Come, let’s bow down and worship;let’s kneel before Adonai who made us.” Psalm 95:6 CJB

One expressed concept that stands out in scripture is worship. Worship is the humble response of men to the self disclosure of the most high God.” ( The definition makes it clear that worship happens at the invitaion, instigation, and empowerment of Elohim.

BUT TAKE NOTE that the scripture spends as much time and space dealing with false worship as it does true! Cain's sacrifice, 3000 died in one day over a calf, Israel became divided and scattered over idolatry. It does not take a rocket scientist then to conclude that mis directed, or incorrect worship has grave consequences. Sh'ual (Paul) wrote YHWH is justified in condemning worship in error...” who exchanged the truth of Elohim for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever . Amein” (Romans 1:25) The importance of true worship is again expressed in John 4:23 “But an hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers will woprship Abba in spirit and truth; for such people Abba seeks to be His worshipers.”

The word most used that translates “worship” in scripture is “shaha” (Hebrew) or “proskuneo” (Greek) Both words denote bowing or prostrating one self. Both instances are outward postures of humility. Against YHWH's perfection a good cup of humility is always good to remind our selves of our place in creation.

The Hebrew word “Yare” gives the sense of wonder and awe of the splendor and greatness of infinite majesty. A third word avodah denotes work, labor, and service. As believers we need to keep in mind we are in the “service” of the “priesthood” of Elohim. Just as those that are required to wait, YHWH is imploring His people to turn away from a busy schedule and turn humbly, and confidently towrds His presence allowing every word and action to express our love to Him, Often in troubled marriages “MEN” for get to take that 10 minutes to compliment their mate then wonder in amazement why she is so upset... I also have learned that in life how men react to the “woman” often reflects the action towards YHWH... remember always “WE ARE MARRIED” our lover needs to hear from us.. now go give Elohim a hug!

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