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Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 8, 2008 at 8:17am
Let Him Change Your Mind

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.
Colossians 3:2 (NASB)

God…changes the man by changing the mind. And how does it happen?
By…considering the glory of Christ….

To behold him is to become like him. As Christ dominates your thoughts, he
changes you from one degree of glory to another until—hang on!—you are ready
to live with him.

Heaven is the land of sinless minds….Absolute trust. No fear or anger.
Shame and second-guessing are practices of a prior life. Heaven will be
wonderful, not because the streets are gold, but because our thoughts will
be pure.

So what are you waiting on?…Give him your best thoughts, and see if he
doesn’t change your mind.

From: Next Door Savior
Copyright (W Publishing Group, 2003)
Max Lucado
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 8, 2008 at 7:17am
Stepping Into the Darkness
Alan Riley
Have you ever heard the story of the man who slipped off the edge of a cliff and was desperately hanging on to a rope to keep from falling? The man screamed at the top of his voice, "IS THERE ANYONE THERE WHO CAN HELP ME?" A calm, reassuring voice answered back, "It is the Lord. Let go of the rope."
The man thought about it for a moment, looked down to see how far he would fall. Then he yelled out again even louder, "IS THERE ANYONE ELSE THERE WHO CAN HELP ME???"
Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt the Lord was telling you to let go of the rope, but all you could see was how things looked from a logical, human perspective? I know I have, and I was really tempted to ask for a second opinion like the man in the joke.
Everything about our human nature wants to see it first and then respond based on what we see. We want to see it then believe it. We want to know where we are going before we agree to start the trip. That is our human nature. And it flies in the face of what God calls us to do and who God calls us to be.
Look at the heroes of the faith and you will see people who believed it before they saw it. You will see people who went when God said 'go' even though they didn't know where they were going or what it would be like when they got there. You will see people who walked by faith and not by sight.
When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, He allowed and encouraged Thomas to experience what he had said he needed to see to believe that Jesus was alive. Thomas physically saw and felt the wounds in Jesus' hands, feet and side. When he did so, Thomas fell down on His face and declared, "My Lord and My God!" Jesus responded by saying, "Thomas, you believe because you have seen. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."
The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). The New International Version translates that verse this way: "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Far too often, I find myself walking only by sight. But I know it is those times when I step out into the darkness in obedience to God's call that He blesses me, and grows me, and stretches me.
What is God calling you to do that will require you to step into the darkness?
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 5, 2008 at 10:04am
Faith Works by Love
Bishop Keith Butler
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which works by love. Galatians 5:6 (KJV)
As born again believers, we have to confront fear or it will become our terror and oppress us.
Now, the Scripture says that oppression and terror will be far from us, and that they won't even come near us. But how is that possible? Well, it's possible when we do not allow ourselves to function in fear. Fear is what allows terror and oppression to come to you. And overcoming fear is what drives them far from you.
Many, many years ago, I had a parishioner who was afraid to drive. Well, not only did I pray for him, but I also took him driving at five o'clock in the morning. He started driving and we went on the expressway. Now, of course, there wasn't a lot of traffic then, but the point was overcoming that fear. Now on the expressway he was terrified, but I told him to say, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I will not fear. God is on my side." Well, he started speaking the Word and after driving for a week, God delivered him from that fear.
You see, the thought of driving terrified and oppressed him. It also stopped him from doing what he should have been doing for his family.
Listen, fear leads to terror. Terror is the planned, organized use of fear to render its victim helpless to oppression. That's why we cannot afford to have our lives run by any aspect of fear; it will lead to terror, oppression, and then bondage.
Now Isaiah 54:17 tells us how to handle fear. It says, "You shall condemn." In other words, you have to open your mouth and speak to fear. You have to condemn it; you have to speak the Word over it and it has to go.
Then, the verse continues by saying, "for this is your heritage, your righteousness is of me, saith the Lord." You are sons and daughters of the Lord and you have a right to condemn anything that comes up against you.
So don't be dismayed about anything you have to face today. God is telling you to fear not. He is with you every step of the way. When you decide not to fear, you release God to move on your behalf. God's anointing is on you, in you, and it will produce victory in your life.
Scripture References: Isaiah 54:14-17; Hebrews 13:5: Matthew 28:20b
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 5, 2008 at 9:01am
Has The Purpose Of Praise And Worship Been Lost?
Joann Rosario
Praise and worship music is a powerful force in today's Christian world. The praise and worship format has become the standard practice in our local churches, and the music of praise and worship is beginning to dominate the Christian and Gospel music charts. Many major churches are even inviting well-known artists to bring their worship services to a new level of excellence.
All of that is wonderful and exciting. But has the true purpose of praise and worship been lost?
As Believers, we attend church services in order to connect with God in a corporate setting. That forum is the perfect opportunity for us to receive direction about matters that affect us both individually and as the Body of Christ. We are able to grow by further searching the things that we've learned there. Believe it or not, praise and worship is a vital part of that exchange.
We must understand the importance of praise and worship so that we can view that segment of the service a little differently. Praise and worship is a bridge built to carry the congregation from their earthly surroundings into the Presence of God. During that important time in the service, the Holy Spirit is able to move among the people, preparing their hearts to receive the Word of God.
The Word has the ability to produce radical change in the lives of those who receive it. Due to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit many times you see people close their eyes and even cry. God is reaching under all the hard layers and touching their hearts by the worship experience.
It's great to have an amazing band and singers. It's awesome to have the best choir in the city and the best worship leader in the region. Unfortunately, none of those things guarantee that God will come into the room during the praise and worship service.
God's Presence must be the primary focus of that time.
Let's take a look at the life of King David. In I Samuel 16:18, the Bible says, David was skillful in playing and the Lord was with him. David was a skillful musician. He was so excellent that he was brought before King Saul during a very important season. We can never forget, however, that David's skillful playing was even more impressive because the Lord was with him. The Presence of God in His music and over His life is what really set David apart from everyone else.
As a worship leader, I know that musicians and singers often place a lot of importance on being excellent creatively, but tend to neglect the Presence of the Lord. It is important to excel in our gifts and talents. We should know all the latest worship songs and the correct chords to those songs. We should take care of our voices and give God our absolute best.
I encourage all worship leaders and musicians (as well as those who are not): let's be like David. Let us seek to have the Lord present in our lives and during our worship services. Let's pray and ask the Holy Spirit to tell us what songs to sing. Ask God to open your ears to hear His direction during the praise and worship portion of your service.
Our hearts must be focused on Him and worship must become our lifestyle. That attitude will open the way for God's Presence to take over. That's when Praise and Worship will truly become a life-changing experience.
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 5, 2008 at 8:21am
who will be your attorney?
After living what I felt was a 'decent' life, my time on earth came to the end.
The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting
room of what I thought to be a court house.
The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat
by the defense table.
As I looked around I saw the 'prosecutor.'
He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me.
He definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen.
I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney,
a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to
me, I felt I knew Him.
The corner door flew open and there appeared the Judge in full
flowing robes.
He commanded an awesome presence as He moved across the room I
couldn't take my eyes off of Him.
As He took His seat behind the bench, He said, 'Let us begin.'
The prosecutor rose and said,
'My name is Satan and I am here to show you why this woman
belongs in hell.'
He proceeded to tell of lies that I told, things that I stole,
and In the past when I cheated others Satan told of other horrible
Perversions that were once in my life and the more he spoke, the
further down in my seat I sank.
I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at anyone, even my own
Attorney, as the Devil told of sins that even I had completely
forgotten about.
As upset as I was at Satan for telling all these things about
me, I was equally upset at My Attorney who sat there silently not
Offering any form of defense at all.
I know I had been guilty of those things, but I had done some
good in my life - couldn't that at least equal out part of the harm
I'd done?
Satan finished with a fury and said, 'This woman belongs in hell,
she is guilty of all that I have charged and there is not a person
who can prove otherwise.'
When it was His turn, My Attorney first asked if He might
approach the bench.
The Judge allowed this over the strong objection of Satan,
and beckoned Him to come forward.
As He got up and started walking, I was able to see Him in
His full splendor and majesty.
I realized why He seemed so familiar; this was Jesus
representing me, my Lord and my Savior.!
He stopped at the bench and softly said to the Judge, 'Hi,
Dad,' and then He turned to address the court.
'Satan was correct in saying that this woman had sinned,
I won't deny any of these allegations.
And, yes, the wage of sin is death, and this woman deserves to be
Jesus took a deep breath and turned to His Father with
outstretched arms and proclaimed, 'However, I died on the cross so
that this person might have eternal life and she has accepted Me as her
Savior, so she is Mine.'
My Lord continued with, 'Her name is written in the Book of Life,
and no one can snatch her from Me.
Satan still does not understand yet.
This woman is not to be given justice, but rather mercy.'
As Jesus sat down,He quietly paused, looked at His Father and said,
'There is nothing else that needs to be done.'
'I've done it all.'
The Judge lifted His mighty hand and slammed the gavel down.
The following words bellowed from His lips..
'This woman is free.'
The penalty for her has already been paid in full.
'Case dismissed.'
As my Lord led me away, I could hear Satan ranting and raving,
'I won't give up, I will win the next one.' I asked Jesus as He gave
me my instructions where to go next, 'Have you ever lost a case?'
Christ lovingly smiled and said,'Everyone that has come to Me and asked Me to represent them
has received the same verdict as you,~Paid In Full~
'Stop telling God how big your storm is.
Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!'
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 3, 2008 at 3:31pm
Jesus is a Jew!

Hi there!
It's me again, Mr. God.
There is somthun'
I need to know.

I thought Jesus was a Christian.
But, daddy says he was a Jew. Daddy says so.
Where does he go to church
And are you a Jew man, too?

It don't madder to me.
But some said they hated all Jews.
It's true, Mr. God
I saw it on the news.

Why would they hate Jesus?
I don't un'erstand why.
Don't they know, when they says those things,
It will make him cry?

I think, everybody loved Jesus.
He was nice and was always kind.
Daddy says they let the devil
Mess with their heart and mind.

Daddy know a'most everything
And he 'splains a lot to me.
Sometimes, he says, "Jest ask God.
He will help you, Andy."

What is a Jew, anyway, Mr. God?
Are they good or bad?
What makes people hate them?
Daddy says it makes your heart sad.

Please don't cry, Mr. God.
If ya want, I'll be a Jew.
Would that make ya happy, again?
That's what a good Christian would do.

Does Jesus go to Sunday School
Or is he too old to go?
Does he sit and be quiet
or teach what people need to know?

Momma says Jewish people worship
On Saturday, instead.
So, I guess they like Sunday;
So they can stay in bed.

Mr. God, daddy says
That they are the apple of your eye.
How that works, I don't know.
But, daddy says they often make you cry.

I guess you had an apple in your eye.
It would make your sore.
Daddy says that is true,
But ya love them all the more.

But, daddy says
They, sometimes, won't obey;
Like when I am bad, sometimes,
But he loves me anyway.

Yep, Mr. God,
I want to become a little Jew boy.
I want to make you happy
Like momma says,
"Little Andy, you are such a joy."

Daddy says Jews go to sin-a-God.
We went by one, the other day.
It was a big buildin'.
but, we didn't stay.

I don't un'erstand,
Why people would hate a Jew
They look jest fine to me.
They dress jest like we do.

But, Mr. God it was so sad.
Someone killed the kids on a bus.
Daddy says it could happen here,
If they come for us.

Bet the little kids were scared.
But, now, they are in heaven, with you.
I cried, a lot, and mommy held me tight.
Is that why they killed Jesus, 'cause He was a Jew?

Them are some bad, bad, people.
Can't ya make 'em stop?
If I see them comin'
I'm gonna call a cop.

Well, I better get a goin'
Tell Jesus, and his mom, hi
and it's a'right, with me, if they are Jews.
I still want to live up there, with you, when I die.

Someday, I'll go to Sin-a-God
And see jest what they do.
I'll tell them that Jesus is my best friend,
Even if he is a Jew.

Copyright by Sandra Griffin

Stay Focused
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 2, 2008 at 4:56am
Praise Your Way to a Breakthrough!
Dr. Creflo A. Dollar
Do you need God to make a way out of no way? The swiftness and surety of your deliverance starts with how you respond to hard times and difficult situations. Hear me when I say that it is not just enough to thank God and honor Him only when you've received a blessing. God wants you to show the extent of your faithfulness and trust in Him even in the midst of going through a challenge. The power of your praise will determine the magnitude of your breakthrough.
Praise is not just clapping your hands or applauding God. It is showing respect, honor, and gratefulness using your whole heart, mind, spirit and body despite your circumstances. Paul and Silas didn't wait until they experienced a breakthrough to praise and thank God. In the midst of difficult circumstances, they praised God and received the breakthrough they desired.
Acts 16:25, 26 (New Living Translation) reveals, "Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off!"
Paul and Silas praised God even when their backs were bleeding and their feet and hands were in chains. Despite the pain and suffering they were going through, they praised God anyway; and as a result, God shook the very foundations of the prison, setting them free. God will shake the foundation of your prison; your bondage, your problem...if you make a decision to praise and give Him thanks, no matter what.
Praising God should become second-nature for all Believers. "This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord" (Psalm 102:18). We were created to praise God, and it becomes a natural expression of your love for the Father when you spend time in the Word and meditate on His goodness.
When you have a heart for God and you know He loves you, your confidence in His ability to deliver you soars. You know help is on the way and you eagerly anticipate it. First Thessalonians 5:16-18 encourages, "Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus" (NLT). God doesn't tell you to thank Him for negative circumstances; He says to thank Him while you're in the midst of them. Doing this shows that you trust Him to bring you out.
The storms of life are going to come; but don't let them disturb your peace and affect your thoughts and emotions. This will only move you into self-pity and frustration. Instead, maintain an attitude of praise.
Your first line of defense is the Word of God. Meditate on it and give it life by speaking it over your circumstances. If you need healing meditate on scriptures that reveal God's ability to heal. Receive that Word in your spirit and begin praising God for your healing.
The Word of God declares, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:4-7, NIV).
When you are in a situation and there seems to be no way out, open your mouth and praise the Lord-and don't stop. Instead of crying and complaining, give God praise because you know He has a plan for you that includes deliverance, restoration and peace. Thank Him for His goodness because your praise will stop the enemy and move the hand of God
When your deliverance comes, continue to praise Him because He has more in store for you. Thank Him for breakthrough in your home, on your job and with your children. Through your authority in Jesus, place a demand on your breakthrough and watch God show up in your life in ways you would have never imagined.
Comment by Ladyjd721 on October 1, 2008 at 6:51pm
Face the Music
Milan Ford
So I'm driving home from work the other day, and decided to turn the radio on to a local gospel music station. Something (I have to admit) I rarely do. They were playing a popular praise and worship song from recording artist Israel Houghton entitled, Friend Of God.

Great song. Incredible message.

After listening to the song, and having somewhat of a party in my minivan at the thought of an awesome God, creator of all the universe, who has chosen to love us, be mindful of us, and to even go so far as to call us His friend, I was quite saddened by the song that came on next.

I promise you...I counted. The artist must have named 'the devil' at least 32 times throughout the whole song, before I finally decided to shut it off. The essence of the song was to encourage believers to 'take back' everything 'the devil' stole from us as believers.

Now although there is plenty room for some form of theological debate as to why the artist felt it necessary to pen a song with such a purpose, I couldn't help but wonder if the essence and design of praise and worship is to help believers like you and I become fixated on the name and nature of God...rather than His defeated foe.

In addition to the spoken word of God, one of the most powerful tools you and I have to help align our faith and relationship with God is through praise. Our ability to become consumed with His character and attributes is essential to our growth in Him.

The content of our praise should always reflect our faith in Him. The content of our worship should also always reflect our maturity in Him. Without His heart at the core of our lives, our songs will begin to be set on things and concerns that God (to be quite honest) may not even be concerned about.

Like prayer, praise and worship is not a time for us to try updating an all-knowing God about our private concerns and pains. But, it is rather a tool to become completely engaged with Him and His perspective regarding our lives.

On a more personal note, I understand that there are various cultural beliefs and perspectives that often surround the purpose and design of praise and worship. At a time when racial injustice and the laws of Jim Crow were most prevalent in our nation, praise and worship brought many a sense of hope and faith during the most difficult of times.

Used not only as an expression of faith, praise and worship was often used as a mode of support and communication among those who were enslaved.

So why do I bring that up? How is that at all relevant? (I'm glad you asked...)

News flash: We Are Free!

We are free from the bondage of man. We are free from the bondage of sin. We are no longer defeated. We are no longer scorned. We are no longer cast down. Our lives, as well as our songs of praise, have to always reflect our renewed position in Christ.

Colossians 3:2-3 states to "set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died (in Christ) and your life is hidden with Christ in God." This passage is a clear reminder that there is nothing you and I face in this life that can surpass the incredible liberty we now have as believers in Christ!

I encourage us all today to begin to face the music. Let's all take a strong examination of the songs we embrace and sing as praise and worship. We must all mature to the point that His message can never be lost or exchanged for an exciting or soulful melody.

I think Dick Gregory said it best. As a panelist earlier this year for Tavis Smiley's State Of The Black Union, he said something I will never forget:

" momma was so busy telling me about the devil, I became a grown man before I found out the beauty of God."

Let's show the world together how much we've grown.
Today, let's face the music.

Stay Focused
Comment by Ladyjd721 on September 30, 2008 at 6:07am
A Place for the Weary

Do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward.
Hebrews 10:35 (NCV)

Is there anything more frail than a bruised reed? Look at the bruised reed
at the water's edge. A once slender and tall stalk of sturdy river grass, it
is now bowed and bent.

Are you a bruised reed? Was it so long ago that you stood so tall, so proud?

Then something happened. You were bruised...
by harsh words
by a friend's anger
by a spouse's betrayal ....

The bruised reed .... Society knows what to do with you .... The world will
break you off; the world will snuff you out.

But the artists of Scripture proclaim that God won't. Painted on canvas
after canvas is the tender touch of a Creator who has a special place for
the bruised and weary of the world. A God who is the friend of the wounded

From: He Still Moves Stones
Copyright (Word Publishing, 1993)
Max Lucado

Stay Focused
Comment by Ladyjd721 on September 29, 2008 at 5:16am
Let Your Praise Outweigh Your Asking
Bishop Keith Butler
Romans 4:20 - He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; (KJV)
God stayed with Abraham until he became strong in faith. Notice that being strong in faith has something that goes with be strong in faith is to give God glory.
Well Abraham is giving God glory. Abraham is saying that he is a father of a great multitude. Sarah isn't pregnant yet. She hasn't gotten pregnant all these years. But he is giving God glory, and calling those things which be not as though they were. He is calling himself a father now; not going to be; but is father of a great multitude, now. And he is thanking God that he is.
Abraham gave God so much glory, that he became fully persuaded that God would perform what He said in His word.
When your praise outweighs your asking, you'll have your manifestation. You need to praise God, not just make confessions of faith. You need to praise Him because you believe the confession is so. Praise Him by saying, "I'm getting stronger everyday. I'm stronger today than I was yesterday, and I thank you for it, Father. I'm stronger in my mind, stronger in my body, stronger in my bones, stronger in every way, than I was yesterday; and thank you for it."
When Abraham followed Gods methodology for faith, he received the promise. Sarah conceived and gave birth to a son.
Now God is going to close the deal on the enemy. His word is in the earth. Jesus is born. Jesus walks the earth, and only says what God says. Jesus only speaks that which the Father tells Him to speak. And that is so important. The need to discipline your mouth cannot be overstated.
Practice saying what the Bible says when the pressure is on. It is so tempting to say the wrong thing when your emotions are high. But you have to deliberately say what God says and couple that with praise. Give God glory by praising Him in the middle of the crisis. Let it be said about you that you are strong in faith because you were able to control your tongue, and your praises outweighed your asking.
Scripture references: John 14:10; James 3:2-3; James 5:12

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