There are two words that should be absent from any Christian’s vocabulary. Can you guess what they are? Whether a person is a minister or not these two words can destroy. These two words are “I can’t” How many of us have heard those words? It is the claim that something is just too hard, or out of our reach. We should never allow any person or even ourselves to tell us that we can’t accomplish something. With God at our side I believe there is truly nothing we can’t do.

 The enemy of God likes to use this state of mind to convince us that we are beaten, even before we begin. That is simply not true. I am not saying things may not be difficult, accomplishing many good things are very tough. But if we want something bad enough we can put it into place. We must go into things with a kinda “bull-headed” approach, and declare to ourselves and everyone else that “I can do this”. It is never too late to start anything. Often we allow things such as our age or a handicap to hinder our motivation to conquer a task that burns in our heart. Don’t let this happen. I am here to tell you that nothing can keep you from it, as long as you set your mind to it and believe. The only way you fail, is if you never try. No matter how many times you fall down, a good solider gets up, dust themselves off, and moves forward again- amen. Think of it as a bouncing ball. The greater the force the ball hits the ground, the higher that ball will go. Much like our walk with God, if you fall, remember why, grow and achieve more.

In Philippians 4:13 we read ‘I Can Do All Things through Christ Who Strengthens Me” In Romans 8:37 we see” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” One small scripture yet so powerful is Luke 1:37, it reads “For nothing is impossible with God." Do we believe these words today? Can we decide to grab hold of God’s promise and to run with it? What are your dreams? Do you have a dream today? Is there something you always wanted to accomplish but just didn’t for some reason get to it? Perhaps this is your day to “go for it”.


Note, with everything there are of course things that are good for us, and things that our Father knows would simply hurt us. Remember to keep everything in prayer and keep an open ear to what the spirit is speaking to us. Not everything we may want is beneficial to us, so let us take our desires to God first, then if God gives you freedom to move- “Go for the gold”. God desires for each of our lives to be full of happiness, peace, and yes even prosperity. God simply desires for us to love him and to trust him. The lessens we learn in life will give us the discipline and focus we need to accomplish our dreams and the wishes of our Father, if we will remember him in all things that we do.


Richard A. Kent








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