay positive and pray!!!! They even sent in a Priest and a counsoler!! This is just so fast, no warning!!! I just go home to wait for the kids to come from school and then I will be back to the hospital. We just need all the prayers we can get!!! PLEASE!!! I will be back to give you an update later when I'm home. ok. And In Advance Thank You So Much!!!! I Love Yu All!! God Bless!!!! Love Your Sister, Samantha and Family

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Well we still dont have any new news yet. But don't worry I am not angry at God not at all! None of us!!! We know in all things, good, bad or indifferent it is all in God's plan!!! Though I have much faith, it is still difficult to grasp!! Like a dream but awake. Mom is devistated!!! No new test results yet they said it will be in the morning for the scan of her chest, stomach & pelic area results to be back. She will also be getting a bones scan tommaro to look for bone cancer. I gotta work than will be at hospital, I will update ya'll when I can. One of my Mom's lil sisters is flying in tommarro at 8pm. so it might be late when I get a chance to come online. May God Bless Each Of You!!!!! Love, Samantha & Family
Hello Everyone!!!! I love you all!!! Thanks for your love, prayers, supports & patience!!!!! It has been rough the past few days and it isnt over yet by a long run!! This is what's been going on. Mom had surgery on her head on thursday morning. They removed all of the large tumor (which they said they couldnt where it was on major nerve) with God's Glorious help!!!! So now she is slowly being able to walk again!!!!! No more pressure on the nerve controlling the left side!!!! God is Good!!!! Thank You God and Thank You Sisters!!!!! I was shocked they let her walk yesturday!!!! She did good!!!! She just went home a lil ago but the process isnt over!!! Even her surgen that did the surgery who is a God Fearing Christian (Thanks Again God!!!) said her recovery and the use of her left side so fast and complete is a miracle!!!! Something we already knew!!!!! Praise God!!!! Thank You All So Much!!!!
I am sorry I was not here regularly updating you but my place was at her side at the hospital when not at work!!! It still is, but she is resting. Plus I have been emotionally and physically drained!!!! God preformed a mircale by allowing the surgery for the big one to be successful and for her to walk again!!!!! We are in awe!!!! So Thankful!!!! But our mission is not over yet!!!!! Now this is specifically what we need now to pray for!!!! They couldnt remove the small tumors because by the doc's own words they are eating away at her brain and too deep into her brain to remove them!!!! They discovered after the surgery when they tested it that the one's in her brain are skin cancer!!!!! She has a tumor in her lungs and 1 in a lymp node. They said they will have to byopsy them to find out. She will have radiatin on her head which they say does nothing but slow it down. It will not kill it! !! But God Will!!!! That chemo is not really used on the brain the hospital said so she has to go to a experimental clinical trial for a new drug trial. That chemo can be done for lungs & lymp node. The closest place treating her type is 1hr 1/2 to 2 hrs drive! Dad will have to take her 5x a week for radiation meaning he will be missing more work and they dont know how they will pay their bills!!!! We are not sure the INS will cover experimental drugs so that is scary too!!!! They claim she has 3-6months to live!!!! Oh God I don't believe this for one millasecond!!!! I will not feed the devil by ever believing this at all!!!! I will never doubt The Lord, Our Father In Heaven!!!!! We need a Healing Intervention From God!!!! I have been praying for Mom, and all of my family and friends and for God to show me a sign of his will for this situstion so I will be prepared either way and can help others!!! Well I got home 2 nites ago and was exallsted like the ther nights, but as a prophet serving God I am blessed to hear him and see the signs he blesses me with to help everyone of his children!!!!! I can only see what he want me to see ofcourse!!! Everything IS for a reason!!! God's Will!!! Well this is what happened, I sat down on the couch and looked at the tv and mentally said naa & got back to my feet cause my husband called me outside and I froze in my tracks and heard a whisper from God saying stop and turn on the tv, then heard 14. So I turned it on and put it on 14. Then James was still yelling so I went to see what he wanted cause God was no longer speaking, then we both came back. With me going to lock the back door and hear the Pastor say and she touched the hem of his cloth as was healed!!!! I froze again!!! Then said to my self, sit down & pay attention God is giving his sign, his Glorious Answer!!!!!! I believe he will heal my Mom, But it is still a test and we will have to come together as 1 to pass that test!!!!! The story of the leper that touched Jesus' hem and was healed was Exactly what we had read to Mom earlier!!!!! This was a fabulous sermon that God spoke thru this Minister that made it even clearer thru scipture to ask specifically what you need so God can specifally help what you need!!! For example he said if you need a car, dont ask for any car ask for a car with what you need in it!!! If you need to be healed dont pray God heal me, To tell God exactly what you need him to do for you so he can Bless you the ways you need him to most!!!! To tell God I know you can do this for me God, That I have the faith in you that you can do it, I have the knowledge to know that you are capable to do this and that it is ok if you don't do this if this is your will because I know you can!!!! I know it is your Will!!!! Also that everyone has to have their own faith that we can't have someone elses faith!!! That all of our unique faiths come together and make up the body of Christ, the Church!!! That the one true church is meaning all of us coming together united as one!!! All like puzzle pieces perfectly fitting together but each different, different faiths and experiences forming those faiths/pieces!!!! That is our duty to pray for one another and to round up Christians and pray together!!!! We are his vessels, God works thru us!!! & Through Prayer!!!! & fasting!!! & thru asking & though believing!!!! & Preaching His word!!! & thru love for God and each other!!!! And so much more!!!! God is in everything!!!! God IS Everything!!!! Thank You all My dear loved ones!!!! I am blessed to know you!!!! Thanks for listening too!!! I was moved to share God's message with you all too!!! We called Mom to watch it at the hospital and she called in a prayer request and so did my husband for her!!!! Every lil bit helps!!!! My half believes she is about to die so pray for her strength aswell please!!!! Thank you for all your prayers past, present, and future!!!! I have Hope that we can all help heal my Mom of cancer thru prayer, faith and love in God!!!!! Thanks and Good nite! My hands are tired now! LOL! Sorry for talking too much! Gotta put the kids to bed, they a few mins behind. I love Ya'll!!! God Bless Everyone of you!!!!!! Your Sister, Samantha and Family
Hi All My Sisters And Brothers!!!! Good Evening!!!! I am surprized I have not gotten one responce on this site!!!! With Mom, we have been busy with all the meet the new doctors and tell the story a million times, week! And details about what to expect and what will be happening first. Plus she now has a nurse that comes by the house 2-3 a week depending on the nurses scedule. She is still on steroids and they say she will be on it for some time. They said the steroids gives you high blood sugar, so we have to poke her & test it 4x a day. Insulin when needed. No She wasn't diabetic before so it is a little wierd. lol! She went to the radiation doc 2x this week, but radiatoin starts late next week after staples are out, which is next wed at 3pm. They will be spot treating the one's in her brain, 5 total in her brain in different places. They said melonoma (skin cancer) is the hardest to treat when in the brain. That it is melonoma, but considered brain cancer when in brain. They said she will have scars on the spots they do & hair may or may not grow back in scarred parts. That her hair with fall out in clumps up to total loss during treatment including body. Vomiting, shakes, NO Driving (which she still can't do anyway), dizziness, weakness, constant fatigue, and on and on!!!! Everyone's body is different and some are sicker than others, and some syptoms everyone gets. & that she will basically have NO immune system. That she can not be around any germs, sick people either. Constant cleaning, sanitizing, and washing hands, of her and anyone around her. The radiation treatments on her head will be for 15 business days. M-F. Then will tell us then how we will proceed and redo scans to access if any progress is made. They said they will either use a long nettle or with a tube down her throat to bypsy her lung tumor. the called it a "hotspot" That it may be different cancer because how it is showing up as a hotspot that is colapesed, & not solid like the brain tumors. She is doing ok, not sick yet. They are now saying that she has 3-6 months but a few get blessed to get 2yrs, even rarer is up to 10yrs, but they are not hopefull yet they said, this is the brain. But it is a good thing WE ALL BELIEVE IN GOD instead of the things they are saying!!!!!!!! Radiation will be starting either thurs, fri or mon. They are suppose to let us know wed or thurs. They made a mask mold of Mom's head at her 2nd appt at the radiation doc office this week. They said it is used for the radiation machine so it fits perfectly against your head which is why it can produce scars. We are trying to keep Mom full of hope, but it is sometimes hard for all of us. Just unthinkable!!!! My husband is yelling at me everytime I get near sunlight! LOL! We are all indanger of skin cancer regruadless of your skin complexion!!! Especially with Golbal warming and pollution putting holes in the atmosphere!!! PLEASE wear sunscreen, higher the spf the better!!! Apply every 20-30 mins, uva protection sun glasses because you can get it in your eyes too!!! They said the most damaging time of your life to keep your skin from the sun is when you are born till your mid to late 20's!!!! The damage is unfixable, so don't get it in the first place!!! PLEASE Make Sure Your Precious Children Always Wear Sunscreen Anytime They Go Outside Even For A Few Minutes!!!!! THANKS!!!!! PREVETION IS BETTER!!!!! Trust us!!!! Well I am tired so I am gonna go for now. plus I gotta repost this 2 other places. I love each and everyone of you dearly!!!! Thank you for your love, support, and Prayers!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! God Bless All Our Lil Miracle Workers Thru God!!!!!!! That Means You All!!!!! Goodnight! TTYL. All My Love, Samantha & Family
Hello All My Sisters and Brothers!!! I apoligize for not updating you sooner. The truth is I am having a million issues all at once and I am just very stressed and busy. I think about each of you every single day!! I just have to kinda prepare myself or brace myself whatever you call it first befoore I am ok to talk about it so please bear with me. This is what has been going on with my Mom. Fri was her 10th day of radiation on her brain leaving M-F next week as the final days of this stage. She is hanging in there the best she can. Still extemely sick, tired, and massivily swollen especially her face. Her hair is starting to come out in sections when it was just more strands than usual last week. They say the next step for her brain part is to start treatment with a brain cancer specialist in Tampa (3-hr drive 1-way). That We will have to find out from that doc what his plans will be but we do know that she will also be doing experimental drug treatments too. I will let you know when I do. As for the 'hot spot' in her lung they just informed us that she will be having a BIOPSY ON THIS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12TH AT 10AM ET!!!!! PLEASE SAY AN EXTRA PRAYER FOR HER WED.!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! BLESS YOU!!!!!! They will be sticking an camera down her throat into her lungs and a huge needle in her chest to attempt to scrap a few chunks off and suck them up with the same big needle. They claim it is only 60% effective at getting a desent sample, but the alternative is to crack open her chest and remove it an test it. And that also the INS says you have to do the lest expensive one first. So we will all be at the hospital on Wed on our knees!! Oh by the way they call it a hot spot because that is how it appears on the Cat and Pet Scans, like a fire with the center the hottest and all the different colors radiating from it signifing heat getting cooler as it go's away from it's center. They are not sure what it is yet. They said that 'hot spots' dont always turn out to be the same things and that there hasn't been conclusive evidence to how they start either. They wont know anything basically until they recover a good enugh sample to test. So we just have to pray and wait! They said it will be an out patient surgery since it will be the huge needle bipsy first and to pray they get enough of the "hot spot" thing that they will not have to crack open her chest. If it is cancer they said she will have chemo for it or they will open her and remove it. We are praying the needle byopsy works and that it is not cancer or anything else deadly (we have to many already!) and that they will not have to open her chest and finally that they will not puncture her lung which they say is a high chance of with the needle which could cause great complications and maybe death from infection. I thank you all with all of my heart for you prayers, time, love, and support!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!! Each of you are such a Blessing to us!!!!! Word can't even begin to express our love and graditude for all of your Heavenly Help!!!!!!!!! You all have also helped us stay strong and full of spirit and hope!!!!! I love each of you my friends and sisters/brothers!!!!!! May God Bless You In All You Do!!!!! I will update you wed or thurs ok. I dont know if I will be home wed or not since the surgery. Plus she don't know if she will feel like the radiation and a surgery on the same day so she said she might reschedule wed's radiation treatment. I'll let ya'll know. TTYS! God Bless!!!!!! Love Always, Samantha and Family


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