I don't think Roland should have been suspended. I think we are being a lil' over sensitive here towards gay rights. I don't think it was offensive because if you're watching a game with a bunch of fellas & a male sports figure underwear ad comes on & one of the guys get's hyped-up & turned on over the ad he's gonna get cracked on by the whole group, including the women. That shouldn't be offensive towards gays. This tells me that a lot of gay & bisexual men got turned on by the David Beckham underwear ad. Why did Penn State & Sandusky enter my mind? Lol. Is that offensive? I personally agree with Roland. CNN created more attention by suspending Roland. I never even heard about it until they suspended Roland.

I read a story about a gay kid being beat in ATL by a gang. Because it was CNN I thought about Roland Martin being suspended from CNN for tweeting "If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham's H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him! #superbowl." if a comedian had said it it wouldn't have been offensive. When you're out with your bruhs you sometime crack jokes. I see black gay & bisexuals men in groups with black women the men are dressed in drag being very loud & obnoxious in public. I see them making very unpleasant passes at other men. Those men were minding their own business. A couple of times I saw the gay's & bisexual groups dressed in drag make a pass at a man who just shook his head & the gay & bisexual group screamed at him, "you know you want it bit$@!," "Will fu$#! you than. This was a grown man minding his own business. I'm sure the men being hit on by the gay & bisexual group found it offensive, but where are they gonna go to complain? What if they beat the crap out of the gay & bisexual group of so-called men? They would be charged with a crime & gay groups would make a scene about gay rights & black activist would scream hate crime. 

I don't think some folks know this, but it's some jokes going around about Atlanta. "ATL went from being the heart of black folks, we use to call ATL chocolate city, now it's called gay Atlanta," people would say. Is that offensive towards heterosexuals living in Atlanta? Sure it is. Gay-land instead of C-land because it's a lot of gay & bisexuals living in Cleveland. Remember, they're going to have the gay Olympics in Cleveland. Sometime people call Cleveland snitch-land because it's a lot of informants living in Cleveland, Ohio working for the federal department & federal have jurisdiction to work in other states. I hear people call Cleveland, Ohio mistake by the lake. When I lived in NY I went to L.A. everyone was like you from Brooklyn forget about Cleveland. My point, we are being over sensitive.

I think federal informants get away with too much corruption. They ruined opportunity I was trying to create for myself in L.A. & that was in the sum of 6 figures & up. Do I find the way federal informants are allowed to operate offensive? Sure but who I'm I gonna complain to when it's the federal government. And if the federal government act on my complaint the informant, the federal agent & others will just go to GLAAD for support.

Here's the article:
RNN) - An on-air personality and pundit who frequently appeared on CNN has been suspended after he sent out tweets during the Super Bowl that has the LGBT community up in arms.

"If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham's H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him! #superbowl," tweeted Roland Martin, a contributor for CNN since February 2007.

The news network released a statement Wednesday through the Washington Post that said, in part, that the tweets were "regrettable and offensive."

"Language that demeans is inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated," the statement said.

GLAAD, a national LGBT rights organization, called for CNN to fire the contributor on Sunday after he told the group through Twitter that they were "clearly out of touch and clueless with what I tweeted."

After CNN announced Martin's suspension the group applauded the move, calling it a "strong stand against anti-LGBT violence and language that demeans any community." Attempts to reach Martin for comment were unsuccessful.

On Tuesday, Martin posted an apology to his website after he was criticized by GLAAD and the black LGBT rights group, the National Black Justice Coalition, for the tweet as well as another which encouraged violence against a football player dressed in pink.

"I'm disheartened that my words would embolden prejudice," Martin wrote. "While public debate over social issues is healthy, no matter which side someone takes, there is no room for debate as to whether we need to be respectful of others. Violence against gay people or against any other minority isn't a political opinion."
The apology came after he attempted to defend the tweets Monday, writing on his website that he was "not referring to sexuality directly or indirectly regarding the David Beckham ad," and that he was "sorry folks took it otherwise." According to Martin, his Beckham tweet was meant to tease soccer fans.

"Even if he meant it in a jovial manner, Roland Martin's words carry a real impact on the everyday lives of black LGBT people, especially our youth," said Sharon Lettman-Hicks, executive director of the National Black Justice Coalition.

"Given the number of rash murders, attacks and violent acts involving LGBT people of color, we cannot let statements such as this go unchecked," she said.

The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs found that violence against the LGBT community was on the rise in its most recent report, looking at numbers from 2010. The organization found a 23 percent increase in hate-related murders of LGBT people from 2009.
Martin has taken a negative stance toward LGBT issues in the past. In a Feb. 3, 2006 blog post, he compared the plight of alcoholics, kleptomaniacs and disobedient children to that of gay people.

Martin also was a staunch defendant of comedian Tracy Morgan after he told an audience during a stand-up routine that he would stab his son if he turned out to be gay.

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This is foolish. Know matter how the homosexual complain no one is attacking them as a born believer I HATE SIN PERIOD.

Sinner can fight for all the rights they want in earth ,because these rights want be availble in Heaven.YOU MUST BE RIGHTEOUS.

It's not foolish Harris. This is very serious because America is taking a sexual act between two people of the same sex very serious. It's hidden behind religion, scientific belief, secret societies, liberal Democratic & conservative republican movement. Some folks will argue that it's deeper than just sex, but they bill it the SAME SEX MARRIAGE. Look, same sex marriage have won in some 8 States, this is being argued in a federal appeals court & is protected by the Constitution, not so foolish. They have black activist arguing the fact of it being the same as slavery. I don't think being gay, bisexual or a lesbian is the same as being black. I can't wake up one day & make myself think I'm not black. Gays, bisexuals & lesbians can make a decision to no longer be gay, bisexual or a lesbian, They can get married have children & go back to the lifestyle as they see fit. Gays, bisexuals & lesbians Civil Rights, Human Rights or Constitution Rights were never stripped from them for centuries. They were never hung & than burned. Generations of families were never psychologically affected. But the argument today by black activist is that it's the same as being black or a women. Like being a black men is the same as being a woman.  Gay couples have been living with each other for decades, maybe centuries. Is that really a Constitutional issue?  And to think they base it on what could be misinterpretation in American history. If it was fact, instead of misinterpretation, than why isn't it practice by everyone? The human population would be half the number it is today. Religion is used a lot as a master tool for manipulation. This is how individuals or groups of individuals in secret societies try & manipulate religion in order to justify their homosexuality in order to manipulate others & at the same time they're manipulating the organization sorority or fraternity they belong to as members. They appear as well known, respected prestigious, illustrious members, hard working, mentors &  partners, brothers & sisters or state & federal employees. They will try & bring you closer to Christ or build a stronger relationship with others that share the same love & spiritual bond with God. Through secret doctrines and initiations the manipulation begin & this is how Jesus said " When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female.....then you will enter the Kingdom ".

A ritual garment worn by a Sumerian gender-variant priest, in the Bible the coat survives but the context does not. It seems clear for example that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was actually a tale re-moulded by the scribes to suggest a battle between two religious traditions that of the town of Sodom or Qadesh and the warrior cult of Yahweh. There are many other Biblical examples, certainly the homo-erotic relationship between David and Jonathan in the Old Testament come to mind.

In the white Scottish Rite lodges Aryan traditions suggest a special elite homosexual priestly class. The Epic of Gilgamesh has a special relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Druids and Celts were renowned for homosexual priest activity and certainly the Shaman traditions of early cultures focused on gender variant activity.

 "The word 'sodomite' is not found in the original Hebrew, nor is it found in the Greek. It was not until AFTER the rise of the hierarchy in the institutional Church that the account of Sodom and Gomorrah began to be equated with homosexuality. The word 'sodomite' then came into use. If the truth be known, the original use of this word referred simply to a person who was a resident of Sodom."

Gwen Shaw introduced it in the Gnostic concept that God is androgynous. How they know that  will never know.  “God is not only ‘male,’ He is ‘female.’ One of His names is El-Shaddai, which means ‘Mother-God.’ We see the completeness of God only as we realize this truth. He is both male and female… So when God created Adam, He made him like himself, creating in him the male and female characteristics.”

How they knew this I will never know.  I'm not sure about God as a human. What about water, fire, wind  or a plant?

This spirit of HOMOSEXUALITY is so powerful and dangerous - that if people would just open their eyes to what is going on around them and how FAST things are changing - it would frighten the heck out of them.

I cannot see why they keep equating being black with homosexualus.

I say if they need to do that - then lets equate besiality with being a caucasion.

I spoke with a couple of Caucasian women about this & they couldn't figure out why was  Roland tweets so offensive towards gay groups. Roland never used the words fags, homo or any other offensive words towards gay groups. They agreed with me 100% that Roland shouldn't have been suspended from his duties at CNN. It was funny, without me really explaining anything, they immediately said they would have cracked on the guy & looked at him like homo. Lol. I'm sorry if that homo part sounds offensive, but they agreed 100% that we are being over sensitive here. We are talking about young liberal & young conservative women & very mature conservative & liberal older Caucasian women.They had me cracking up! Not making fun at gay groups, but about the whole situation.


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