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Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on April 29, 2009 at 7:40pm
Bible Study - Every Friday

(Effective Ministry)

Each month will feature a different theme, May will be healing, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical. This Bible study is geared toward MINISTY and applying what you learn to what God called you to do!

Friday May 1st 2009 – The Root of All Problems

Friday May 7th - 2009 – Biblical Application

Friday May 14th - 2009 – Mental Illness

Friday May 21st - Biblical Look at Healing

About The Instructor

Mark Stevens graduated from the Institute of Jewish Studies, a school of the Philadelphia Bible University. He is an ETA (Evangelical Training Association) certified Bible Teacher. He holds a BA in Theology and an MA in Ministry from Freedom Bible College and Seminary, and is the final stages of receiving his Doctorate in Ministry from Freedom. He has completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Cooper Trauma Center. He is a Staff Chaplain at Ancora Psychiatric Hospital and at Cooper Trauma Center.

The Place: 3 Cooper Plaza

Room 506 (5th floor)

Time 6pm to 7pm

Cooper Trauma Hospital

Camden, NJ 08013

Pastoral Care Office - Room 506

The Time: 6PM

The cost for training FREE (Books $10.00)

For more info….

Phone Number – 609-346-8343

E-mail –
Comment by Adrienne Williams on April 29, 2009 at 12:23pm

Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on April 27, 2009 at 8:33am
Is Your Church?

1. Manipulating people into financial giving by quoting un-Biblical
formulas i.e. if you give a certain amount of money, you will receive
a 100 fold (highest possible) blessing.
2. Money lines i.e. people are placed into lines in front of the
church based on the amount of money they gave ($25, $50, $100) and
certain blessings are pronounced on these individuals with of course
the highest monetary givers receiving the largest "blessing".

3. The sale of items to accomplish a particular need in your life
i.e. various colored cloths to place under pillows bringing about
such things as mates for marriage, healing, financial gain, etc. The
sale of "holy water" that has either been specially prayed over or it
comes from some type of Holy Land water source (River Jordan) and if
you bathe it in or drink it, it will bring healing for any type of
disease. The sale of prayer cloths such as was used in the Book of
Acts in which anything or anyone you lay this cloth on will perform
what you ordain it to perform.

4. Forced words of a so-called prophetic nature whereby people are
provoked to "prophesy" because a church leader will strongly imply
God has something to say to his people. If no one speaks up, the
people are made to feel guilty and unspiritual so someone will speak
a word, obviously not from God because when God speaks, life-changing
events occur. In these cases, the words are spoken but people are
inattentive with looks of bewilderment and confusion. The same
provocation is used to induce "speaking in tongues". In this case
people in the church are either praying or speaking in tongues
supernaturally to God, or for something to occur in the spiritual
realm, however again, there are no changes that have taken place.
Again, when God is present, nothing can remain the same.
5. Manipulating the Scriptures by holding God responsible for every
Word spoken in the Bible to come true (promises) in every Christians
life regardless of the circumstances; also included is the
famous "Name it and Claim it" practice where people are strongly
urged to go out beyond their reaches and claim such things as
spouses, jobs, cars, houses, etc. The justification used is from the
Bible stating that, "You can have what you say"; "if we ask anything
in the name of Jesus it will be given to us", etc. Clearly the Name
of Jesus is being strongly manipulated and used as some type of
magical chant that as long as we are claiming things by merely
stating His name, it most assuredly will become ours and we most
assuredly Must receive whatever we ask. Truly we know that God is
Lord and Lord over His Word, that which He speaks and has spoken, is
not Lord over Him.

My observation of these occurrences did not just take place on a few
occasions, but was considered a regular part of church services that
occurred frequently. I know peoples lives that have been ruined as a
result of believing and participating in these practices. I could
state additional examples but I wanted to share enough in hopes of
your ability to share in my concern and grief over this plight. Many
Christians believe these incidences are a normal part of church
services, and cannot and do not discern the elements of witchcraft
that are involved. Many times in church services of this nature, the
preacher appears more of a magician practicing and inducing magical
occurrences than preaching the Word of God.

I am not opposed to claiming the promises of God because all of His
promises are true. However, many times and I have seen it so many
times in my years of ministry, where people are provoked to claim
things just for the asking that may not be within God's Will for
their lives or in His timing or not at all ever meant to occur in
their lives. All of us were not meant to be rich but in some
teachings that is not what is taught. It is taught that we were all
meant to be rich and this is not meaning from a spiritual standpoint
but material. People who have less were led to believe they were
living beneath the promises of God if they did not have a certain
standard of living. People were urged to go beyond their natural
means to seek things much beyond what they could ever afford without
being given any spiritual instruction or counsel. People were urged
to write checks of faith believing money was going to supernaturally
appear in their checking accounts and so many people would write
these checks and guess what? money came from heaven to be poured
in these accounts but instead, these people had placed themselves in
a position of "Insufficient Funds" which is a punishable crime
whereby even on my department where I am a police lieutenant, many
are arrested for this type charge. Seldom would the people be urged
to pray about these matters in seeking God's Will for these things.
Emphasis on these "things" with a monetary value were placed much
more than emphasis on spiritual matters that would bring us closer to
God such as seeking first the Kingdom of God and it's Righteousness.

I have seen people take the Scriptures, "We can have what we
say"..."Whatsoever we ask in Jesus Name He will do it"...etc. and
claim personally motivated things for their lives that fill the lust
of the flesh, lust of the eye, and pride of life. Rarely quoted in
these type settings is the Scripture, "You have not because you ask
not because when you ask it is with a selfish motive". So the other
Scriptures are taken and by verbalizing the Name of Jesus (i.e. I
claim this house in Jesus Name) we use His name like He has to obey
this type of request only because we asked for the thing in His name.
Leaders urge people to seek after these things stirring up passions
and lusts for things without even taking the spiritual temperatures
of the people. In other words, how can we think we can ask these
things of Jesus when we are not even walking after the Spirit or not
seeking first the Kingdom of God - or not presenting ourselves as
Holy Sacrifices or not living as the Temple of God - or just not
walking with God as we should. We have gotten so brain washed to
desire things that most of the desires of the heart in so many
Christians are the things of this world such as material things or
power (which are not wrong of themselves - I like nice things - I
have a police department job of power and a army reserve job of power
so whether or not I like it - I have much power with these jobs)
rather than spiritual things such as working towards an intimate
relationship with God.

An example, I have been in several very large popular television
churches where the preacher makes specific note of his Gold
Presidential Rolex Watch (approx. $20-30 thousand dollars) where it
was said that they told God to give it to them because they were the
King's kids and should have the best. What does that do for those
sitting on the pews who are wearing Timex watches or less? Another
example, a dear friend of mine claimed for herself an expensive house
and got in the house. She had put her life long savings as a down
payment on the house and had made large monthly payments on the
house. In less than a year she was laid off of her well-paying job -
lost the house because it was re-possessed. She went to a church
where the teaching was highly "pumped up", "Our Father owns cattle
and lands and is rich so that makes us rich...Go and claim your

Also people get in bondage with themselves when they sit under this
teaching having lower paying jobs - live in not so rich houses - use
public transportation etc. I have counseled people who are depressed
because they cannot figure out why God is not blessing them in this
way; what is wrong with them?; why is God keeping them at this
place?; why are they being punished? is a hard thing to counsel
these issues in people when they have developed a mind-set that they
should have these things and since they do not, something has to be
wrong with them. As I said, I believe and apply the promises of God
to my life every second of every day because if I could not rely on
what He said, my life may as well be over and done with. Yet I
embrace the Scripture that "He is a Rewarder of those who diligently
seek Him"...not things but Him and His rewards are whatever, however,
and whenever He chooses to bestow on us. As long as "things" are
always dangling before us, it will always be difficult to see God in
the midst of it all to want and desire Him in the way that we should.
In these last and final days, we cannot afford to place anything or
desire anything more than we do God and He will not honor it if we do
nor will He be a part of it. He is the one that said we will not have
any other gods before Him and we have made these things gods. I hope
that some understanding of what my intent is on this thoughts page
have gone forth...since I put this page up just a short time ago,
many have written who have been in that type of bondage or who have
been "turned off" from that type of teaching which they realize is a
perversion of The Word, and not the way God intended it to be taken.

With all the efforts underway to expose and educate occult practices
such as witchcraft to the Body of Christ, I would be remiss if I did
not share the type of "church" witchcraft with you that I have been a
victim of as well as counseling and helping many others who too have
been devastated as a result. As much as an advocate that I am for
exposing occult practices and witchcraft by educating Christians,
clearly I see that we need to first begin the education right in the
Houses of God for what good does it do us to be well versed in occult
practices outside of the church, and then enter into a church where
the practices, although disguised by perversion of Scriptures, are
very much alive and well.
Comment by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on April 26, 2009 at 5:20pm
If you hand a tract to a man that hasn’t eaten in over 24 hours without a sandwich, chances are you won’t reach that man for Jesus Christ! Jesus fed the 5,000 not so He could show off and impress people! He realized that sending them away in the middle of nowhere without food could be hazardous to their health. He was not just concerned with them hearing the Word; He was concerned about their well being also. Too many of us go to church in our big cars and SUV’s on full stomachs and sit next to someone whose stomach is empty. God forbid! We are often the miracle someone needs! You may not think you are rich, but $20 to some people might be a miracle! We spend money on newspapers, coffee, and bagels every morning on our way to work, and some people sleep on the morning paper and eat the left over bagel you threw away because it was not toasted to perfection for you! The 12 disciples wanted to send the 5,000 away, so do most churches in America. We call the homeless lazy and say they must “pull themselves up by the bootstraps!” That is Republicanism not Christianity talking! Some people are one missing payday from being homeless. I am disabled and I know from personal experience, only the grace of God keeps some of us from sleeping in the street! Another hard fact is that there are SAVED homeless people! For that matter Jesus was born in a homeless situation! The Bible say’s “When you give to the poor, it is like lending to God.” (James 2:5; Leviticus 19:15; Galatians 2:10)
Comment by Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown on April 25, 2009 at 11:33pm
Bless you in Jesus Name.

Here is a free audio gift from me. I wanted to give you something, Here is a sermon from 2 years ago free for you enjoy & please pass it on.

Please visit my blog and let me know what you think about the message. My blog is at

I hope you enjoy it

In Him,
JMb <><

Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown
The Internet's Favorite Pastor
Visit My Blog - Kingdom Ministry - Internet Guides - Ministry Tech
Comment by Adrienne Williams on April 21, 2009 at 6:25pm
Greetings To All,

I continue to thank God for Prophet Cynthia Johnson and her willingness to come and share the teaching on "The Spirit of Lawlessness - Lawless Prophets." It was indeed a blessing to me and many others that joined in for the call last night.

For those who may want to listen to the session again, you are now able to dial in to our playback line and listen to the teaching at your leisure:

School of the Prophets Playback Line
Dial:(641) 715-3800
Access Code: 29392
(Press 1 to hear Prophet Cynthia Johnson)

Additionally, please visit the blog post below for an additional outline of the teaching:

The Spirit of Lawlessness - Lawless Prophets

Again, we are grateful for your participation here at School of the Prophets. Please be sure to share this teaching with someone who may benefit from it.

Blessings be unto each of you,
Prophet Adrienne Williams

Visit School of the Prophets at:
Comment by Bishop James 'I Feel God' Brown on April 20, 2009 at 2:52pm
Comment by Adrienne Williams on April 19, 2009 at 4:59pm
Our next Prophetic Institute School of the Prophets Teleconference Teaching Session will be held as follows:

Monday, April 20, 2009
10 p.m. (EST)
9:00 p.m. (CST)
7:00 p.m. (PST)

Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access Code: 693355

This teaching call is held every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 10 p.m. (EST) and is offered as an additional FREE learning tool to assist those called to prophetic ministry.

Please note that it is not necessary to identify yourself on the line when you dial in if you choose not to do so. You are welcome to dial in and just listen.

For the Kingdom's sake,
Prophet Adrienne Williams
Ministry Contact No. (641) 715-3900 Ext. 63016#
School of the Prophets
Comment by Adrienne Williams on April 16, 2009 at 11:11pm

Comment by Fred Hutton on April 16, 2009 at 10:53am

KHPK TV 3 in Dallas/Fort Worth has half hour time slots available for Ministry programs at $25 each for a weekly program or a daily strip. All time slots are available (except Sunday evenings at &7:00pm and 8:30pm) You may contract for one airing or keep that price for up to one year. We are accepting bookings at this price throughout the month of April.

Your program must be ready to air, which could be a produced program or simply a video tape of your church service. Must be on DVD or Beta SP for the station to broadcast.

Our goal is to have ministry programs on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Thank you for your consideration,

Fred Hutton
KHPK TV 3 Dallas/Fort Worth
817-297-2230 Office
817-480-5222 Cell

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