Victory, how do you define it? Much like the word success, views and meanings can be slightly different for each of us. One may see victory only as the achieving all that can be gained or conquering every obstacle that stood in the way; another may see it as just the simple knowing that the breath they still breathe gives proof of their victory.  To hold to the personal claim that “I am still Here”, through the battles, we may have been scared, yet we still live, and pursue on. Through all the tribulations and trials God has stood by our side. We have learned through our mistakes and grown stronger. We have become warriors in the battle of life and of our salvation. We still stand while others have fallen. In this knowledge we can say, we have been given the victory.

 No matter where you are today, you can have the same victory over your situation. We may not be able to control all things, and our past mistakes may have even hindered our progress, but today can be the first day of the rest of your life. It is said that “what doesn’t kill us simply makes us stronger” and this is true. We must look at the trials as lessons which there are no grade values, simply pass or fail. But what’s great is that our loving father says if we fail, we can just get up, admit our mistake, and try again, and again, and again. The only way we fail is to give up. That is where evil loves to attack God’s people, far too many of us as Christians have forgotten the word grace. Evil goes for the heart, or to hurt us in spirit, it tries to take our hope and our vision. It tries to take our joy, and there my friend is the strength of the Christian. In Nehemiah 8:10 it reads: "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

 In the mist of the storms, in our tribulations and in our pains we can have the victory. What we have as Christians can not be understood by those without Christ. Thru God’s spirit, although our outward person may be down for a moment, joy comes through the acceptance of Christ and the knowledge of truth: the ability to have God himself dwell with us, and the true empowering of the Holy Spirit .God will carry us when we can not walk through. We obtain victory by calling out to God, and laying our burdens at his feet. Far too many times we as people try to carry a load not meant for us. If this is you, lay them down now. If you see a brother or sister weighted down by burden, go and help them. God longs to walk with us, no matter where we are. He has lit up the path to victory, and has offered to us everything we need to walk it.

As times move closer to the end, they will come with many obstacles and hindrances. The inward battles are what can scars us the worse. God is saying today, he offers healing for those with such scars, and a way to prevent new ones. We are warriors true, but not all fights are ours. Many must be yielded to God, and we must simply stand. At times one of the hardest things to do is nothing at all. But trust my friends; to lay your problems in the hands of our creator is doing far from nothing, its everything.

Richard A. Kent


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