What do you think about General Yahanna, and his boys that proclaim white men are evil, MLK was a terrorist to blacks, and Obama is evil, and blacks that follow these men will be enslaved along with them when Jesus comes back?

These men stand on corners and preach Christ, and from the same tongue, they curse, and preach hate, all the while wearing the so called garments of ancient Hebrews. Oh, the synagouge of satan is with them

What do you all think?

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Blessings Moreh,

Well, I took a moment and listened to General Yahana's teachings. He is the leader of the School of Universal Practical Knowledge, which I understand is in my neck of the woods- PA. Well, when you listen to his speeches and go beyond the rough exterior and rhetoric, General Yahanna teaches many truths... the harsh and bitter realities to those and he goes out in the streets where those who need to be awakened most are in transit. Now, we may not agree with his politics and some may agree... particularly as it refers to President OBAMA.... I have heard many, many ... nearly all Hebrew Israelites speak of him as the Anti-Christ (what a word for a Hebrew to use :) ). I refuse to accept that belief only because perhaps, I want to remain in denial even though the year 2012 is upon us and I am certain there is only one escape... SPIRITUAL READINESS.

For this reason alone, I do advocate any means necessary to win souls for the Remnant. The thing, Moreh Yaakov, that we must consider is that all of us are in this to win souls, using what the Ruwach HaKoDesh put in us. Even our Christian brethern on this site ... many not most but many are doing what they believe is true to save souls. We are mandated to do what Ruwach puts in us to do and if this is what General Yahanna believes is his divine message and calling, then so be his methods. He is rude, YES! So was Yahushua, according to Renewed Covenant. Does he speaks all truth... I PRAY NOT! That what makes man, man... we are imperfect. Let's pray that Abba's Ruwach truly pulls him to HIS DIVINE Revelations and Truths because this is a mighty warrior and Abba needs this kind of leadership and boldness on the front lines and in the trenches... where General Yahanna currently works it out.

Even the starting of a school is novel... Starting these websites and social networks are easy and exciting but to go out to the people and teach and preach and convert in the streets is not an easy task. I have recently been on my own self regarding my need to go out and bring in the Remnant. I cannot do this from my computer as my family often reminds me :) Shalom!


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