There has been talk that the Bible Christians as Sister Rebekah likes to call herself, and I think that is fitting for all who are Christians who follow the Bible in a literal sense. Since there has to be a label, this what I would prefer to be labeled. There are 2 Christian doctrines that are being taught on this forum. There is only 1 Christian doctrine, so someone is misinformed or intentionally lying to the people. I ask the Roman Christians to prove their God. Here is the doctrine that I have learned from the Roman Christians since I have been on this network. Jesus rose on the 1st day. Sunday worship is ok because you can worship God any day. They have not figured out the day he died yet.. I assume it is Good Friday since they believe he came out the ground on the first day. They believe Easter is the day he rose. The Old Testament is not apart of the NT. Both are separate covenants. We are under the dispensation of Paul, and Christ. We are going to Heaven, and be with the Lord forever more in the air. We go to hell when we are bad. There is a judgment, but we go to Heaven when we die if we lived a good life. I have not gotten clarity if we go to Heaven when we die, or are we judged first, and where we are if we were bad. Some people are in pergatory. There are 3 in the Godhead, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You can speak in tongues, but the tongues is not another language, it is the Holy spirit that gives them utterance to speak in tongues. What ever that is. They celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day, New Years Day January 1st, Communion every first Sunday, and all the other holidays. Jesus died to kill all the commandments. There is a 7 year tribulation. There is a rapture. Israel is separate from Christianity. There were 3 wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born. December 25th is Christ's birthday. You can eat pork. The Bible has to be interpreted, and not read literal. I can't remember the rest, but I ask the Roman Christians to prove their doctrine out. Brother Trevor, Sister Angela, Sister Harris, Brother Luckett, Sister Newview, RevZ62, Sister Trica, and anyone else who believes this stuff. This is your God!!! You should be able to prove it out by the scriptures. If you can't, then why follow it? If nobody replies, then I understand that you are ashamed of your God, and will not prove him.

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I am not reaching out to you. I am telling the truth.
"...where ever He is and if He swoops down to reign here on earth a thousand years - then we will being doing that right by His side. Where ever he is - we will be also.
So, no rapture? "

But being caught up is 'the rapture'.
Ohhhhhh, ok. So when we are caught up, how does that go? Are we in the ground when we are caught, and do the people already living get caught up to?
"...Jesus said: It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire (and he said) it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.
Would you agree that the more accurate description would be the Lake of Fire, since it is mentioned moreover that Hell is the grave?..."

I am just quoting the words of the Messiah - take it up with Him, Hez.
I was just asking a question? I can answer it, but I was hoping you could prove out your beliefs for me.
"...>>If you mean caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. in the air - yes, yes, yes!
You contradicted yourself because ealier you said that the kingdom will be on earth, but if that is the case, how will you be raptured off to Heaven?..."

Where ever and when ever He comes back - we will be with Him doing what we will be doing. Be it on earth or in the clouds - we will be right by His side.
That is the most vague statement ever. That is not proof.
Israel is separate from Christianity.
>>I thought you said that Israel was a nation and Christianity was a religion. Christians believe that Gods people were the Jews/Israel and they for the most part have rejected the Messiah that was sent to them by God as promised by the prophets of old. But some did/do believe in the Christ as well as some gentiles. Those gentile believers were grafted into the root. But first it was the natural then the spiritual and that’s who the Body is made of today.
I never said Christianity was religion, I said it was the doctrine. See now why it is important to know who the Israelites are because you went right over to the Jews in the land now, and looked at them. They reject the Messiah, etc. Those are the Edomites.

The Jews reject Him now - on our (gentiles) behalf - but once al the gentiles that are to believe come in the faith - then the Jews WILL believe in the Messiah Jesus. At least that what the apostle said.
Brother Newview,

I encourage you to discontinue this conversation, we have souls to reach who desire the Messiah. When Brother Hezekiah's heart is prepared to reach for the God as we teach he will, until then you are sowing on "stoney ground". Shake the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.

Much Love,
Pastor Dixon
"...There were 3 wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born.
>>The bible never says that there were three.
Is that not the doctrine that is taught?..."

Whose doctrine? I dont know what you mean.
This is what I learned from the Sunday Christians.
December 25th is Christ's birthday.
>>Some celebrate it as such but don’t say that is based on anything biblical.
Why was it taught that it is Christian? I learned that from this forum.

I thought it was said that they base it on a tradition that has been long held amongst Christians but not because it is in the bible - that was I saw on the forum.


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