Do you think Musicians are paid to much for there services. Do you think they should be held accountable to a local Pastors.

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WOW! That's all I can say is WOW! But I do have a couple of questions before I end my portion of this topic. "How do you know that these people got up and went and got in bed with someone?" If what they did was a sin, so is "Character assasination!" I believe that if we look hard enough, we are all "Ex- something or other". The only way that someone can live "Above sin, is that they live upstairs and someone else lives "downstairs." I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm sure that I'm either older, or just as old as you are, and I'm originally from Michigan where Musician use to be in abundance. Now everybody wants to be paid! Yes it is a business, and I can only speak for my ministry-------I'll play a TRACK every Sunday; and start it over if I have to, but I will NOT------WON'T--------CAN'T DO IT--------NEVER WILL be blackmailed by any musician. And , here's my last thought on the matter, Yolanda Adams has a song out entitled 'STEP ASIDE!" and that is what some folks should do.------I heard you say that Music can make or break your ministry-------but that is only if you want to be "A BIG TIME DOCTOR" I believe that Jesus did not mean for everybody to become famous. some folks are meant to just pastor those one or two--------but he did say he'd be in the midst, and last time I checked, 'IT WAS ABOUT HIM!"-------- AND please direct me to the Bible text that shows where, Jesus got excited about having Musicians with him when he healed the blind------raised Lazarus----told Peter to "Come"-------quoted the parables--------healed the Lepers-------met a woman at a well------and maybe its just me, but what was the name of the song they were playing when they "Crucified him?"----------Being able to read music, pick out songs, spend time with various personalities as I read in another blog, traveling with the music ministry, etc.-------all that stuff, has nothing to do with "BEING SAVED!" If it does, show me where it says so in the Bible! Just because you are a musician does not mean that you don't need to be saved. I personally don't believe that when we get to heaven that Jesus is going to ask you "were you a good musician?-----did you play for free?-------did you read music?-------how about teaching the songs to the choir? John 3:16 says, "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHO SO EVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE! No where in that statement does it say " and be a Musician in the church". and as far as doing more praying and teaching, I'm teaching my choir with those Tracks, and I'm praying that they keep on making them! I'm done with the topic!
Dr.Walker...there is a lot that you have said that I do agree with...and there is a lot that you have stated that I feel is a bit slanted......first let me explain about that "oil annointing"incident,and evidently you read my comment.The reason I stated what I stated is because that was a true incident,not a "character assasination"because everybody in the church knew far as I'm concerned...they had already done harm to their ownself,so in that particular suitation for the persons involved,you could have called it "suicide"because the damage They had done was already to the other comments that were made about "music can make or break your ministry"I really believe that you read more into that,than was intended,because I did'nt mean that music ministry was the central focus in the church........We Know!!! it's about salvation and bringing those to Christ.But I will state to you this,because I have up on this many times,that one of the biggest hinderances in the church is between Pastors and musicians.....most of the times when I hear of churches using "tracks"for their worship services,it tells me this:One...that your church can truly NOT AFFORD a capable musician who can bring live,vibrant,worship and praise....OR....# 2....YOU MIGHT BE ONE OF THOSE STUBBORN PASTORS THAT REFUSE TO LISTEN TO SOMEBODY THAT REALLY HAS A HEART FOR TRUE MINISTRY,AND BECAUSE OF YOUR PAST DEALINGS WITH SOME OTHER NO-GOOD MUSICIANS,YOU HAVE LUMPED US ALL INTO THE SAME BARREL.Now you might not like the aforementioned comment,but that's OK,because I'm only stating to you,what you stated to me.You don't have to be a "bigtime doctor"in order for your ministry to be!!no!!!that's not what it's about.And part of the problem can use tracks,and hit that repeat button over,and over,and over....but I can promise you this,whether you want to admit it or not,and this is a fact.....the older churches were not built.....ON TRACKS!!!!!,AT LEAST NOT THE ONES THAT ARE STILL AROUND TODAY.......Last but not least,all that rhetorical satire you stated about at the grave of Lazurus,and the woman at the well,you're right it has nothing to do with salvation at all.....but I must remind you that if Jesus had enough sense,to FEED the 5000 with physical nourshiment,after giving them spiritual food....then what does that say about the methodology that we use in our churches today????Well the answer is very simple...YOU NEED A BALANCE TO HELP YOU DO WHAT YOU DO......,and that's what a competent,spiritual,music ministry should do...provide a balance in the scenario of your ministry to help bring those to Christ,so that we may work the works of Him who has sent's not about a musician "blackmailing"you,no I don't cater or suscribe to any of that.In retrospect You as Pastor are responsible for whatever happens in your ministry,good,bad,or indifferent...and you're right about wasn't any singing at the tomb of Lazurus.or when He healed the lepers.........but I do know this...when you Pastors get to all gonna be out of a job....cause there ain't nothing but Praise and Worship going on in there......(lol)....LIVE PRAISE AND WORSHIP!!!!........NO TRACKS!!!-BE BLESSED
Go on your job with your degree and tell your boss you'll work for NOTHING!!!!!!! I didn't think so. Musicians are people of God too and you people of God HATE them and DON'T want to BLESS them. Then you take the BIBLE out of content to justify how you feel about musicians. David was the Chief's in the Good Book and the musicians WERE PAID!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you. God bless you My sister.
I neesd not to say anything its already said
Bless you man of God, any thoughts on the subject.
Minister Youngblood,

I have to commend you on your candid, colorful and even comical way of speaking the hidden truth. You've said a lot here and all of it came from experience. To God be the glory in all things. I'm grateful to hear that true church musicians yet remaineth among us. Please know that I'm encouraged, engaged and enlightened by it. Thank you.
Some musicians are paid too much. I believe that the skills level, spiritual life and the duties of the musician should be considered in a salary for the musician being hired. I also believe if musicians give their services wholeheartedly ministering to the Lord, by minstering to the needs of his people, He will see to it that they are sufficiently well taken care of. Being a musician who is limited in skill, I am very reluctant to accept very high sums of money for my services even though I would like to have and could use the money. When asked how much I'll accept, I usually will say about $60 -$75 depending on the church and the type of service I'm asked to play for. If you are paid a lot you should be very, very skilled as well as anointed. I also believe that all saints whether a musician or not should be accountable to a local pastor. We all need a spiritual covering.

A strategy that my mother suggested when I was growing up is this. If there are two or three young people in your congregation who you see musical potential in, invest in financially helping them take music lessons. In return they are to agree to assist their individual churches as musicians when they reach a skill level to do so. Even beginning out playing for sunday school, wednesday night, sunday night services until their skill reaches a level to advance to regular services, concerts, special event programs, etc... I really think that this is a very good idea. This way there would never be a shortage of musicians in the local churches and the financial issue would not be a strain on the churches.
Good points.. We sure do need to work to see God raise up Musicians in our Churches when they are young and pray they will stay when they are old. We dont work to work and pour into them to be good and when they become good they leave for all this craze with many. They take what God havs given them free and people have fasted and prayed and poured in them free over the years and they want use it unless they are paid very outlandish fees. Freely they were given and freely they shall recieve.
Your comments are true. Most Churches have resorted to a lot of entertainment.There are some like ours that try to stick to the Word od God. Praise God for all the fine Men and Women of God that still try to obey the word of God. We are not the mega Churches but God blesses us..
Minister Youngblood, you seen to mis quote most of what I am saying but thats why we have the discussion. People have a right to leave any Church in America, people have a will. As a Pastor that has served two Pastors for over 27 years and still under the same Pastor that covers our Church since we started, i know a lot about protocol and order. We never said God could raise a person up against there will. We can pray and believe God for what we need . A lot of what we need is already in our local Churches. We can teach, train , pray, nuture and mentor the person once . we know they have the desire , and the heart and calling. Well have a busy day. most go. Being I am an Accountant by profession, would love to have a copy of the book you were referring to, to add to our Library of books on Church structure and etc., if you can provide the information. Have a blessed week
As soon as I get the information on where and what publisher has the book,I will forward the information to you,and when you get a chance make sure you read my last post on our discussion before I posted this one.One thing I don't do is make a habit of misquoting anything that has been said or written,and most of what I am writing about is from real hands on experiences,which we all have if you have spent anytime in this work,and it is work.But I do not treat it in the aspect of it being only a vocation,it is a spiritual mantle is placed on your life.I do not judge..I only speak that which I know is real.The Word tells us that we don't judge.I know some things that I speak might be contreversial...but sometimes the scales have to fall from our eyes in order to see the truth.-Be Blessed
Being a musician myself, I believe that musicians should be compensated for their gift, but in accordance to their faithfulness to God and their local church. I don't believe that church standards of accountability should be compromised because a person is gifted. It didn't work in Heaven with satan, and it shouldn't be allowed here on earth. On a personal note, I'm not salaried and I am ok with it, because I understand my local church's situation. I believe that musicians should be members of the church and be subject to the same things as any other member of the church. Our gift doesn't make us any more special, because without Christ in a musician's life the music is empty. As I attempt to bring balance to the issue. Musicians should recognize that their gift is not the primary focus, the preaching of the gospel is. But just like scripture indicates that " ...the workman is worthy of his hire", pastors would be wise to consider resonable compensation for service rendered.


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