This documentary is not entirely about Obama. It is a documentary on the many years of preparation for the One World Order. I challenge you to view this video and see for yourself for what it really is. For the Obama supporters, it is a hard pill to swallow. Although I voted for him, I have to admit that I had some reservations.

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For the Obama supporters, please do not take this as an attack or a bashing. This is my intent with this discussion. I am merely sharing what I believe to be the truth about this country and the world in which we live.
Hi Chaplain Pat, with regard to this your post you asked me to comment upon, let me first say, I do not consider your inquiry an attack. Small minded would be the person who can't see that honest inquiry such as yours' is just that, honest inquiry. God bless you for bringing this topic up for it it worth commenting upon.

I would also ask, that none mistake my passionate speech towards the 'issue' posted as anger, or mean-spirited for truly it is not. Rather, it is just righteous zeal for the truth of God to come out against the deception of the enemy, in this case, as he speaks through this vile video.

That said, let me say, I MUST always 'consider the source' who is speaking any given rhetoric. In this case this Alex Jones is a right wing neo- conservative who has had nothing positive to say about any Democrat President.
His audiences is predominantly neo-Nazi, white supremacist survivors, and right wing republican bigots and usually their blind, black skinned servants, if you will.

Click on this link to read of his conservative bio.

Now, Click on this next link to see of his 'American destroyed by Design' video done in 1997 when Bill Clinton was President. Yes, at that time, Bill was the 'anti-Christ' if you will, reigning hell and damnation down upon America. This Alex Jones never does a 'video' when conservatives are President so you can see that one must take what he has to say with a 'grain of salt.'

Nonetheless, let's go over a few of his alleged selling points with regard to what he sees as 'bad old Obama.

1) - Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.


MY REPLY: 'continuing the process' of whom? It was the right-wing, conservative Bush administration who went after America to turn it into something resembling Nazi Germany yet this Alex Jones NEVER used such comparison's when Bush's NAZI HOMELAND took the helms of power and went after Americans.

Truth is Obama and the Democrats resisted it then, and resist such intrusion on American citizens now. For one thing, they immediately closed Guatanamo and more or less outlawed just pulling folks off the streets. The Democrats have now made it so that the Constitutional rights of Americans has to be respected. Yes, now they can hire a lawyer and their families' has to know there whereabouts. Whereas, under the Bush administration they could not do either. Yes, at that time, it was like Nazi Germany.


Bottom line, Obama is not continuing any of the wicked things the Republicans under Bush sought to manifest. Forced national service was what Bush brought about. Obama seeks to bring our soldiers out of Iraq. He can't help it if the Bush administration tore up our military.

By the way 'Black water' is a conservative, Republlican group who is getting the bulk of the oil wealth. They have set up their own army to compete with the U.S. army. If this ilk of an individual Alex Jones wants to do video on 'deception' oop, here it is with BLACKWATER. Yet, NOTHING, NADA, NO COMPARISON TO NAZI GERMANY and if ever there was a time to compare an illegal S.S army amidst the regular army this is it.

As for 'civilian' spies, it is the Bush administration who has the elitist right wingers as the spies and what's worse, they are joined with what they see is their 'nice allied Middle Easterns, Latin Americans, Asians' and these are given preferential treatment over African/Americans. Not only that, but the dumbass, slaveshackled AA's who are right-wing bent go along with this 'spy on blacks' or 'denigrate any black who doesn't think like the right-wing.' These modern day sell-out, Uncle Tom/Aunt Thomasina 'fools' are as slaveshackled to white deceit as our unfortunate ancestors were slaveshackled to the literal white demons of yesteryear.


2)- Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.


MY REPLY: Undoubtedly the white elitist powers that be who are NOT 'Obama's handlers' rather, they are just the same white filth rulers of the world who told the Bush administration to altogether 'destroy the Middle Class.' Now don't get me wrong, yes, the Bible tells us that in the end-time there will be a shake up of the powers that be (Dn. 7:7-25). That's a given. However come on, do you really think this black President designed to work with these wicked white powers that be to destroy America? No! He became President to make America better for all.

Sure, the world bankers driven by their father Satan has wicked designs but Obama doesn't and won't go along with their schemes to bring down the Middle Class such as Bush and the Republicans DID.

In many ways, Obama is setting them back and this is why you hear their 'demonic rage' that calls for his death. Those sinister powers that be don't want Obama to do anything that benefits the masses. For example, this is why they went after his health care bill that will benefit the masses..

Oh, and Chaplain Pat, please don't buy into the hype that 'socialized' medicine is the end all/ be all. For one thing, the way Obama designed the Health Care bill it would call for 'competition' as is right now the case.. The money hungry insurance companies don't want that because they want to continue to abuse Americans. Obama's health care package would stop the abuse of Americans by the insurance companies.

Oh yeah, he sounds real anti-Christ for wanting to bring about such a good thing. That's sarcasm, ofcourse. To empower Americans with great health care is to sustain America not destroy it.

You have people speaking of 'medicare' as socialized medicine and if they could end it today they would and then where would millions of senior citizens and the disabled be? I'll tell you where. Right where the Republicans wanted them i.e. 'dead' because they wouldn't have any form of health care.

This right wing media onslaught lied to senior citizens and convinced them that 'Obama was their enemy' when in reality it is, and always has been the right wing who are the true enemies to America. Or, as the Bible woul d put it, 'the people of the prince to come' i.e. 'anti-Christ to come (Dn. 9:26). They care only about the rich and since medicare takes care of black and brown seniors they really want that program ended so this is the real reason that they oppose Obama opening new doors where millions more will have access to affordable, quality health care.

I reitierate, it is the right-wing elitist who have the true plans to bring about the North American Union and in fact, have already let in the Latin American forces with their armies. Not to mention sold Americans to Middle Easterns. Both groups with their Asian allies and African and Bahamian servants are already set up over here. This is why the 'MinuteMen' republicans types aren't having any success with closing up the Mexican borders. It's their own Republican elitist who don't want it to happen for if they did, it would be closed.

Their mouthpieces deceitfully rail against wanting it closed but their Republican elitist do not for the deal has already been made and is implemented within these very United States. Now, on the other hand, yes Democrat powers that be, do believe in 'NAA' but this is out of a foolish 'ideologue' disposition. Meaning, yes, they are for 'world equality' as they see that as the end of racism. Yet, they too, are blinded for these wicked nations of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and definitely those primitive Middle Easterns are just that wicked in and of themselves. Make no mistake about it.

They can holler white racism, colonialism and all that hindered all and to a degree it did. Yet, their very satan worship, women abuse, and tribal backward customs is the real reason they stayed behind. Yes, each nation is accountable for their own sins and these barbaric male dominated, women hating cultures are just as satanic, and in the way of true civilization as we have known it, they are worse than the white hierarchies for at least, the righteous among blacks, browns, yellows, reds and wonderful caucasians were able to arise and use the Constitution to remove the evil of enslavement, segregation, women oppression, masses oppression via establishing unions and the such.


3)- International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.


MY REPLY: If, as this Alex Jones said, the international bankers purposefully engineered it then how is that Obama's fault? Wouldn't that be the republican's fault for going along with it? As so, the only salvation is Obama who tried to save the American economic system with the stimulus package. In fact, the Republicans were known to say, 'let the economy collaspe' which would have left millions more without a job, health insurance, homes.

Bush and the Republicans are the anti-Christ vessel who are enraged that Obama got in and brought their devilish schemes to a halt. It's not even really Obama they are attacking rather, it is 'WE THE PEOPLE' who voted them out, and Obama and the Democrats in. Please always remember that Obama then held out an olive branch for unity to bring the U.S. back up to a respectable, economic, military, etc. status and what did they do? Pull an all out resistance to Obama and 'we the people' who voted him in.

Oh, I could go on and on, but I'll let you digest those truths for now. I would have you understand that these same right wing enemies have denigrated every Democrat President while blessing every Anti-Christ, right wing pro-rich/anti- the masses President that every existed.

It's funny that these flag-waving, ignorant bigots would be for the destruction of America at the hands of the republicans who sought to altogether alleviate the Middle Class. Knock out the Middle Class and in walks a Nazi controlled America with everyone so poor and destitute that they can't fight back such as it was in the enslavement, segregation, the violation of women and non-union eras.

The republicans seek to destroy unions as they see them as 'socialism.' They also seek to destroy every other advancement including black rights. This is why they destroyed Affirmative action. As so, I do not buy anything this warped man Alex Jones says for he is just that a warped, white bigot who is all for the 1% white male elitist retaining all the power. In fact, little know this truth. among their secret Illunati and other societies who were infuriated at the Clinton administration and his second re-election, they vowed that 'when they get through with America, it's going to look like it is 1896' instead of 1996.

The Republicans went forth and did all in their Satanic power to deliberately destroy the Middle Class and bring it about. The true facts are all there just look at what they did during their 8 yr. reign with 6 yrs. full control of the Senate and Congress and you will see the true, right wing, 'satanic' imposters, seeking to put their nature off on Obama. Scripture calls them 'trangressors who will pave the way for the ultimate anti-Christ' who will 'cast truth to the ground (Dn. 8:12, 23-25).

I implore all, look at the facts! Or, as Scripture would tell you, 'by their fruit you shall know them.' Thank God that God thrwarted their demonic schemes and knocked them out of power in order to spare Americans, specifically African/Americans who have been hit the hardest, make no mistake about it.

Now arises Obama to not only knock out their evil but give health care power to the masses whom Bush and the right wing thought to destroy. How do these fiends counter Obama's goodwill, they produce videos about 'bad Obama' on the rise. As such, all I can say to all righteous believers, Please look at the ALEX JONES DECEPTION for what it is. See that it is these same self-professed 'neo-nazi, white supremacists' types of right wingers are running a mind game on the masses. They are simply the right wing elitist mouthpieces who have sworn protection and wealth to them for speaking the lies they utter. I reitierate, they alone are the satanic deception who would not be found out!



Yes, these are the last days and the world's banking system will alter it's rules. Again, the Bible says, such will seek to 'change laws and times' (Dn. 7:25). This is inevitable. What is NOT inevitable is that the first black President is the 'anti-Christ' vessel. Rather, he is a GOD-SEND to halt their madness that would not be found out. Now, granted they may mean to use him in that way but God means to use him in another and it is God's will that will ultimately prevail!

In closing let me say this, Obama made this comment, he said, 'he didn't always pray as often as he should while a senator but now that he is President, he finds himself praying all the time.' That comes from among other things, we the people of God sending up daily, fervent, effectual prayers for him. Prayers that are being felt and leading our beloved President to pray like never before. Join us, it is the TRUE will of God. Make no mistake about that!
Hi Min. Jeanine Warren, I tell you, you're so right, one could write a book on this subject. I wrote so much on my overall stance with regard to basic points the man was making that, I didn't even get to the Obama/Tony Blair connection he spoke on. See the thing is, I DON'T think Obama is the anti-Christ. In fact, I think he will be proven to be one of the greatest Presidents the U,.S has ever had.

I hate the Obama/Tony Blair comparison for all the Presidents were allied with Tony Blair. Clinton and Tony Blair were two charismatic figures that the right wing once taunted as Anti-Christ.

Tony Blair which was utterly surprising to me, was so close to Bush that his own people referred to him as 'Bush's servant.' This is why I hate that people read 'bad Obama/Anti-Christ Obama and Tony Blair' to be the satanic two. It is wrong before God to put that off upon them.

You see, the Anti Christ will come out of the 'European Union.' As well, Tony Blair was hated and ousted by his own people because of his right wing connection with Bush. I actually was baffled at this for I guess I apparently gave Blair too much credit for being intelligent. He seemed that way when he was good friends with Clinton.

Bottom line, I'm so glad Chaplain Pat brought this subject matter up because there is many points that can be spoken upon. Lord knows, I wrote a chapter but I hope this conversation is ongoing. I did do research on this 'video' and do not agree with the assessment. Yes, these are the last days. A nation is always given 400 yrs. then judgment (Gen. 15:13-15). America is being judged and world powers are changing to conform with what Scripture describes as the end-time, satanic one world government (Dn. 7:7-25; Rev. 13).

However, we must be careful in falsely accusing any man of being the anti-Christ agent lest we find ourselves opposing God's will amidst the evil times being set up.

As for the Israel factor, well, all the former Presidents worked to make a Palestine state. Obama is not Israel's enemy and in fact, his staff and those who work with Israel are themselves Jewish. Yes, the Jews have a lot of influence in the Obama administration.

No, Obama does not specifically go along with the right wing agenda of the Netanayhu administration. However, niether do factions of Israelis who also call for a Palestinian state. Are they anti-Semite or of Satan for wanting to work out a deal that will allegedly bring peace? No! Niether is Obama.

Let's just lift our President up in prayer for I am assured of God that He will keep Obama and make him the greatest President the U.S. has ever had.
Okay, enough for now...:-) Ball back in your court.
I welcome the dialogue on this issue. This video is one of many documentaries from different sources. My intent when posting this video was to expose the workings and plans for a New World Order, which in essence is the making and plans for a New Babylonian World Order.

Obama, in my opinion, is not the real issue. He, along with others from the past and present, are merely pawns in the New Babylonian World Order chess game that is being manipulated by Satan and his demons.

So, rather than attempt to write pages and pages of my commentary, check out this video, if you haven't already seen it. I don't agree with everything in it, in particular to The Venus Project and the exclusion of Christianity, but the history of the banking system, the wars we were engaged, the talks of world peace, etc., will show you the laid plans for this New Babylonian World Order. This is a full length movie, but nevertheless, a very interesting and informative source in my opinion.

Zeigeist Addendum Full Movie

Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Here is another source of information on the New World Order:

Hi again Chaplain Pat, how I agree with you, the issue is not Obama but Satan working through the elite powers that be to set up his 'one world government.' That's going to happen. Yahshua and the prophets warned us of this.

My complaint is towards those who would make out Obama as the anti-Christ. Listen, the Bible tells us, 'when we see these happening, rejoice, look up, for our redemption draws near' (Matt. 24:33). It does not tell believers to be 'fearful, cowardly' and slander President Obama.

The Bible also tells us that two major victorious things would be going on simultaneously with the build up of the one world government.

One is, 'they that know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits' (Dn. 11:37).

The other is, 'Christ is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle...' (Eph. 5:27).

This means the church has a work to be doing other than falsely accusing President Obama of being a 'pawn in Satan's hands' when in reality, he could very well be, and from my spiritually learning, IS a vessel God raised up to halt the enemies' evil and let the church do the exploits we will do.' In fact, he himself will and IS being used by God to do exploits.

This is the real reason for all the satanic resistance of him by the right-wing 'people of the prince to come' (Dn. 9:26).

Their very resistance is the true satanic build up of the anti-Christ forces. This is what should alarm us and not neo-nazi, conservative right wingers posting videos pointing the finger away from themselves.

Yes, the banking systems of the world are uniting to bring about the one world goverment. Yes, the 10 nation confederation are already in existence. Yes, they did point the finger to our leader and Blair as potential tools they could use.

However, with their outcry against Obama we see that 'he is not going along with the game' or they wouldn't have their satanic mouthpieces hurling such hate against him.
That's a crucial point for you to comprehend. Really it is.

Now, is the anti-Christ on Earth? I believe he is as all the signs show that madness is abounding on the earth. By the way, the 'image of the beast' is Satan using the computer that swallows men up, makes one world government accessible as all are on equal footing via the computer. The computer dehumanizes people to behave in ways they wouldn't do in person.

We know this is the case for Scripture states, 'the false prophet will give power to the 'image of the beast' that he can speak and see' (Rev. 13:15).

It has been said by the computer experts that our very words are all being recorded in like infinite 'second's. This is the powers that be who are reporting that this is going on even now.

According to news reports the last 'breakthrough' into our Pentagon files was done by N. Korea who simply used every single computer of every single person without all the sophisticated 'tools' to block their interference. They aimed all personal computers at the Pentagon and so broke into it.

In other words, yes, the signs are everywhere. The false prophet and Anti-Christ beast are upon the Earth even as we speak. What is holding them back? The Bible says the "Holy Spirit is holding him back' (2 Thess. 2:7-8).


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