Choices, they are what points the direction of each road we walk. Each of our choices led us either to a pass situation or failure. It is these choices or free will that ultimately shows our character. How about our feelings or emotions, can we somewhat control them or do we find that they more often control us? That if we aren’t careful, our emotions often lead us to make poor choices and cause us to live in a beaten state of mind. Because of “how we feel” we don’t do what we should, or vice versa. I believe we can control how we deal with our feelings and emotions and still make positive choices in our walk as Christians.

The enemy of God knows our weaknesses and will play on them. He will try to manipulate our emotions so that we will simply not want to do what we should. Such words as “I just don’t feel like it”, or God will understand if I don’t do it this time” “Maybe tomorrow God”. Or even such words as ““I am so depressed anymore”,’”I just don’t care anymore”. Any of these sound familiar? God gave us emotions to help guild us, not to control us. It is when we begin to loose control of our ability to make the right choices because of how we feel that things get messed up. But how do we keep our emotions in check? How do we beat a burden that feels like the world on our shoulders?

First of all, give everything to Jesus. Tell him how you feel, even if it’s bad. Pray for his keeping power, and his comforting spirit.  Second know that we are in control of our bodies. No force, spirit, or emotion can control us unless we allow it to. As in 1 Corinthians 14:32 and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.  Note this is part of our inward battle as Christians and is not and easy one, but it is a winnable one. In Hebrews 13:15 we read, By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Meaning we will do so even if we don’t “feel” like it. By doing this we are inviting the presence of God to visit with us. As we know God and Satan can not inhabit the same vessel. (Us) When we allow God to come in, it will force the “bad” out. Allow God to fill you with his presence, and to give you power to master your emotions before they master you.

Wake up each day with a mind set that” With God, I will have victory”. Tell yourself over and over if you must, I am not beaten down, and this war isn’t over Devil” .The mind is the Devil’s playground, and its time to take the power back and kick him off that playground- Amen. We may not always control the thoughts in our heads, but we can control what we do with those thoughts. We reject the thoughts that not Godly, and rebuke them. We decide to fill our day with God and his goodness, instead of the things which tear down the temple. We ultimately decide we are going to be happy no matter what happens. Why? , Because we have victory in knowing that though we are battling now, it will not last forever. In James 4:7 we read Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Richard A. Kent                                                                                                      


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