Do you think Musicians are paid to much for there services. Do you think they should be held accountable to a local Pastors.

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All of the comments are great. Its great ,we are talking . We are learning as a Senior Pastor, its healing for many to be able to have a platform to talk to just get some things out. Lets keep the discussion going. . This is a platform where you can be heard, Its helping all of us Pastors, Musicians everyone and.Christians , we dont talk or discuss things, we bottle them up inside us.Its healthy to talk.
Have not hear much on this subject. Is there more to discuss on the subject?. Lets hear your comments.
Hello So Blessed Entertainment,

I have used an agent or a service like yours in the entertainment world; but have not yet utilized these services regarding worship work assignments or music ministry appointments. As for as the business side of it is concerned; I can definately see the need for it. As for as the spiritual or ministry side of qualifications; I can see why many churches would want to make their decision to hire an individual based on his/her personal presentation of one selff or based on the church's professional perception of what they heard during an interview.

Nevertheless, the cow is out of the barn now. If I were giving advice, I would first ask the musician to try to come to terms with where he should be and what he should be doing with his talent and availability. If his heart is at this church or if he feels led to remain there because of family ties; he needs to be prepared for the outcome, if his request is denied.

After some thought, prayer and meditation, I would have the musician approach one person. This person should be someone who has the authority and responsiblity to render a decision. If the response is, "Let me check into it and I'll get back to you in week;" this conversation needs to take place between someone who has perceived integrity. Some of the likely candidate would be whoever does payroll, or whoever pass out the pay checks and even the one who did the initial hiring, if they are still affiliated. I like the approach of one person, because it means that the problem has the opportunity to be resolved in the simpliest way possible. This is what the scripture says, Matthew 18:15 - Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

If the response is less than adequate or if the response does not come, move a little higher and let the next person know that you've already spoken to Bro So n So. If his works speak well of him, I believe he'll get what's due him if he's persistent and professional. It may not happen overnight. But if he remains faithful, I'm a witness that God will open a window and pour out a blessing that he will not have room to receive. This is not just something that I heard.

But he has to do some soul searching, come to some conclusions and then proceed in a possitive, professional, practical and purposeful manner. The old timer would say that "Serving the Lord will pay off afterwhile". But this is what the bilbe says, Proverbs 18:16 - A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. I pray that this is understandable, doable and useful.

Be Blessed and Be uplifted.
Hey So So Blessed Entertainment.

It's always interesting when change is facilitated by confusion. After communicating concerns and meditating on matters; I've learned to make the best decision that I can make at that time, and to never look back. I have an abiding love for musicians and know the struggles the gifted. Getting an understanding or a written agreement in the beginning will not prevent trouble; but it will immediately highlight discrepencies when they occur.

I wish him the very best as he wisely continues to pursue future endeavors.
Note: If he can send and email to any of the officials requesting final payment and give them an accurate account of what he is owed; their written reply can be legally binding.

I don't advocate lawsuits against churches, neither do I enjoy being lied to.
So So Blessed Entertainment,
We respect your Ministry and your comments. We would not hire some one ,we have to negotiate the terms with a third party. We could see this outside of the Church/ Ministry. The musician would have to trust our Church/ Ministry and the same with us. We want someone the spirit of the Lord has prepared for our Ministry and by the same token we will know them by the spirit and if they are the ones for our Ministry. We are talking about Ministry here the peoples lives , souls and salvation so we dont just want a hired person that has no heart but is just playing for a job. As we felt all the comments are good and we welcome them, we did not want the people to loose focus on the true Word of God, the Bible thats our road map loaded with instructions for believers.Some Pastors , Church Leaders may not show integrity in paying there staff but the entire Body of Christ should not be labeled as a a bad apple..All of the comments are great but people should pray, seek the advise of the Word of God. If a person, musician has a Senior Pastor or Pastor that watches for there souls seek there counsel when in doubt as to where they should play and etc. Be Blessed and continue your comments .
So So Blessed Entertainment
We have read your comments. I am an Accountant with a degree for over 30 years and a Business Owner of several Business ventures for over 25 years to date and operate an Accounting Firm for over 25 years.We still stand by our earlier comment. We are dealing with a Church and we would not hire anyone we had to work thru a third pary for Church work in the house of God between Christians to play sing or serve in the House Of God. Be blessed. has gotten to this point,because churches will not honor what they say they are going to do..or..they will try to change horses in the middle of the stream.I don't advocate using a third-party for this,but I can see where it could be necessary.I have always spoke for myself,and I normally deal with the Pastor first..and then later on,if we come to an agreement,the people in charge of financial distribution will represent the agreeded upon salary.It's bad these things have to be done in writing as agreements,but because of the business nature of these arrangements in different might be well worth it.I traditionally do not trust..most financial arrangements at churches,large or small,and I have dealt with a lot of them,so I know the good,the bad,and the ugly...and it can be quite daunting to say the least....specificially when you have rendered service and have not been compensated in a timely matter.There are those who would have you think that it does not happen..but I know it does.
Musicians have to earn a living just like everyone else! They have families to feed and care for too. Being a Professional in the Arts entails a lot of behind the scenes hard work. They have to practice and prepare for the Sunday performance. They have to use their skills and creativity too. I do believe that the pay should be within a decent price range of $300 - 600. depending on what they have to do; however, to expect them to play for free is ridiculous! Most preachers don't preach for free. When guest preachers come to preach, a gift offering is taken up and if its not enough, usually the Ministers will let you know that they are still short of what they have to give to the visiting Minister. Also, Musicians have every right to perform where they wish. They are not Ministers. They are Creative Professionals in Business. As you know, in business prices rise or fall based on supply and demand! If you want Professionalism, you must pay for it; otherwise, get some congregational members who may not be very professional but are willing to play for free. . .In the end, you pay for what you get!
How does a new church go about locating a musician? We are brand spanking new with a handful of people, trying to save money to get a building. Needless to say I do not and will not receive a salary until the Church is able to do so. With that in mind, do we completely not entertain the idea of having a musician?
Hello Pastor LaNita,

There is no harm is looking for a musician.
There is no harm in waiting for a musician.
There is no harm in talking to a musician who has crossed your pathway.
Stay focused on the reasons behind lauching this new ministry.

Simply be open to what you need and be honest about what you can afford.
A baby has to crawl before he can walk and hum before he can talk.
While everything right now is new and exciting, remember to keep your priorities in order and your pocket book in close observation. Let God grow your ministry the right way, which is when you are able to handle it. Thanks and God Bless You.
Pastor LaNita.

Pray about you vision. Start praying for a musician. The vision for your Church/ Ministry will be revealed to you by the Lord normally before you open the doors. This blog is good, great comments, but pray. When we first started we had a College Student that came and stayed with us for 6 years until he finished with his degree in music. He was a member of our Church and he grew with the Church. He left two years past. We prayed and waited for the Lord and he sent us a great musical family that plays and sings and is a part of our Church family and heads the music dept with one of my daughters. Trust the Lord and make your request known in your services. In those small numbers you dont know who is there. I am the Senior Pastor of two Ministries .the Lord has truly favored and we give God all the glory. Seek the will of the Lord. When i first started the blog on this subject we needed musicians . The comments on this blog were great and diverse but we kept our request before the Lord and followed what we are writing for you and the prayer was answered.
The comments are great. .Lets hear from others.


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