Hello there!
I trust that God is keeping you strong in this spiritual battle that we are already winnners through Christ Jesus!

Since you are on my friends group, then I can assume that you have had a chance to read my testimony. If not, would you please take a minute and do so?

I will try to be brief, but prayerfully impacting. In case you did not know, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Over the years of my ministry, I have reached out to thousands of families and leaders internationally with the cry for them to provide outreach education and counseling services for people within their church/ministries and communities to prevent crisis and/or violence.

Here's what I need you to understand. I almost lost my mind Sept 6, 1974 when my children's father took that twelve gauge shotgun and blew out part of my face! I know God is alive and well inside of me! But, the horrific news is that numerous Christians and children, including First Ladies and some MEN are secretly dying daily due to verbal, emotional, domestic violence, clergy incest, and sexual abuse.

Pride, homelessness, fear, sexual soul-ties, financial struggles and various other strongholds continue to cause people to stay in these unhealthy places, and needless to say, they often die spiritually and physically!

I bless my King Jesus that His mercy and grace said NO to death for me!
Through the healing balm of forgiveness, I continue to reach out in every way I can to help people break free from the clutches of hell. We are all in a position to do something to help someone break free from issues rather if it is a word of hope, a warm bed, or a bag of food etc. Will you take a minute and sow into a battered women's shelter in your community with a can good, baby formula, diapers, or offer a domestic violence or sexual abuse prevention workshop through your church/ministry? There's a list of shelters on the internet. Will you take time and find one to help? Why not consider making this your community mission?

I know that God is watching us to see who will reach-out and be the true Samaritan-servant in these last days to put His love in-action. (Luke 10:33) God is counting on us.
Praying and serving on this side.

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This is a wonderful posting Dr. Murphy
Dr. Sandy,
I will be calling you soon. We are planning to open a women's shelter.


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