Thinking about M.L.K Day I can't help but to think about the Bill President Obama signed into office. The National Defense Authorization Act. If the National Defense Authorization Act  was signed into affect back in the 50's the civil rights movement would have been dead because if you look at how the FBI went after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & others in the SCLC. They all would have been branded a threat to this Nation. Why? Well, because Dr. King , advisor, and personal secretary was one Bayard Rustin. In 1936 Rustin joined the Young Communist League at New York City College. Rustin attended the 16th Convention of the Communist Party, USA in February, 1957. One month later, he and King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, or SCLC for short. The president of the SCLC was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The vice-president of the SCLC was the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, who was also the president of an identified Communist front known as the Southern Conference Educational Fund, an organization whose field director, a Mr. Carl Braden, was simultaneously a national sponsor of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.  After returning from a trip to Moscow in 1958, Rustin organized the first of King's famous marches on Washington. The official organ of the Communist Party, "The Worker & others openly declared the march to be a Communist project. Rustin was also called by King to be second in command of the march on Washington which took place on August 28, 1963. Bayard Rustin's replacement in 1961 as secretary and advisor to King was Jack O'Dell, also known as Hunter Pitts O'Dell. According to official records, in 1962 Jack O'Dell was a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA. He had been listed as a Communist Party member as early as 1956.

According to King's biographer and sympathizer David J. Garrow, "King privately described himself as a Marxist." In his 1981 book, "The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.", Garrow quotes King as saying in SCLC staff meetings, "...we have moved into a new era, which must be an era of revolution.... The whole structure of American life must be changed.... We are engaged in the class struggle."

Under the new National Defense Authorization Act  Bill President Obama signed into affect Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jesse Jackson & most of the SCLC would have been detained in military custody without charge or trail.  Also members of the NAACP, Malcolm X & the Fruit of Islam & especially The Black Panther Party all would have been locked up in a military prison like Nelson Mandela they would have been serving over 20 years in prison.

Yours truly,

Anthony Smith

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If you are unfamiliar with the National Defense Authorization Act

Here's the article:
President Obama Signs Police State Legislation Into Law

With so much political attention focused on the Republican presidential race and the2011-2012 holiday season, President Barack Obama under the cloak of all the seasonal distractions, signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law on New Year’s Eve.

Te NDAA is not your basic run of the mill law and was passed in the same manner of another law over the holidays on Dec. 23, 1913 — the Federal Reserve Act, also known as the Glass-Owen Bill. Many consider the NDAA as a contradiction to all that is written in the constitution of the United states. The NDAA effectively revokes the democratic right, habeas corpus, which prevents arbitrary imprisonment of individuals by the government by requiring that the government present evidence to a judge or court to justify taking a person into custody. Yes, one of the provisions included in the 2012 NDAA allows for American citizens suspected of terrorism to be indefinitely detained in military custody without charge or trial.

The bill goes far beyond terrorists linked to the 9/11 attacks, to include anyone defined by the president as “engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.” Under the new law, the president of the United States can designate any American citizen if desired, to be arrested and detained for life by the U.S. military. This means that it could include domestic opponents of U.S. military action and the U.S. government, including opponents of any war or even the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

The bill provides $662 billion for the U.S. military, and even authorizes the military to seize individuals anywhere in the world and hold them in a military detention facility indefinitely, without a trial or any other legal recourse. In the signing statement, Obama stated he had “serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists.”

Section 1021 affirms the executive branch’s authority to detain persons covered by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) and Section 1022 seeks to require military custody for a narrow category of non-citizen detainees who are “captured in the course of hostilities under the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”

He signed the bill into law although he had reservations and previously indicated that he would not sign the bill. In addition, it is another demonstration of the president breaking another campaign promise, specifically not to use signing statements and executive orders to circumnavigate legislation signed into law.

By making this the law of the land, Obama has provided himself and presidents to follow, the right to indefinitely detain any American citizen in the future by the arbitrary position of the executive branch. He has just implemented a de facto police state similar to those observed historically in fascist and totalitarian regimes globally. Forethought pertaining to this legislation suggests that certain liberties and freedoms must be sacrificed in the name of protecting the country from further terrorist attacks. Obama did not have to sign the bill and could have done what President Truman did when he vetoed an indefinite detention bill. Guess Obama doesn’t see that the NDAA is more of a threat to our freedom and our rights than any terrorist ever can or will be.


Like I stated before, I'm not involved in any terrorist activity. My only concern with the National Defense Authorization Act was the same concern the President Administration had with the bill in the beginning & that's to protect American citizens from being subjected to indefinite detention. My major concern is that a new administration could come into office in the next 4 years & change the language of the bill. I been set-up before & I was arrested & detained without being charged. We can talk about the Miranda Rights Act & the right to a fair trail, but if you get someone in front of the right judge who is willing to play ball with a corrupt person in government than your United Stated Constitutional & Civil Rights can & will be taken away from you with extreme prejudice. It only takes one corrupt person in government to manipulate this bill & that can be done on suspicion by a corrupt agent or on the word of a paid federal informant. I hate to say it, but the  President will never be effected by this Bill and if the President & his  Administration had major concern with the Bill he shouldn't have signed it into law, especially not over a holiday weekend.

They have paid federal informants working with the CIA trying to track down terrorist. That's what's going on in Iran now & I hope the CIA agents being detained in Iran are brought home safely, but who's to say in future years that a corrupt agent in government working with a corrupt paid federal informant that has nothing to do with terrorist & everything to do with United States citizens want manipulate the
language of the Bill & detain an American citizen. I know from experience, you choose to read it or not choose to read it. I know black folks don't like lengthy reading that need some thinking outside the box or breaking down. I didn't write it, but much of it was copied & pasted from what I did on other sites, sites that was disabled. I was the one that experienced it & it still took a lot of breaking down.


Does the President wanna go down in history as the President that legalized indefinite detention of American citizens without trial or cause? Imagine how that could be manipulated in the years to come. The Bill want be seen as an immediate threat to every American Constitutional Rights, but for a few, it very will could & who's gonna be watching out for the average American? I'm for the President & his Administration, but I have to get back to ya"ll on this one.


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