Mark 16:2
And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre
*at the rising of the sun.*

An insightful commentary can be found, in of all places, in a Catholic bible, which explains the identity of the "sun" that was risen when the women came to the tomb.

It was not the astronomical sun in the Heavens, but the "SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" of Malachi 4:2, who is our Messiah!

Mark 16:2 when rightly interpreted means that the women came to the tomb, after Messiah had risen! This can be attested by a marginal note in the Tyndale bible of 1525 on Mark. 16:2 where her notes "the sun was NOT risen".

With this understanding all the Gospels agree that the women arrived when there was njo visible Sun, which according to Matt. 28:1, was at the "end of the Sabbath, which was at the sunset at the END of the Sabbath.

This misunderstanding has led many in Christianity to teach a false resurrection chronology, of a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday sunrise resurrection!

Commentary states:
Mark 16:2 "The sun being now risen"... They set out before it was light, to go to the sepulchre; but the sun was risen when they arrived there. Or, figuratively, the *sun* here spoken of is the *sun of righteousness (Malachi 4:2)*, Christ Jesus our Lord, who was risen before their coming.

With this understanding clarified, all the Gospels agree that the women arrived when there was no visible Sun, which according to Matt. 28:1, was at the "end of the Sabbath, which was at the sunset, the EXIT of the Sabbath, just before the initiation of the first day of the week.

This brings us to 3 days and 3 nights after her was placed in the grave on Wednesday evening and he arose near sunset on Sabbath evening.

This was also the exact time of day when the FIRST FRUITS sheaf was reaped, (being offered the next day, on the first day of the week).

The lack of understanding of the Hebrew/Biblical Festivals, the beautiful OUTLINE/BLUEPRINT that YHWH provided to show us His plan of salvation, has culminated in the Church rejecting YHWH's Festivals and TRIUMPANTLY adopting PAGAN FESTIVALS instead! How ludicrous!

This misunderstanding has led many in Christianity to teach a false resurrection chronology, of a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday sunrise resurrection!

The true chronology of Messiahs death and resurrection can only be fulfilled in a Wednesday Crucifixion and a Sabbath evening resurrection.

Let us all come out of RELIGIOUS tradition and embrace YHWH's festivals which are an essential part of our Biblical covenant, and the "faith once delivered to the saints".

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Replies to This Discussion

Our Pastor taught on this very same subject. .
How wonderful to see this truth proclaimed, and this pastor offering worship services on the Sabbath!

I have checked out the web site you provided and placed a call to the number on the web site. I would love to interview him for an article in the Bible Sabbath Association quarterly magazine,

Once the truth about the resurrection day becomes known, that flimsy reason, unsupported by any Biblical text evaporates, and the churches can become obedient to our Father in heaven, vs their "Father" the pope, in Rome.


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