There has been talk that the Bible Christians as Sister Rebekah likes to call herself, and I think that is fitting for all who are Christians who follow the Bible in a literal sense. Since there has to be a label, this what I would prefer to be labeled. There are 2 Christian doctrines that are being taught on this forum. There is only 1 Christian doctrine, so someone is misinformed or intentionally lying to the people. I ask the Roman Christians to prove their God. Here is the doctrine that I have learned from the Roman Christians since I have been on this network. Jesus rose on the 1st day. Sunday worship is ok because you can worship God any day. They have not figured out the day he died yet.. I assume it is Good Friday since they believe he came out the ground on the first day. They believe Easter is the day he rose. The Old Testament is not apart of the NT. Both are separate covenants. We are under the dispensation of Paul, and Christ. We are going to Heaven, and be with the Lord forever more in the air. We go to hell when we are bad. There is a judgment, but we go to Heaven when we die if we lived a good life. I have not gotten clarity if we go to Heaven when we die, or are we judged first, and where we are if we were bad. Some people are in pergatory. There are 3 in the Godhead, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You can speak in tongues, but the tongues is not another language, it is the Holy spirit that gives them utterance to speak in tongues. What ever that is. They celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day, New Years Day January 1st, Communion every first Sunday, and all the other holidays. Jesus died to kill all the commandments. There is a 7 year tribulation. There is a rapture. Israel is separate from Christianity. There were 3 wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born. December 25th is Christ's birthday. You can eat pork. The Bible has to be interpreted, and not read literal. I can't remember the rest, but I ask the Roman Christians to prove their doctrine out. Brother Trevor, Sister Angela, Sister Harris, Brother Luckett, Sister Newview, RevZ62, Sister Trica, and anyone else who believes this stuff. This is your God!!! You should be able to prove it out by the scriptures. If you can't, then why follow it? If nobody replies, then I understand that you are ashamed of your God, and will not prove him.

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Do not the Roman Christians, or Sunday Christians want to come out and prove their doctrine? If not, just repent, and come home to the true and living God of Israel, and serve the real Jesus of the Bible. All you have to do is repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus, and learn to keep the Lord's commandments. His is a house of Prayer for all Men.
Jesus rose on the 1st day. Sunday worship is ok because you can worship God any day.
>>He rosed on the 1st day or just before it came in - thus the Sabbath Day.

They have not figured out the day he died yet.. I assume it is Good Friday since they believe he came out the ground on the first day.
>>It cannot be on a Friday because the prophecy was he would be in the belly of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights like Jonah in the belly of the whale.

They believe Easter is the day he rose.
>>I believe that’s based on Acts 12:4 however here is a little background info:
Originally a Saxon word (Eostre), denoting a goddess of the Saxons, in honour of whom sacrifices were offered about the time of the Passover. Hence the name came to be given to the festival of the Resurrection of Christ, which occured at the time of the Passover. In the early English versions this word was frequently used as the translation of the Greek pascha (the Passover). When the Authorized Version (1611) was formed, the word "passover" was used in all passages in which this word pascha occurred, except in Act 12:4. In the Revised Version the proper word, "passover," is always used.

The Old Testament is not apart of the NT. Both are separate covenants.
>>The OT and the NT are the bible - parts one and two. There are different covenants through out the bible and Jesus’ shedding His blood for us - is the last and perfect one.

We are under the dispensation of Paul, and Christ.
>>What is the dispensation of Paul? I think people need to stop hatin’ on Paul. Our beloved apostle cant seem to catch a break - either he was too hard or not hard enough. It seems to me Paul set the order of the church. During the early days of the church people were doing all kinds of stuff and Paul told the proper way of doing things and helped them to understand so many things that were not answered by the other apostles.

We are going to Heaven, and be with the Lord forever more in the air.
>>When He returns we shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. So indeed we will forever be with the Lord where ever He is and if He swoops down to reign here on earth a thousand years - then we will being doing that right by His side. Where ever he is - we will be also.

We go to hell when we are bad.
>>Jesus said: It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire (and he said) it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.

There is a judgment, but we go to Heaven when we die if we lived a good life.
>>The bible says the dead sleep then are awaken.

I have not gotten clarity if we go to Heaven when we die, or are we judged first, and where we are if we were bad.
>>Nope the dead are awaken to be judged.

Some people are in pergatory.
>>I think that comes from Luke 16
22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
So I could see the confusion.

There are 3 in the Godhead, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
>>The Father is God, the Son is God and so is the Holy Spirit and they are ONE.

You can speak in tongues, but the tongues is not another language, it is the Holy spirit that gives them utterance to speak in tongues. What ever that is.
>>I Cor 13 speaks of speaking with the tongues of angels - that would be an unknown language - heavenly even.

They celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day,
>>Not all Christians

New Years Day January 1st,
>>Is it wrong to celebrate seeing another 12 months?

Communion every first Sunday,
>>Not all do - but the argument some would have is where the scripture says AS OFTEN AS YOU DO THIS - means different things to different denominations. Some have it weekly, some once a month, some quarterly (every 4 months), some once a year during Passover - and yet there are those that will not observe on Passover but the night BEFORE the Passover.

and all the other holidays.
>>You mean like Thanksgiving - surely the nation should be thankful for all that the Lord has done the previous year. Then there is Memorial Day and the 4th of July, which some observe and some don’t.

Jesus died to kill all the commandments.
>>Only a crazy person thinks there are “no” commandments that should be observed.

There is a 7 year tribulation.
>>Some believe it will be a full 7 years - then some believe that it will be cut in half and some believe that they will be watching it from heaven with the Lord - but not all Christians.

There is a rapture.
>>If you mean caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. in the air - yes, yes, yes!

Israel is separate from Christianity.
>>I thought you said that Israel was a nation and Christianity was a religion. Christians believe that Gods people were the Jews/Israel and they for the most part have rejected the Messiah that was sent to them by God as promised by the prophets of old. But some did/do believe in the Christ as well as some gentiles. Those gentile believers were grafted into the root. But first it was the natural then the spiritual and that’s who the Body is made of today.

There were 3 wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born.
>>The bible never says that there were three.

December 25th is Christ's birthday.
Some celebrate it as such but don’t say that is based on anything biblical.

You can eat pork.
>>Well you do have the ability to eat it. But is it good for your body - not so much. Or is it good for the conscience of a brother?

The Bible has to be interpreted, and not read literal.
>>I think it needs to be read literally and figuratively and interpreted by the Spirit. The Word has layers upon layers - its so full of more and more and more and its so divine…yum, yum, yum.

I can't remember the rest, but I ask the Roman Christians to prove their doctrine out. Brother Trevor, Sister Angela, Sister Harris, Brother Luckett, Sister Newview, RevZ62, Sister Trica, and anyone else who believes this stuff. This is your God!!! You should be able to prove it out by the scriptures. If you can't, then why follow it? If nobody replies, then I understand that you are ashamed of your God, and will not prove him.
>>Hez, there are things that you and your brethren have not answered so don’t be so self-righteous.
Excellent answer Rev. Luckett,

Enough time has been wasted doing that which only the Holy Spirit can reveal.
Amen Rev. Luckett and Amen Pastor Dixon

You cannot force a person who truly believes his salvation will come when he dies a physical death to understand and receive the truth about the Triune God that we love and worship.
While you guys are slappin high fives, there are people who want to know this information that you all claim to possess.
@ Brother Dixon

Why are you a Pastor then? Is it not the job of the Pastor to prove God to the people?
I kinda figured you would not answer that question.
@ Brother Luckett

You can not prove your God, or what you do for your God by the scriptures is why you don't want to prove him or it out. I understand. What you should understand is that the title you carry is not even correct. I am not correcting you for my benefit. If you claim to worship God it has to be according to the scriptures. The book said call no man Rabbi, or Father. Look up what reverend means. I really could care less what happens to you and your salvation in my heart, but the Lord requires that I spread the truth. I just assume keep this information to myself if it were up to me, and this is from my heart. I was a bad person before I came into the Word. Since I obey the scriptures I am charged to tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. At least Sister Newview had the heart to at least address the issues head on with the information that she was taught, and she is more willing to change if it is wrong then any Sunday Christian on this network. I was hoping you would be a better sport.
Newview said: He rosed on the 1st day or just before it came in - thus the Sabbath Day. He rose on the 1st day or just before, which is it?

where ever He is and if He swoops down to reign here on earth a thousand years - then we will being doing that right by His side. Where ever he is - we will be also. So, no rapture? Would you agree that we will meet the Lord in the air, and come down, and fight the war against man with the army of angels in the battle of Armegeddon ? That is where 2Thessalonians chapter 4 I think is where that is used to justify going to Heaven. So, At least you understand we are not going to Heaven. Good.

Jesus said: It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire (and he said) it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Would you agree that the more accurate description would be the Lake of Fire, since it is mentioned moreover that Hell is the grave?

The Father is God, the Son is God and so is the Holy Spirit and they are ONE.
This is not true. I am putting together a lesson on this to show you the truth of this matter.

I Cor 13 speaks of speaking with the tongues of angels - that would be an unknown language - heavenly even.
This is referring to the angels allowing the people to speak in another language without ever learning the language to be able to preach the "scriptures". I am putting together a lesson on this as well, and will set the records straight on this matter as well.

They celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day,
>>Not all Christians
Good. That is one less idol.

New Years Day January 1st,
>>Is it wrong to celebrate seeing another 12 months?
Yes because you are worshiping another God celebrating man;s new year. It is a Goddess. I think it is Diana, the queen of Heaven if I am not mistaken. The Lord's year begins in April, and it is called the first month of Abib. That really makes more sense because that is when everything id coming back from winter.

Communion every first Sunday,
>>Not all do - but the argument some would have is where the scripture says AS OFTEN AS YOU DO THIS - means different things to different denominations. Some have it weekly, some once a month, some quarterly (every 4 months), some once a year during Passover - and yet there are those that will not observe on Passover but the night BEFORE the Passover.
The demominations are the Harlots of the Mother, so let us just talk Bible, and not religion.

and all the other holidays.
>>You mean like Thanksgiving - surely the nation should be thankful for all that the Lord has done the previous year. Then there is Memorial Day and the 4th of July, which some observe and some don’t.
Thanksgving is really a celebration of the slaughter of the Native Americans to be able to colonize the west, starting with the 13 colonies.

Jesus died to kill all the commandments.
>>Only a crazy person thinks there are “no” commandments that should be observed
. What commandments do you keep then?

There is a 7 year tribulation.
>>Some believe it will be a full 7 years - then some believe that it will be cut in half and some believe that they will be watching it from heaven with the Lord - but not all Christians.
All must be one in the word of God. There are no some do this or some do that with God. All do as one.

There is a rapture.
>>If you mean caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. in the air - yes, yes, yes!
You contradicted yourself because ealier you said that the kingdom will be on earth, but if that is the case, how will you be raptured off to Heaven?

Israel is separate from Christianity.
>>I thought you said that Israel was a nation and Christianity was a religion. Christians believe that Gods people were the Jews/Israel and they for the most part have rejected the Messiah that was sent to them by God as promised by the prophets of old. But some did/do believe in the Christ as well as some gentiles. Those gentile believers were grafted into the root. But first it was the natural then the spiritual and that’s who the Body is made of today.
I never said Christianity was religion, I said it was the doctrine. See now why it is important to know who the Israelites are because you went right over to the Jews in the land now, and looked at them. They reject the Messiah, etc. Those are the Edomites.

There were 3 wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born.
>>The bible never says that there were three.
Is that not the doctrine that is taught?

December 25th is Christ's birthday.
Some celebrate it as such but don’t say that is based on anything biblical.
Why was it taught that it is Christian? I learned that from this forum.

You can eat pork.
>>Well you do have the ability to eat it. But is it good for your body - not so much. Or is it good for the conscience of a brother?
It is commanded that Christians are not to eat beasts that are not clovenfooted, and don't cheweth the cud, and don't parteth the hoof.

The Bible has to be interpreted, and not read literal.
>>I think it needs to be read literally and figuratively and interpreted by the Spirit. The Word has layers upon layers - its so full of more and more and more and its so divine…yum, yum, yum.
It is to be read according to the Bible from the Law and the Testimony, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, and there a little, and it is of no private interpretation.

>>Hez, there are things that you and your brethren have not answered so don’t be so self-righteous. Ask the questions you want answered. It has to be reasonable, not some off the wall question, like who published the 1st Bible.
" Newview said: He rosed on the 1st day or just before it came in - thus the Sabbath Day. He rose on the 1st day or just before, which is it?..."

What I should have said was He could have rose just before they got there or He could have rose hours earlier. It just says that He was already risen.
So he was already risen. 3 days and 3 nights now. Let's count. Wednesday right before sundown he died, so that is 1 night. Thursday he was in the grave day and night, so that 1 day and 2 nights counting the Wednesday night. He was in the grave Friday day and night, so that is 2 days and 3 nights. He was in the grave Saturday in the daytime, and rose right before sundown, so that is 3 days and 3 nights. Fits like a glove. Now you try your Sunday rising, and get 3 days and 3 nights.
Brother Hezekiah,

You are argumentative and I share my God with people who are interested in learning about Him, those interested in arguing I do not sow into "stoney ground". I ask that you please discontinue reaching out to me, your spirit is not condusive to encouraging one another.

Much Love,
Pastor Dixon


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