Do you think Musicians are paid to much for there services. Do you think they should be held accountable to a local Pastors.

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I am a musician who recently became a minister in the COGIC and I have played for over 25 yrs and money is not why I play but it helps. Here in Knoxville Tn I have played for some big churches that pay for every service you play and have played for churches including the one I am with now that your weekly salary takes care of an 8am and 11a.m. and a 5 pm on Sunday maybe a 3 day revival and choir rehearsal. $150.00 a week. But I enjoy what I do and I know that I am not the best musician in the city but God placed me where I am and I have been happy for 6 yrs and have been a member for 51/2 yr and willingly submit my self as a minister and musician to my Pastor and my Jurisdictional Bishop. I am a tither as well and that is something most musicians are not. I played for one church for 15yrs and they took my tithe out of my salary before I even got it. Church musicians are funny people for they don't want to help anyone and always want to shine and be the center of attention. And the art of singing hymns is slowing but surely dying and most musicans can play Amazing Grace or Precious Lord but can play Kirk Franklin, john P Kee or Fred Hammond and it is sad that we are losing the art of playing both on the organ, piano and the drums. But now everybody want to be the drummer as well and it is pitiful.
Martial Besombes
This is a great response to the Forum , a great response. Lets continue with our thoughts
Allow me if you will to provide another perspective. Prior to serving as a Senior Pastor, I served as church musician for many years. I was a very committed and dedicated musician. I was a large tither at the church I served; in the fact, the pastor informed me that I was the largest tither at the church, although I was not a member. Prior to the church's growth, there were times when the church could not afford to pay me; however, I continued to serve religiously even with a greater dedication. I visited the sick at homes and in hospitals, contributed funds to members in need; assisted families with children who had drug and alcohol addiction in getting the necessary help, transported choir members to rehearsals and worship services who didn't have transportation, opened up my home for meals for members, etc., helped to free members from incarceration and much, much more. In addition, I was instrumental in developing and establishing programmatic efforts that raised thousands of dollars for the church. During this tenure, I never asked and certainly didn't demand compensation for my services. I must say however, that I was taken advantage of many, many times. When the church grew and became financially sound, then it was difficult to receive adequate compensation. I am not angry about this because I am a living witness and I knew that God would take care of me in every circumstance. I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor God's seed begging bread. I understand there is a large number of uncommitted and undedicated musicians; many who are providing music to the highest bidder; if you will. These individuals will never fully prosper because they are not operating in the "Will of God." One concern I have regarding this matter is there is a considerable number of churches that are blessed to have several keyboardists and other musicians. As children of the most high God, why can't pastors that have a number of musicians provide one of theirr musicians to a church that cannot afford to hire same? Isn't this what we should do as a loving people in the kingdom of God? This is certainly what I would do!
I'll await someone's response to this position. Be Blessed!
So So True, Rev. Luckett
Pastor Smith...I will try to answer your last asked is because sometimes once a Pastor has reached a certain level or staus,they feel that a younger Pastor that has not made it yet,and I'm going to sidebar off of "made it",they should endure through some of the same things that they went through,but we have measured "made it"by the number of members that you have,or by the physical edfice that you are in,and the money that is coming in....well...that's not how it should be measured,the question should many souls are being reached and brought into the knowledge of the salvation of Christ????,many times we spend a gazillion dollars building huge churches that become social clubs,and we build them in communities with no thought of how we are going to impact the very community that you are in...what are you going to "put in"and "give back"to those communities.....the same holds true for the scenario that you stated about providing a musician to a newly formed church,and I'm going to take it a step further......subsidize the cost......give that musician a little'd be suprised how a little goes a long way.And I'm glad you mentioned what happened about once that church got big,and they literally "forgot" about you.A lot of naive people believe that it don't happen...I know it does....I've experienced it.....that's the reason the Word says:"Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses,shall a thing be established"-Be Blessed
Your comments were well written, In a case as yours, when the Church grew and was able pay a Musician , you should have been fully paid. You came in and worked and helped to build up the MInistry, so it was fair that you would reap from your labor and be paid fairly. Thats the way I feel it should happen for anyone that wants a Paying positon from the Pastor on. Come in work , sacrifice and help to build up the work and than reap from your labor. We agree Pastors should loan some of there Musicans to Churches that are praying for some.May you continue to reap what you have sown.
Firstly a musician does work hard to learn his craft and be skillful enough to play but does he work as hard as the Pastor? Of course not! Most men of God spend their lives and livelyhood to build the House of God without PAY! Could not a musician do the same?! Then as the church grows the church can then be a finacial blessing to their musician.
Greetings Minister Youngblood. I want to begin by saying, that I read most of the comments posted to this blog, but this one hit me the hardest. When I read it, it had the feeling of being contrait! Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not throwing rocks at anybody, but I'm not trying to miss either. I currently am a Pastor of a small church, as well as a Clinical Psychologist retired from NASA. I also am the wife of a Bishop as well as a "Episcopal Evaluator" for Bishop-Elects' for our Fellowship "NEW DAY FELLOWSHIP OF INDEPENDENT AND GLOBAL CHURCHES" and a Preacher's kid. I've been saved since I was 6 years old, and I've been a Minister of Music for almost 15 years. So I have run the gammout doing things in the church. And I've said all that to say this: Based on my skill level and my experience I could easily be paid secularly for my talents and my skill but I choose not to exploit God and his people. You must remember that these are God's people, they come to church to see him not you! If they just want to HEAR music, they could listen to a CD at home, but the music that the Musicians are playing should be for the ears of God. Remember the song " the Little drummer Boy?" he says, I have no gift for you, but I played my best for you! Who is the YOU? It is God! As far as being paid to Minister, God has already paid you! You got up clothed in your right mind, you didn't put your shirt on your feet or your pants on your hands-----I use to make in excess of $200.00 a hour, I have 12 years of formal education in Psychology and I was RECRUITED by NASA------but I walked away! God told me that "I trained you for MY people not the world's. I am a Breast Cancer survivor twice over, and I've had 18 surgeries and I'm still here. Please don't tell me that "I haven't been paid!" Once we get in our spirit that for everybody, "It aint alright!" that some folks got that call last night that their child or their spouse was hurt/killed etc. I tell my church each sunday, just because it's alright with you today, does not mean that it is alright with everybody!------ We got it Twisted! God is not impressed with your---mine or anyone elses talent! And one last thing, The Devil does not mind you coming to church, playing at church, shouting at church or doing anything else that you do at church-----the only thing that the enemy minds is YOU CHANGING! As long as you stay the same, the enemy will leave you alone-----just go home the same way you came, and the enemy will not bother you-----just go home depressed, angry----mean spirited like you came, and the enemy will not bother you! But the moment you change----the moment you see things differently--------You see Minister Youngblood, the Devil does not care which side of the road you wreck your car on, just as long as you wreck!-------So if Music is the curb you wreck on------so be it! The enemy does not even care about how long you live, just as long as you DON'T LIVE IN THE TIME YOU HAVE! so, Lets get smart and recognize the TRICKS that the enemy will use to catch some of us. Please don't get offended by what I said, because as a "Watchman on the Wall" I must say what I see, or the blood will be on my head!" Peace to you!
Dr .Diann Bowers Walker. Thanks so much for your comments, well wriiten We agree with you so so good. We have this same discussion on, welcome your comments. Please need your contact information. We are having a womens conference in few months. This is what women need to hear. Praying about your sharing.. A good testimony and truths.
My e-mail address is: please drop me a line anytime you want to chat.
Shalom to my brother's and sister's in Yahweh our Elohim, my name is wayne i am saved and i am a musician as well, ok what i am about to say i trust that some folk's don't get annoyed but really listen and weight the balance on both side's, Most minister's of the gospel is getting paid i really mean paid good, and is very tight about helping others if they could even collect more they really won't mind the and more the better for them, now when musician's take year's to master their talent's then getting good at what ever instrument he or she decided to go out and purchase and learn oh people, do you know the cost of a very good instrument ? Ok what is wrong paying a musician don't you know that we have bill's to pay too don't you know that the musician's that play for r&b atist or what ever get paid for their talent's it their job also to make end's meet.WHY some of these minister's are so tight when it comes down to pay a musician??? I could answer that my own self they are the most tight people that i have come into contact with no wonder our musicians are now going out to the secular world and play because we don't know how to take care of our very own musicians and also really helping other's who is in need. We as the people of the most high would be judge also for our work's, so please don't try to pretend that you all don't know what is going down. Let's all examined our self's and see where we have all missed up we preach but are we really an example to the thing's we preach. The funny thing about all of this no one seem to have a heart or to really care i trust that we would examine our self's and start doing what is right instead of saying bless you bro; and not being a true blessing by our action's bless you all. Remember that our king of king's and lord of lord's is soon to come so let's take heed to his holy word. Frm; Bro; Wayne


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