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wonder is this why he fell out of favor with "them"?
Pastor Price is still one of my most cherished teachers in Abba. There have been and continues to be many who teach this message. It is not one of Torah but of scholarship. As a Catholic, I knew our ancestors were black because the Black Catholics taught this to us. Think about Pastor Jeremiah Wright and Pastor Jawanza Kujufu - these men were amongst the leaders in this enlightenment over thirty years ago. They all know Yahshua was black... Therefore, we knew his ancestors were as well. Yet, none of them seem to relate to the fact that Christianity was created to turn Hebrews from Torah. I am beginning to understand this dicotomy. For this reason, I have been sending "Hebrew or So-Called Negroe" to them so that they make the connection that we are indeed amongst the scattered ones and should reach back to our roots as Hebrews. There is an additional teaching that I will also post here because it is truly a blessing helping us to understand why we must reach back. Without this knowledge, I understand why so many listen with a deafened ear. It is all about scholarship.

The lesson is titled, Hebrew Mind VS Greek Mind by WildBranch Ministries. I am impressed that the authors discerned that they were truly the wild branches but that's another issue. Click Here

They presented their first test, after their second lesson. If you cannot answer these questions, then please do click above and study lesson one and two. I found lesson two to be filled with knowledge that until we begin to truly understand, we will not have reason enough to break free from Greekom (Christianity Worldview).


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1. Explain your understanding of the fundamental difference between Western thinking and Eastern thinking.

2. Where did Socrates and Plato derive their philosophies from?

3. Other than the verses I quoted in lesson number one, can you find at least 3 other Scriptures that show there is a fundamental difference in the world of the Greek and the world of the Hebrew?

4. Can you briefly, in your own words, describe dualism?

5. Can you briefly describe the demiurge?

6. What is Hellenism?

7. In the times of Yahshua, what was a Grecian?

8. When Sha'ul states that the Greeks seek wisdom what does that mean to you?

9. From what culture does much of Greek art and religion come from?

10. If you were limited to one word to describe the Greek culture at this point, what would it be and why?

Remember, I want to see what you understand and not just what you know. In 'Messianic' theology there are some basic thought patterns that need to be grasped and then much falls right into place.

Sorry for the long response but this issue of so many being so close but not yet there truly concerns me and I understand why it takes time for many who are brilliant scholars. Now, please let me say one more thing.... The more you search, the deeper you will go.... and soon you will find yourself like our Christian family.... challenged with going to deep into Truths.... We all have more layers of deception to peel off. Shabbat Shalom to All!


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