Should we learn Hebrew for both the OT & NT, or should it be Greek... and why??

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Moreh Scott of Wild Branch Ministries had very strong position. It is that we must understand the Greek culture and language in order to discern the misconceptions of our Scriptures but it is only from knowing Hebrew that we will know Truths.

He has an extensive teaching series, which we are using for our Shabbats and our assembly is truly being blessed by the teachings. I strongly recommend that serious students of Truth, review the teachings and try to take the tests. Many debates will be eliminated once you study these lessons. I have reposted them for my prayer network... I will repost one here, as well.

Here is the link for those who would like to study more:
I have found out that its better to study them(OT & NT) in Greek, but why?

The Hebrew bibles(Masoretic Text) that we have today are translated from Masoretic Hebrew, which is a different Hebrew from Classical Hebrew--- the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The Septuagint(Greek OT) was translated from Classical Hebrew, and not Masoretic Hebrew.

The Septuagint was translated from Classical Hebrew to Koine Greek. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. There are plenty of books to help keep you in the state of Jewish thinking when reading Biblical Greek. The translators of the Bible, when translating in Koine Greek, always maintained their Jewish mindset, and we as modern followers of Jesus should seek to be in that mindset.

Modern Israelies have a hard time reading the OT in Classical Hebrew because its far different from Modern Hebrew in Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phonology(Sound). Learning the Bible in Koine Greek is more accessible than Ancient Hebrew Bibles.

In fact, there are really no Classical Hebrew Bibles on the market, because those manuscripts are lost. We dont have any bibles with Masoretic Hebrew either. So, its better to learn Greek, while studying Jewish thought with it, and God will bring out the intended meanings. This is why I am a student of Biblical Greek.

be blessed,
I somewhat agree with what you stated with one big exception. There is one problem that we are all facing and even Moreh Scott may not understand that is not the Jewish mindset that was the mindset of Yahushua and His Disciples... Nor was it the Jewish mindset that the "Nazarenes" or later followers of Yahushua followed. The Greeks and Romans were not the only ones who put their spin on things. Judaism came later when they adopted Hebrewisms and came us with their own versions, too.

Our one problem is how do we today seek Truth of Hebrewism.... Truth within our Books... much scholarship yes and much revelation, too is a must.... Set Apart seasons with Abba help to reveal HIS Truths and will lead us to Paths where Truth is... My sister is also a student of Biblical Greek and I was so against that until our recent Shabbat Studies... I understand now that we must learn the historic basis of the deceptions and the thought pattern of those who wrote our bibles (not the Hebrew and Aramaic Scrolls but their (the Greek and later Latin) so-called "transliterations" of our Abba's scrolls).
Sorry Eemah, but I am not so sure if I follow you?

Are you saying Jesus and the Apostles did not have a Jewish mindset?
Well, think about it... although all we read and think in terms of Abraha's seed is Jewish but were they Jewish... forget the issue of no J's then... They were Hebrews... with a Hebrew mindset, well infused with Kemet and other places of the time...

When did Judaism, particularly as the books you are most likely referring to come into play? Who brought those ideologies to Hebrewism? I am thankful that they were our ram in the bush... sort of say... as there is a preservation of our ancestor's culture but there was much added that was not of Abba and most likely taken away... Now, you know I am not an expert but a thinker... this is how I see things... For example, I just purchased a tallit because I feel deeply it is part of my Hebraic heritage... but I am learning that these are add ons from Judaism... I am trying to understand the Talmud ... which I do believe is a horrific add on but again ... this is coming from my thinking not divine wisdom :)
Speaking of Tzitzit, we are commanded to wear the Tzitzit. This very Torah that we practice comes from God himself. As far as what you are talking about in reference of who bought Ideologies to Hebrewism, and when did Judaism come into play... I still do not follow you. Help me out Eemah!! ha ha
sorry for the delay.... I was consumed in preparation day ... I spoke of tallit not tzi tzi but... Well, the whole teaching regarding Scripture and wearing of Tzi Tzi is not one that I will debate. I feel we so often debate on doctrines that we forget the why we do what we do :) I will direct you to a brother who would be happy to discuss that issue with you.

I will leave this for all to ponder upon. Now, I do not promote racism in any manner but I will face historical truths of what happened and is happening. Because of my savior Yahushua I am learning forgiveness and to pray for all those who have persecuted my fore-fathers and even my cousins today. I want you and all of us to keep in mind that as we enter this Truth Walk, we quickly grab on to everything. Well, as you can see... I really do... I mean I am reading the Book of Mormons LOL but that has more crediability than the Talmud... So we must be careful in all we do and we must do so in great prayer and supplication.

In fact, I am fasting meat during this season because Abba's Word has to be my only meat. I pray steadfastly for revelation. I have been in the dark too long and I do not want to walk into no one else's pretend to be light... Judaism as it is practiced today, I fear well I believe was not of Yahushua. So I am careful not to use the terms but it is the concepts behind the terms that will destroy us. Check out the makes more sense than I do... Now.... in all my getting, I have been instructed to get understanding... Therefore, I learn to chew the meat (Word of Yah) and spit out the bones... I have to run because I am on a sunlight timeline...

I will stop by after my Shabbat Meeting Shabbat Shalom!!!

Blessings Moreh Yaakov,
I can't seem to stop thinking about this topic of Greek VS Hebrew Mindset... I have a hard time studying in Greek. So when I find research that validates this I tend to read or listen. I seek Scriptures that skipped the Greek Roman Latin .... steps to English... I believe one is forth coming ...Shalom!

Moreh Yahkov,
As you see, I cannot leave this topic alone. The reason is because as Hebrew Israelites being restored to Truths, we cannot afford to be lured down paths of any other deceptions or misguidance. Therefore... I am shaing this work that my tenth grader was working on regarding her debate on the Israeli - Arab Conflict. I am sure you have read, The Thirteenth Tribe by Koestler. If not, please do so. It is one of those books I had hanging around but not until her project did I begin reading it. Below came from his website. Remember, he is speaking of himself and his people who we call Jews today.

THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE proves beyond doubt that modern Jews are not Biblical Israelites. Every church member in America should insist that his Pastor investigate these claims. Are our Jewish politicians, publishers, movie makers, and opinion molders God's "Chosen People"? Or are they Mongol and Hun infiltrators of Christendom?

Is The Jews' "Chosen People" Masquerade Finally Over?

Shortly after World War I, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, assembled a staff of experts in Detroit to conduct research on the European Jews who had been entering America in large numbers since the 1880's. Ford provided the staff with several million dollars for this research, and in 1923 he published the results in a four-volume work titled "THE INTERNATIONAL JEW." It was Henry Ford's conclusion that very few of these people who called themselves "Jews" were descendants of the Bible Israelites. Ford further proved that these Jews, using all sorts of crimes while under the cloak of being the Chosen People of the Bible, were rapidly taking economic and political control of America. In the religious field, Ford claimed THE JEWS HAD SECRETLY GAINED CONTROL OF MOST PROTESTANT SEMINARIES AND CHRISTIAN BOOK- PUBLISHING HOUSES and had been able to remove almost all criticism of Jews from Christian literature. In summing up his findings, Henry Ford stated, "The Jews are not the Chosen People, though practically the entire Church has succumbed to the propaganda which declares them to be so." Ford's book caused a furor for a few years but soon disappeared from colleges, universities, and public libraries and became unobtainable at any price. The Churches continued to teach "The Jews are God's Chosen People, Israel," and the (by then) Jewish-dominated news media began to refer to Jews always as Israelites. Anyone opposing the increasing Jewish control of the nations was immediately branded "anti-Semitic;" and Jewish dominated Seminaries taught new ministers to quote Genesis 12:1-3 and sternly warn their flocks that anyone speaking unfavorably of the Jews would be "cursed by God." Jewish control of American society, politics, and religions continued to increase.
The Thirteenth Tribe


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