Jesus met with the woman at the well, He actually went out of His way to get to her, it was a must needs type situation. Their conversation wasn't that long, he spoke 205 words, she 134 in response. Several things happened at the well that day. #1 He spoke to her, #2 He offered her something better that what she was accustomed to. #3 He knew she was sick and tired of her situation, #4 He challenged her, finally #5 after convincing and converting her, He commissioned her to go get her husband. Now in the middle of her mess in the middle of divorce proceeding and out looking for #7. She had been looking for the Messiah. When you have been abandoned, divorced and left hurting and wounded, it will invoke you to seek out the Messiah. He is actually the only One who can help you out of whatever corner life has backed you into. He is the only one who can look into your face and wipe the tears that you shed all night. He is the only one who can look at the hands that carried those heavy water pots and saw the determination to this time get it right. He saw her feet and seen how many times she had been up and down this path searching for love and finding lust, yet He changed her walk anyway. Have you ever walked in a way, in a place in a time that was not pleasing to God and He called you anyway? Like this woman and this brief encounter He looked at her heart, your heart and saw the brokeness, He saw who life has beaten you down, He saw how broken you were, He saw that you were battered and torn, He saw your heart was in need of resuscutation and He became your defibrillator. In your going today, stop at the well and wait for Jesus to come to you and talk to you, wait for an encounter with Him. In all that you have been through, all that your going through, He still wants to have an encounter with you. Take the time to stop at the well and let Jesus mend the broken pieces of your shattered life.

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