Justice Department Fails To Act In Shooting of Black Children by Alleged North Carolina Racist

By Scotty Reid

Here we are in 2011, two years after the incident and Eric Holder’s and Obama’s Justice Department has yet to charge this monster with a hate crime under federal statutes. One must also ask why North Carolina considers hate crimes based on ethnicity to only be a misdemeanor offence.

Caswell County is under the The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of North Carolina. Ripley Eagles Rand who was nominated by President Obama, was sworn in as the U. S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina on January 1, 2011 and he can be reached by phone at 336-333-5351.

John Fugua’s trial date is set for June 27, 2011 in Caswell County, North Carolina.

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I learned you never judge a book by it's cover when concerning Eric Holder. Ivy League black folks interpret racism & black suffering in a different way than other black folks. Even when the racism is crystal clear, Ivy League black folks will dance around the subject of racism & in many cases try to soften the experience so it appears less severe. Or they try to be intellectual, civil & sometime courteous when taking a stance against racism. We can blame ourselves for Eric Holder. We championed the administration into office. Just like the folks that championed Republican Scott Walker & Republican senator, Shannon Jones into office, who now regret it. People feel not only is there not enough dough, there's not enough justice. I could be wrong, but it appears that the the Justice Department started investigating the matter after the NAACP made their argument. I can't understand how Fuqua's bond was only $5,000 dollars, which he made & was released. If we're getting the correct story, Fuqua's bond should have been hire, it's folks sitting in the county with misdemeanors hire than $5,000 dollars.


After I was set-up by a Grand Imperial Wizard, Scottish Rite Mason, that work for the State or Justice Department, along with a relative working as a federal informant, along with others, I learned it's best sometime to take justice into your own hands. There is no real justice for those who cannot afford it. Eric Holder's Justice Department is filled with white good old boys. Good old boys who cover each other a$$. They're in law enforcement others, like the judicial system, deem them to be honorable men & women, with the track record to prove it, so they help cover the good old boys sloppy tactics. I heard the investigation about the shootings in North Carolina was not so good before the Justice Department stepped in.


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