I have prayed for new opportunities from God which would enlarge the territory in which I minister because i have really met very few Pastors here in my home area that are open to non-pastors coming to preach for them. Subsequently I have recieved a couple of invitations from pastors looking for new fellowship because they are not close or really connected to many of the older/Sr (years of ministry) pastors.
Now I know that one t of my assignments in Christ is to be used as a meeting/connection for pastors/preachers to meet.
Yet I am conflicted at this moment because though God is answering my prayer how do I discern if it is for me or How Some of you decide or realize if an opportunity is really for you?

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Great question Pastor Evans.

I don't know that there is one answer to this complex issue---I guess there is just no cookie-cutter approach to it. I can share my experiences and 2 cents worth of expertise here to add to the pot---LOL.

Normally, when I am invited to speak, especially by those I do not know, I often ask 3-4 questions to the person contacting me. Interestingly, that person usually has to go back to the drawing board. I have found that asking such questions has caused a DROP in the number of calls I am getting---LOL. Also, when you tell people that you cannot come, if you do not give them a reason, they get a bit antsy, and if you tell them that you do not believe the assignment is for you but can make a recommendation for somebody else--they often get offended. Those 3 or 4 questions are:

1) who is your senior pastor (if an assistant is calling in their stead) and what do they need to happen in the ministry as a result of my coming?
2) who is the spiritual covering (even if they are a bishop)?
3) what would be my purpose for coming (other than to preach an event--since preachers come a dime a dozen)?
3) since I am an apostle, what specifically is my apostolic assignment--in other words, how can I help your pastor or leader?

Usually, if I feel any anxiety at all--it's something worth praying about before I take the engagement. Truthfully, we should be on our faces any way about EVERY thing do in the name of our Father. In addition, if I get the sense that they just want somebody to raise money (as many often do), or need a draw card to get more people to their event, OR if they just want good preaching---these things are not usually my assignment. Preaching has become BIG business, and if we are not careful, we can be pulled into ecclessiastical CAPITALISM "in Jesus' Name".

I think central to this issue is that each minister be keenly aware of his or her 5-fold designation in ministry, as well as the boundaries and spiritual jurisdictions of his or her ecclessiastical position. For instance, pastors, elders, overseers, and teachers, are designed specifically for the local assembly, and with some restriction--to their denominational organization or reformation. While it is a common practice for many pastors to travel extensively preaching outside of their local and organizational assemblies, they are generally not called to the body--that is not their function. I know this will be very unpopular with many preachers, but by biblical principle, it is so. This is why many local pastors have a hard time teaching their own flocks because so many pastors are on TV teaching the nation what should be food and doctrine for the local house. They are endoctrinating people they have no jurisdiction and authority over. Local pastors have to contend with it, and try to teach people who are being bombarded on tv, internet, and radio by the teaching (and EVERY wind of doctrine) of pastors who are not called to feed that flock.

Evangelists are called both to the local church (under an overseer) and into the world. They are not typically revalists and are not usually assigned to preach in other churches, conferences, and platforms unless the agenda is to bring the gospel of the Kingdom to those who do not know it, or have not received it. In addition,they can bring revival and renewal, and turn hearts back to God.

Prophets are typically for the local assembly, the body at large, and for local or national government. It is a shame that more of our TRUE prophets are not being called upon to interpret the mind, will, and mood of God to his people and to warn us of those things that are to come. We have grossly misunderstood the prophetic office---it is not about prophesying material stuff, or even giving personal prophecy (that may simply be some one operating in the gifts of the word of wisdom, knowledge, and discernment). We really need prophets who are PURE....they must really be careful where they go because if God has not put Himself in theirs mouths for a particular location for a particular people, it usually doesn't turn out too well for that prophet. They must even be careful where they visit--since by reason of their authority--their presence is a sanction of whatever is going on in that place.

Apostles are sent to the world, to systems, and generally to the body. Since their job is to correct doctrine and doctrine, govern, establish order, and to sanctify God in the sight of the people (among many other things), they DEFINITELY cannot go every where or speak to every body. When they go where God has not sent HIMSELF (in them), it does not fare well for them nor the congregation. They are so keen in revelation and profound truths that most folks cannot take them--just as they could not take Yeshua. If they are not being run out of a few synagogues, as Yeshua taught, they are probably ministering in the wrong place, to the wrong people or not giving people the full council of God--lol

Bishop McNeil has also lifted up some great pointers about going out, and taking engagements. Finally, I believe we should ALL check our motives when we accept an engagement --(or invite or market ourselves). Might ANY of these be possible motivators for our accepting engagements or marketing ourselves or ministries?
2) Exposure
3) the need to be needed
4) just happy that somebody wants YOU
5) an opportunity to merchandize (sell your unsold books, tapes, DVDs etc)
6) an opoportunity to scout for members, staff, other preachers to join forces with us

Evan as a bishop and apostle, if I do not feel ease in my spirit about taking an engagement, I consult with other apostles and prophets in my circle of influence. TWO is better than ONE. Even with all of this, I've missed a few times, and KNEW once I walked in the building--"oops, I ain't got NO business here".....ROFL....so I guess we keep praying, keep at it, keep examining our motives, keep discovering our true purpose and the audience that God has pre-selected for us before we EVER accepted the call to ministry, stay in our lane, and keep seeking council of authorized persons God has put in our lives. I think when we do, we will hit more times than we miss.

Well, I guess this was about 4 cents worth....but Thanks for putting this out there Pastor--there have been some interesting responses on the thread.



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