I don't know who will be able to see this but as a Christ Follower I have to speak up.  First, everyone who dump on Ms. Bell or defended the waitress, Take a chill pill.  Yes, as Christians it is our responsibility to be the hands and feet of Christ. BUT!!!.......We are also of this world, which means we don't always do the Jesus thing 24/7.  I know for me I fail to live up to Jesus' standard every day.  Just because we say we are Christians does not mean we won't hurt our fellow man or in the case letting the pen be mightier than the sword.  If any one can proof to me they have been perfect ALL DAY Long, then you may cast the first stone.

Now, the situation that started this is stupid...I am sure Ms. Bell sees the error of her ways.  I loved to talk to her on the phone and in person, to hug her and tell her what she did was jacked up but I love her and so does Jesus.

Ms. Apple-bees Waitress,

Be very thankful I am Not your Manager, because not only would you be fired, you would be leaving in hand cuffs.  Just because we have the technology does not mean to use it to post to Facebook, twitter,Pinterest, or what ever the other name are.

If we as believer would pray before writing something or clicking that picture on our iPhone, this would be a better place to live!!!!

Proud to be Called A Jesus Freak

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How about if a believer is wronged, they forgive them? It was wrong to post that picture, but it was also wrong to get that girl fired over it. I'm glad I'm not a believer in the Christian faith anymore, and one reason I turned away was because of people like Bell. And guess what? I'm *still* more moral than her, because I would never cost someone their job over a minor squabble. Of course, I'd also tip, because I still follow Jesus' teachings of giving to others. It was wrong of her to stiff that girl, and it was also very very wrong for her to write that nasty note on the receipt. She's a Pastor, she's supposed to be above that. I know people make mistakes, but the result of making that mistake is to fix it, not make another one. Getting that girl fired was seeking revenge, premeditated. And it was wrong. And she needs to make it up to her, if she expects people like me to take God and Christians seriously ever again.

Jesus Freak is a little bitch--I am only typing this because you support Alois Bell and let her call herself part of your group



Thanks you for leting everybody know you are better than everybody else because you are a christian type of person

Want to know who I feel the most for? Ms. Bell's child(ren). How DARE she be such a negative and nasty example for her child(ren). And she said that this was meant to happen so she can spread the word of God? Did she honestly think that people would be flocking to her Sunday sermon for guidance when she, herself, can't make reasonable decisions? She wanted the entire crew working that evening fired. That isn't a temporary slight of judgment, that's a huge personality indicator. Entitled people such as her deserve what's coming, but what her kid(s) are going to endure come Monday (if they're in school) will be fully irrational, if it hasn't started already.


Those poor children...but she only thought about her bottom line, saving $6 on a $34 food and drink tab.


FYI, Alois, if you're spending $34 on yourself, that's a lot of food. I heard that you're a recovering addict so you can't even account for a couple of top shelf margaritas to add on to the bill. Instead of ordering those two appetizers and a meal you could have ordered just one and tipped the waitress (because I call BULL that you truly dropped $6 on the table in cash).

You are a hypocrite. You defend Alois Bell for her harmful and inappropriate actions. You claim to bless her with jesus. Then you degrade and threaten the Applebee's waitress. Handcuffs? Really? For what crime? You do know that the waitress didn't post the receipt anywhere, it was a friend of hers. Are receipts private? You are an example of the worst hypocrite, loving your friends, and throwing the rest away. You are proud to be called a jesus freak? You should aspire to be a decent person, one who can see the best in EVERYONE... not just your friends.

What that Dumb Fake pastor ALOIS BELL said does not make sense anyway. It really just shows how stupid, ignorant and ghetto she is. When you tithe to church you are suppose to give 10% of your earnings. When you tip at a restaraunt its 18% of the Bill that day. She made it sound like applebees is asking for more than she gives God. "I give give God 10% why should I Give you 18%" Is she saying she normally gives God 10 percent of what her Applebees Bill is? Is 6 Dollars more than she give God? That would mean she makes less than 60 Dollars a week. Its just TYPICAL behavior for her ghetto ass type, run you ragged ,then when the bill comes act like trash. Or complain about the meal trying to get it all for nothing. I can garauntee this isnt the first time she got GHETTO when the bill came. Look at her last interview. Who the hell goes on Tv with your hair a mess, Bra hanging out, straight up dirty looking mess. TYPICAL is all I can say


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