President Clinton Health Matters/ TODAY LIVE! BE THERE ONLINE!

This is funny because as type this I'm in the gym.

You are invited to join us live, January 17, for the Clinton Foundation's first "Health Matters" Conference at

You will have the opportunity to hear from President Bill Clinton along with some of the best and brightest minds in the health and well-being including Jillian Michaels and Deepak Chopra to identify strategies for personal health, and to showcase ways to contribute to the health and well-being of others.

The conference kicks off The Humana Challenge and the tournament's commitment to health and well-being.
The objectives of the conference are to:

  • identify strategies for personal health,
  • showcase ways to contribute to the health and well-being of others, and
  • catalyze individuals and corporations to make commitments to help others lead healthier lives.

We hope you can join us.

The William J. Clinton Foundation

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I could have classified this under Health. I watched a lot of the conference. I thought is was very informative & I learned a lot from each discussion.

Before & sometime after I work out at the gym I take a look at the Cleveland Clinic Health website. The Cleveland Clinic is a great website that give great health information from credible physicians & doctors, these folks are not frauds. Access nearly 5,000 health articles, videos, and tools to help you manage your health.


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