Greetings precious, I am not one to ask, but as I was retiring for bed this morning, God impressed upon my heart to ask my friends for $1.00 seed for the Desperate Diva's conference to take place in January. He also wen on to tell me to have those that will sow at least $1. (the cost of a candy bar) to have you send a token of what you are believing Him to increase in your life, it can be your ministry card, your business card, a photo of a love one or your enemy, a VOIDED check. God takes the foolish things to confound the wise. And if you plant the $1. seed, He will give you the increase, whatever it is you are expecting God to do, He will do, and according to Deuteronomy 1:11, He will bless you 1,000 times over. To mail your $1. (more if the Lord leads you) and your ministry, business card or photo of a loved on. The address is PO Box 940574, Houston, Tx. 77094 I need to have it by January 15, 2009. Once you have done so, leave me a voice mail on this site, so the intercessors and I can start praying for Your Change! God bless you for your obedience. He that has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say to the church.
Prophetess Pinki

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